Maderero in english


pronunciation: lʌmbɜrdʒæk part of speech: noun
In gestures

maderero = lumber. 

Example: Today, with its population of almost 80,000, Wexler bears little resemblance to the roaring lumber center it became in the middle decades of the nineteenth century.


» bosque madererotimberland .

Example: In the south central United States more than 22 million acres of timberland are now poorly stocked.

» empresa madereralumber company .

Example: She earned her stripes by starting as an office assistant and quickly jumped into dispatching trucks and eventually managing all of the freight for a large wholesale lumber company.

» industria maderera, lalumber trade, thelumber industry, thetimber industry, thetimber trade, the .

Example: The softwood lumber trade dispute between the US and Canada is the largest and longest lasting dispute between the two countries.

Example: The heart of the dispute is the claim that the Canadian lumber industry is unfairly subsidized by the federal and provincial governments.

Example: The author discusses historico-geographical approaches to studying New Zealand's frozen meat and timber industries.

Example: Countries with lots of forest stand to benefit from the lucrative timber trade, but at what cost to their ecological footprint?.

» terreno madererotimberland .

Example: In the south central United States more than 22 million acres of timberland are now poorly stocked.

Maderero synonyms

lumberman in spanish: maderero, pronunciation: lʌmbɜrmən part of speech: noun timberman in spanish: timonel, pronunciation: tɪmbɜrmən part of speech: noun
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