Macicez in english


pronunciation: mæsɪvnəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

macicez = sturdiness. 

Example: The life of military brats is a 'mixed bag': they're worldly and sophisticated, which civilians might label as 'sturdiness'.

Macicez synonyms

heft in spanish: peso, pronunciation: heft part of speech: noun ponderousness in spanish: pesadez, pronunciation: pɑndɜrəsnəs part of speech: noun bulkiness in spanish: volumen, pronunciation: bʌlkinəs part of speech: noun ponderosity in spanish: ponderosidad, pronunciation: pɑndɜrɑsəti part of speech: noun heftiness in spanish: pesadez, pronunciation: heftinəs part of speech: noun
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