Margen in english


pronunciation: mɑrdʒən part of speech: noun
In gestures

margen = border ; margin ; leeway ; fringe ; riverfront ; riverbank [river bank] ; verge. 

Example: The following represent some of the factors that might need to be specified: designations and sizes of typefaces and typefounts, special characters, rules and borders.Example: Word processing packages must be able to permit the user to manipulate test, as is necessary in alignment of margins, insertion and deletion of paragraphs, arrange for text to appear in the centre of the page and underline.Example: On magnetic tape, for instance, there will be a need for an inter record gap so that the tape drive has some space, some leeway, when starting or stopping the fast moving tape.Example: The university is located 15 miles from the center of town on the southern fringe.Example: With its riverfront orientation and steps leading down to the esplanade, the library evokes a Greek devotional temple.Example: They use a mobile floating library to serve riverbank communities.Example: The verges of these minor roads have had, in some cases, hundreds of years for native flora to become established.


» al margenon the sidelinestangential .

Example: This paper analyses by example how and why publishers have invested in new technologies, and provides a checklist for decision-making for those still on the sidelines.

Example: My second point may be a slightly tangential, but I hope it is a concrete reaction to the general tenor of Mr. Lubetzky's remarks and the general subject posed.

» al margen dedivorced fromuntouched (by)outside the purview ofother thanin spite ofdespitealthoughdespite the fact thatin spite of the fact that .

Example: Initially, however, we shall consider these phenomena as concepts in their own right, divorced from and unrelated to any particular discipline or context of study.

Example: Certainly the last thing we want is that books be shut up in tastefully decorated warehouses, watched over by highly trained storekeepers whose main purpose is to see that everything is kept tidily in its place and, as far as possible, untouched by human hands -- especially the sticky-fingered hands of marauding children.

Example: Administrative decisions, which are made behind the scenes sometimes outside the purview of a reference department or section, usually determine which reference services are offered.

Example: Non-book materials, then, may include any library information or resource centre materials, other than books or monographs.

Example: In spite of its inherent conservatism, the BM code favours direct entry.

Example: The scheme covers all knowledge, despite being special in purpose.

Example: These are the strengths of the Journal of Common Market Studies, although even this journal has a wider remit than its title suggest.

Example: Strangely enough, despite the fact that he was buddies with Henry Kissinger at Harvard, he is registered as a member of the Democratic Party.

Example: In spite of the fact that the investigation of the relationship of these two factors would be very important, there is still hardly any research done on this topic.

» al margen de la leyextra-judicial .

Example: These extra-judicial costs shall be considered at least 15% of the amount due, with a minimum of 150 euros = Estos gastos extrajudiciales serán de al menos el 15% de la cantidad debida, con un mínimo de 150 euros.

» apoyado con un estrecho margennarrowly endorsed .

Example: The film was narrowly endorsed by the ALA only after a heated and violent debate which is still reverberating = La película fue apoyada por la ALA con un estrecho margen después de un debate violento y acalorado que todavía resuena.

» comentario al margentangential comment .

Example: Despite several good tangential comments on such figures as Kafka and Rilke, his speculations lead us nowhere.

» como nota al margenon a sidenoteas an aside .

Example: On a sidenote, this book almost didn't happen when the author showed her editor her proposal.

Example: As an aside, if the analysis presented so far is correct, it has some interesting consequences.

» dar a Alguien un margen de confianzagive + Nombre + the benefit of the doubtget + the benefit of the doubt .

Example: Well, I was giving her the benefit of the doubt on knowing that women in Iraq under Saddam didn't have to wear burqas, did go to school, hold down jobs, etc.

Example: Cops always get the benefit of the doubt in cases where there may be no witness, such as speeding citations.

» dejar al margenleave + Nombre + out in the cold .

Example: This decision will leave too many victims of a trauma out in the cold for care, compensation, etc.

» dejar margenallow + margin .

Example: There is no margin allowed for the exercise of free will.

» mantenerse al margenkeep to + Reflexivotake + a back seatstand byremain on + the sidelineskeep out of itstand + idly by .

