Macizo in english


pronunciation: sɑləd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

macizo = rock solid ; well-built. 

Example: The numbers in the ad, which are quite eye-opening, are rock-solid.Example: She rested her gaze on a group of students in the center of the weight room who were gathered around a very large and well-built boy.


» de oro macizosolid-gold .

Example: A thief has swiped the solid-gold medallion given as a Nobel Prize in Physics to Ernest Lawrence.

Macizo synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective sound in spanish: sonar, pronunciation: saʊnd part of speech: noun, adjective hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective strong in spanish: fuerte, pronunciation: strɔŋ part of speech: adjective opaque in spanish: opaco, pronunciation: oʊpeɪk part of speech: adjective dry in spanish: seco, pronunciation: draɪ part of speech: adjective plain in spanish: llanura, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun firm in spanish: firma, pronunciation: fɜrm part of speech: noun, adjective substantial in spanish: sustancial, pronunciation: səbstæntʃəl part of speech: adjective noble in spanish: noble, pronunciation: noʊbəl part of speech: adjective concrete in spanish: hormigón, pronunciation: kənkrit part of speech: adjective, noun homogeneous in spanish: homogéneo, pronunciation: hoʊmədʒiniəs part of speech: adjective hearty in spanish: abundante, pronunciation: hɑrti part of speech: adjective massive in spanish: masivo, pronunciation: mæsɪv part of speech: adjective worthy in spanish: digno, pronunciation: wɜrði part of speech: adjective frozen in spanish: congelado, pronunciation: froʊzən part of speech: adjective unanimous in spanish: unánime, pronunciation: junænəməs part of speech: adjective wholesome in spanish: saludable, pronunciation: hoʊlsəm part of speech: adjective honorable in spanish: honorable, pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective honourable in spanish: honorable, pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective cubic in spanish: cúbico, pronunciation: kjubɪk part of speech: adjective upstanding in spanish: recto, pronunciation: ʌpstændɪŋ part of speech: adjective satisfying in spanish: satisfactorio, pronunciation: sætɪsfaɪɪŋ part of speech: adjective unbroken in spanish: intacto, pronunciation: ənbroʊkən part of speech: adjective congealed in spanish: congelado, pronunciation: kəndʒild part of speech: adjective coagulated in spanish: coagulado, pronunciation: koʊægjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective three-dimensional in spanish: tridimensional, pronunciation: θrizdɪmenʃənəl part of speech: adjective solidified in spanish: solidificado, pronunciation: səlɪdəfaɪd part of speech: adjective solidness in spanish: solidez, pronunciation: soʊlɪdnəs part of speech: noun solid-state in spanish: de Estado sólido, pronunciation: sɑlədsteɪt part of speech: adjective semisolid in spanish: semisólido, pronunciation: semɪsɑləd part of speech: adjective jelled in spanish: jeleado, pronunciation: dʒeld part of speech: adjective unvaried in spanish: sin variación, pronunciation: ənverid part of speech: adjective jellied in spanish: en gelatina, pronunciation: dʒelid part of speech: adjective unpatterned in spanish: sin patrón, pronunciation: ənpætɜrnd part of speech: adjective self-colored in spanish: coloreado, pronunciation: selfkəlɔrd part of speech: adjective undiversified in spanish: no diversificado, pronunciation: əndɪvɜrsɪfaɪd part of speech: adjective self-coloured in spanish: coloreado, pronunciation: selfkəlʊrd part of speech: adjective unhollowed in spanish: sin seguimiento, pronunciation: ənhɑloʊd part of speech: adjective
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