Maltrecho in english


pronunciation: sɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

maltrecho = battered ; ruined ; ramshackle ; beat-up ; gammy. 

Example: Seventeenth-century English printing was abysmally poor, and there are few books that were not set in ill-cast, battered type, clumsily arranged and carelessly printed in brown ink on shabby paper.Example: The beach is a ruined landscape, eerily quiet, save for the hum of mechanical diggers searching for yet more corpses.Example: The ramshackle village clings like a limpet to the cliffs.Example: The fact is that a beat-up guitar looks cooler than a pristine one, and getting it to look beat up just by playing it takes a really long time.Example: He's calling it a day, worn down by a combination of blisters, crotch chafe, gammy knees and the sudden onset of old age.

Maltrecho synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective cat in spanish: gato, pronunciation: kæt part of speech: noun cast in spanish: emitir, pronunciation: kæst part of speech: verb, noun upset in spanish: trastornado, pronunciation: əpset part of speech: verb, noun crazy in spanish: loco, pronunciation: kreɪzi part of speech: adjective faint in spanish: débil, pronunciation: feɪnt part of speech: adjective mad in spanish: enojado, pronunciation: mæd part of speech: adjective ill in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: ɪl part of speech: adjective insane in spanish: insano, pronunciation: ɪnseɪn part of speech: adjective funny in spanish: gracioso, pronunciation: fʌni part of speech: adjective giddy in spanish: mareado, pronunciation: gɪdi part of speech: adjective chuck in spanish: arrojar, pronunciation: tʃʌk part of speech: noun livery in spanish: librea, pronunciation: lɪvɜri part of speech: noun spew in spanish: arrojar, pronunciation: spju part of speech: verb dizzy in spanish: mareado, pronunciation: dɪzi part of speech: adjective stricken in spanish: afligido, pronunciation: strɪkən part of speech: adjective delirious in spanish: delirante, pronunciation: dɪlɪriəs part of speech: adjective queasy in spanish: mareado, pronunciation: kwizi part of speech: adjective vertiginous in spanish: vertiginoso, pronunciation: vɜrtɪdʒənəs part of speech: adjective demented in spanish: demente, pronunciation: dɪmentɪd part of speech: adjective bilious in spanish: bilioso, pronunciation: bɪliəs part of speech: adjective distracted in spanish: distraído, pronunciation: dɪstræktəd part of speech: adjective puke in spanish: vómito, pronunciation: pjuk part of speech: verb, noun regurgitate in spanish: regurgitar, pronunciation: rɪgɜrdʒəteɪt part of speech: verb vomit in spanish: vómito, pronunciation: vɑmət part of speech: verb, noun retch in spanish: vomitar fácilmente, pronunciation: retʃ part of speech: verb, noun afflicted in spanish: afligido, pronunciation: əflɪktəd part of speech: adjective unhinged in spanish: desquiciado, pronunciation: ənhɪndʒd part of speech: adjective infirm in spanish: enfermizo, pronunciation: ɪnfɜrm part of speech: adjective honk in spanish: bocinazo, pronunciation: hɑŋk part of speech: noun, verb barf in spanish: vomitar, pronunciation: bɑrf part of speech: verb disturbed in spanish: perturbado, pronunciation: dɪstɜrbd part of speech: adjective ailing in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: eɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective dyspeptic in spanish: dispéptico, pronunciation: dɪspeptɪk part of speech: adjective woozy in spanish: mareado y confuso, pronunciation: wuzi part of speech: adjective indisposed in spanish: indispuesto, pronunciation: ɪndɪspoʊzd part of speech: adjective feverish in spanish: febril, pronunciation: fivɜrɪʃ part of speech: adjective convalescent in spanish: convaleciente, pronunciation: kɑnvəlesənt part of speech: adjective, noun sickly in spanish: enfermizo, pronunciation: sɪkli part of speech: adjective unbalanced in spanish: desequilibrado, pronunciation: ənbælənst part of speech: adjective nauseated in spanish: nauseabundo, pronunciation: nɔzieɪtəd part of speech: adjective spastic in spanish: espástico, pronunciation: spæstɪk part of speech: adjective bedridden in spanish: postrado en cama, pronunciation: bedrɪdən part of speech: adjective fed up in spanish: harto, pronunciation: fedʌp disgusted in spanish: disgustado, pronunciation: dɪsgʌstəd part of speech: adjective disgorge in spanish: vomitar, pronunciation: dɪsgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb throw up in spanish: vomitar, pronunciation: θroʊʌp part of speech: verb scrofulous in spanish: escrofuloso, pronunciation: skrɔfjələs part of speech: adjective upchuck in spanish: vomitar a uno, pronunciation: ʌptʃək part of speech: verb light-headed in spanish: mareado, pronunciation: laɪthidɪd part of speech: adjective diabetic in spanish: diabético, pronunciation: daɪəbetɪk part of speech: adjective spue in spanish: vomitar fácilmente, pronunciation: spju part of speech: verb unwell in spanish: indispuesto, pronunciation: ənwel part of speech: adjective aguish in spanish: aguish, pronunciation: ægəʃ part of speech: adjective swooning in spanish: desmayo, pronunciation: swunɪŋ part of speech: adjective liverish in spanish: irritable, pronunciation: lɪvɜrɪʃ part of speech: adjective gouty in spanish: gotoso, pronunciation: gaʊti part of speech: adjective seasick in spanish: mareado, pronunciation: sisɪk part of speech: adjective brainsick in spanish: trastornado mentalmente, pronunciation: breɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective sneezy in spanish: estornudo, pronunciation: snizi part of speech: adjective consumptive in spanish: consuntivo, pronunciation: kənsʌmptɪv part of speech: adjective regorge in spanish: vomitar sin esfuerzo, pronunciation: rɪgɔrdʒ part of speech: verb bedfast in spanish: en cama, pronunciation: bedfæst part of speech: adjective feverous in spanish: febril, pronunciation: fevɜrəs part of speech: adjective airsick in spanish: mareado, pronunciation: ersɪk part of speech: adjective hallucinating in spanish: alucinando, pronunciation: həlusəneɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective carsick in spanish: mareo, pronunciation: kɑrsɪk part of speech: adjective recovering in spanish: recuperante, pronunciation: rəkʌvɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective tuberculous in spanish: tuberculoso, pronunciation: tjubɜrkjələs part of speech: adjective tubercular in spanish: tubercular, pronunciation: tjubɜrkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective menstruating in spanish: menstruando, pronunciation: menstrueɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective bedrid in spanish: postrado en cama, pronunciation: bedrɪd part of speech: adjective sickish in spanish: enfermizo, pronunciation: sɪkɪʃ part of speech: adjective bronchitic in spanish: bronquítico, pronunciation: brɑntʃɪtɪk part of speech: adjective sick-abed in spanish: enfermo de enfermedad, pronunciation: sɪkəbed part of speech: adjective sick of in spanish: cansado de, pronunciation: sɪkʌv unhealed in spanish: sin curar, pronunciation: ənhild part of speech: adjective vomit up in spanish: vomitar, pronunciation: vɑmətʌp part of speech: verb tired of in spanish: cansado de, pronunciation: taɪɜrdʌv be sick in spanish: estar enfermo, pronunciation: bisɪk part of speech: verb
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