Lección in english
pronunciation: lesən part of speech: noun
pronunciation: lesən part of speech: noun
In gestures

lección = lesson ; cautionary tale.
Example: There were lessons in this story which appear to have been ignored but remain valid for the future.Example: Many of the stories told about fairies seem to be cautionary tales, showing that they can be very helpful, as long as you stay on the right side of them.more:
» aprender la lección = learn + Posesivo + lesson .
Example: One lesson soon learned was that cultural and library needs are only a small part of a municipality's overall policy.» dar lecciones = give + lessons .
Example: France as a former empire is not in a position to give lessons to US and the World and cannot speak in the name of other countries.» darle una lección a Alguien = school .
Example: I felt like I was in boot camp being schooled by tough drill sergeants.» dar una lección = teach a lesson .
Example: Mrs. Ross testified that virtually every day Mr. Ross, during their wranglings, would tell her he was 'going to teach her a lesson'.» dar una lección de humildad = humble .
Example: But more than anything else, I'd like to thank him for humbling me, for talking to me and showing me the world through a different lens.» enseñar una lección = give + a lesson ; teach + a lesson .
Example: Why dont't they give these people some lessons in common courtesy?. Example: Emphasis was placed on learning the lessons taught by history.» lección de historia = lesson from history ; history lesson .
Example: A lesson from history teaches us debt is a costly mistress. Example: The study of Britain's involvement in the slave trade is to be made compulsory as part of history lessons in English secondary schools.» lección de humildad = humbling experience .
Example: I wasn't prepared for the humbling experience of learning how far my expectations were from reality and how much I needed to learn.» lecciones aprendidas = lessons learned [lessons learnt] .
Example: Many of the lessons learned from these systems should carry over to other fields of scholarly publication.» lección magistral = lecture .
Example: The staff undertake searches and enquiries for the user and educate the user by various ways, from informal discussion to fully prepared lectures.» sacar lecciones de = draw + lessons from .
Example: This article attempts to draw lessons for library management from a cooperative, leaderless orchestra in the USA, the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.