Liberal in english
pronunciation: lɪbɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun
pronunciation: lɪbɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures
liberal1 = liberal.
Example: It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.liberal2 = liberal ; liberal-minded ; freewheeling [free-wheeling] ; free-thinking.
Example: This article suggests that to limit research to that which is useful is a conservative reaction from a seemingly liberal profession.Example: Almost without exception libraries have agreed with the liberal-minded who wanted to make the immigrants' transition into a new society as painless as possible.Example: The culture that grew around this institution was even more freewheeling than it is today.Example: The boldness of their appearance charmed many free-thinking courtiers at the same time that it scandalized the conservative contingent.more:
» actitud liberal = liberal attitude .
Example: 'Nation Review' was an Australian national newspaper of the 70s, noted for its irreverence and its liberal attitudes = "Nation Review" fue un periódico nacional australiano de la década de los 70, caracterizado por su falta de respeto y su actitud liberal.» artes liberales, las = liberal arts, the [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo] .
Example: This article surveys faculty perceptions of the status, role and contribution of librarians at Albion College, a small, selective liberal arts college in Michigan.» chica liberal = flapper [Término usado en los años 1920] .
Example: He said that growing up during the depression he always looked back wistfully to the 1920s age of flappers as an era of freedom he had missed.» de pensamiento liberal = free-thinking .
Example: The boldness of their appearance charmed many free-thinking courtiers at the same time that it scandalized the conservative contingent.» educación liberal = liberal education [Educación cuyo objetivo principal es la formación intelectual de la persona más que el ejercicio de una profesión] .
Example: The conservative position on the crisis in humanities, or liberal education, in USA, is fundamentally anti-democratic.» neoliberal = neo-liberal [neo liberal] .
Example: Mechanisms chosen to achieve the policy goals follow 2 distinct approaches: a neo-liberal, market led, Western model; and a dirigiste, interventionist, East Asian model = Los mecanismos escogidos para conseguir los objetivos políticos siguen dos enfoques distintos: un modelo occidental neoliberal mercantilista y un modelo del este asiático intervencionista.» Partido Liberal Democrático, el = Liberal Democrats, the .
Example: Mr Hammond said the Liberal Democrats are 'all over the place' on the economy.» pensamiento liberal = liberal thought .
Example: These books have appeared at an inopportune time for radical or even liberal thought.» profesión liberal = liberal profession .
Example: To limit research to that which is useful is a conservative reaction from a seemingly liberal profession.» reforma liberal = liberal reform .
Example: Muckraking has usually been associated with liberal reform movements.