Machismo in english


pronunciation: mətʃɪzmoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

machismo = male chauvinism ; machismo. 

Example: It may be 2013, but male chauvinism is alive and well and rampant in America!.Example: To poke fun at the follies of feminism is not to commend a brutal machismo.


» machismo chovinistachauvinist piggerychauvinistic piggerymale chauvinism .

Example: In addition, the author urges men to examine their own attitudes for evidences of what he referred to as 'chauvinist piggery'.

Example: And Catholic vows of clerical celibacy, even when kept, have proved to be no bar to all the usual kinds of male chauvinistic piggery.

Example: It may be 2013, but male chauvinism is alive and well and rampant in America!.
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