Macabro in english


pronunciation: məkɑbrə part of speech: adjective
In gestures

macabro = macabre ; grisly ; sinister ; gruesome ; ghoulish. 

Example: In addition, it is pointed out that tourists often have a strange fascination for tragic, macabre or other equally unappealing historical sights.Example: Much of what he sees and shows his readers is grim, if not grisly.Example: The selectman received this explanation in silence, but he fastened on the librarian a glance full of sinister meaning.Example: We hear horrendous tales of shootings in schools and colleges and gruesome murder of parents.Example: Run for your lives! It seems that some normally angelic children from the neighbouhood have been replaced by some ghostly and ghoulish characters and are coming to get YOU!.

Macabro synonyms

grim in spanish: severo, pronunciation: grɪm part of speech: adjective gruesome in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: grusəm part of speech: adjective ghastly in spanish: horrible, pronunciation: gæstli part of speech: adjective grisly in spanish: espeluznante, pronunciation: grɪzli part of speech: adjective alarming in spanish: alarmante, pronunciation: əlɑrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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