Example: New technologies are forcing libraries which have traditionally kept to themselves into a new stage of global cooperation.

Example: Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.

Example: Librarians cannot stand by trying to justify their existence while clinging to the traditional tasks of their profession7.

Example: The costs of not intervening quickly and decisively in developing human rights crises outweighed the advantages of remaining on the sidelines.

Example: She has been told that it is none of her business and should she wish to continue being part of their lives then she should keep out of it.

Example: Do not stand idly by while your neighbor's blood is shed.

» mantenerse al margen deremain + uninvolved inhold + Reflexivo + apart from .

Example: As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.

Example: It is important to acknowledge the fact that I don't hold myself apart from many of the problems that I am about to describe.

» mantenerse al margen de Algostay above + Algo .

Example: The academic librarian, by remaining neutral, can stay above the fray and does not need to take sides in order to provide scholars with access to the truth.

» mantenerse al margen de la famastay out of + the limelight .

Example: 'You can stay out of harm's way,' he replied, 'by going underground and staying out of the limelight'.

» mantenerse al margen de la mirada públicastay out of + the limelight .

Example: 'You can stay out of harm's way,' he replied, 'by going underground and staying out of the limelight'.

» mantenerse al margen de la vida públicastay out of + the limelight .

Example: 'You can stay out of harm's way,' he replied, 'by going underground and staying out of the limelight'.

» margen de beneficiomarkup ratemarkup [mark-up]profit margin .

Example: Preliminary surveys reveal geographical mark-up rates varied from 5-13% for the USA through 48-57% for EC countries, to 84-96% for Japan.

Example: The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) charges the same prices to all networks, but the networks add varying surcharges, dues, and markups to the OCLC prices.

Example: This article discusses vendors' costs and profit margins and suggests librarians should expect either bigger discounts or more added-value services, but not both.

» margen de confianzathe benefit of the doubt .

Example: What I realized is that, contrary to popular belief, what we want in a multi-cultural, diverse society is not tolerance, but the benefit of the doubt.

» margen de edadage group [age-group] .

Example: For example, audience level may be a criterion which is applied in order to divide a collection in a children's library into material suitable for different age groups.

» margen de errormargin of error .

Example: Numerical data should be accurately reiterated together with any margin of error.

» margen de excelenciamargin of excellence .

Example: We will seek alternative sources of funding to provide a margin of excellence not achievable with public dollars alone.

» margen de gananciamarkup ratemarkup [mark-up]profit margin .

Example: Preliminary surveys reveal geographical mark-up rates varied from 5-13% for the USA through 48-57% for EC countries, to 84-96% for Japan.

Example: The Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) charges the same prices to all networks, but the networks add varying surcharges, dues, and markups to the OCLC prices.

Example: This article discusses vendors' costs and profit margins and suggests librarians should expect either bigger discounts or more added-value services, but not both.

» margen de la carreteraroadside verge .

Example: People grow food in allotments and on high-rise rooftops, on river banks and roadside verges, in parks and market gardens and any piece of wasteland they can find.

» margen de la sociedadmargin of society .

Example: She is a staunch supporter of children and those living on the margin of society.

» margen del corteouter margin [Margen lateral de una página de un libro que queda en el lado opuesto al de su encuadernación] .

Example: The top and bottom of the book are known as the head and tail respectively, and the front is the fore-edge (rhymes with porridge); similarly the margins round the type on each page are called the head, tail, outer (at the fore-edge), and inner margins.

» margen del lomoinner margin [Margen lateral de una página que queda en el lado por donde ésta va encuadernada]gutter .

Example: The top and bottom of the book are known as the head and tail respectively, and the front is the fore-edge (rhymes with porridge); similarly the margins round the type on each page are called the head, tail, outer (at the fore-edge), and inner margins.

Example: The details of particular pages would include (in addition to the dimensions of the page and the number of lines) gutter measurements, the number of ems to the measure.

» margen del lomo recortadostub [Margen del lomo que queda al cortar un hoja eliminada; este margen se deja para poder pegar sobre él la la hoja repuesta] .

Example: After the sheet that was to contain a cancel had been folded, the cancellandum was cut out close to the inner margin and thrown away, and the cancellans was pasted on to the stub.

» margen del ríoriver bank [riverbank] .

Example: People grow food in allotments and on high-rise rooftops, on river banks and roadside verges, in parks and market gardens and any piece of wasteland they can find.

» margen de maniobraleewaymargin of/for manoeuvreroom for manoeuvre .

Example: On magnetic tape, for instance, there will be a need for an inter record gap so that the tape drive has some space, some leeway, when starting or stopping the fast moving tape.

Example: The Court should be left sufficient margin of manoeuvre to adopt its own rules in this respect.

Example: It is this combination of vertical and horizontal autonomy which effectively determines the local room for manoeuvre in decision-making.

» margen derechoright margin .

Example: Even in more mainstream publishing, despite the ubiquity of word processors, which can so easily produce justified text, ragged right margins are becoming more common, even fashionable.

» margen de seguridadmargin of safety .

Example: The difference between the usual effective dose and the dose that produces severe or life-threatening side effects is called the margin of safety.

» margen de tiempotime frame [timeframe] [Período de tiempo establecido para realizar una actividad] .

Example: This not only gives the decision maker an idea of the time frame involved but also aids in identifying potential weaknesses.

» margen escasísimorazor-thin margin .

Example: In an industry with razor-thin margins and intense price competition, customer loyalty and repeat purchasing is critical to financial success.

» margen inferiorbottom margin .

Example: If you set lines per page to 54, 12 lines are allowed for the top and bottom margins.

» margen ínfimorazor-thin margin .

Example: In an industry with razor-thin margins and intense price competition, customer loyalty and repeat purchasing is critical to financial success.

» margen izquierdoleft margin .

Example: Standard features of text formatting are: left and right margins, line spacing, page-breaks, page size, page numbering and justification.

» margen superiortop margin .

Example: If you set lines per page to 54, 12 lines are allowed for the top and bottom margins.

» nota al margensidenote [side-note] .

Example: The author evaluates the effectiveness of 'sidenotes' designed to improve reading comprehension and foster self-independence among poor-ability readers.

» no tener margen de errorhave + no margin for error .

Example: I didn't feel threatened, but I knew that I was on a razor's edge -- I had no margin for error.

» por un gran margenby a huge margin .

Example: By a huge margin respondents feeel that 'library' is synonymous with 'books' = Con una gran diferencia, los encuestados consideran la "biblioteca" como sinónimo de "libros".

» precio de coste más margen de beneficioscost-plus pricing .

Example: Cost-plus pricing is the technique whereby a bookseller or vendor prices each book sold on the formula of delivered cost from the publisher plus a percentage of that cost.

» quedarse al margenstand by .

Example: Librarians cannot stand by trying to justify their existence while clinging to the traditional tasks of their profession7.

» vivir al margen delive on + the fringes of .

Example: This article examines the role of public library trustees who appear to live on the fringes of the library profession, locked out of the decision making mainstream.

Margen synonyms

edge in spanish: borde, pronunciation: edʒ part of speech: noun tolerance in spanish: tolerancia, pronunciation: tɑlɜrəns part of speech: noun leeway in spanish: libertad de acción, pronunciation: liweɪ part of speech: noun border in spanish: frontera, pronunciation: bɔrdɜr part of speech: noun allowance in spanish: tolerancia, pronunciation: əlaʊəns part of speech: noun perimeter in spanish: perímetro, pronunciation: pɜrɪmətɜr part of speech: noun gross profit in spanish: beneficio bruto, pronunciation: groʊsprɑfət part of speech: noun gross profit margin in spanish: margen de beneficio bruto, pronunciation: groʊsprɑfətmɑrdʒən part of speech: noun security deposit in spanish: depósito de seguridad, pronunciation: sɪkjʊrətidəpɑzɪt part of speech: noun
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