Latín in english


pronunciation: lætən part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

latín = Latin. 

Example: This tutorial is a beginners' guide to the Latin used in documents between 1086 and 1733.


» cruz latinaLatin cross .

Example: Both the Latin and Greek crosses play an important part in the decorative styles of church buildings during the fourth and subsequent centuries.

» en latínLatin .

Example: Julius Caesar had the idea of founding a national or public library in Rome 'to open to the public the greatest possible libraries of Greek and Latin books'.

» latín clásicoClassical Latin .

Example: Between Classical Latin and the Romance languages came Vulgar Latin, the Latin that was spoken and changed faster than the literary language.

» latin loverLatin lover .

Example: Since most Latin men adore their mothers or grandmothers who raised them, the best bet to get your Latin lover back is to act like them.

» latín macarrónicodog Latinmock Latin .

Example: Writers and filmmakers also often employ dog Latin (or dog Greek) when in need of names for characters, places or objects.

Example: It is known that the word 'hocus pocus' appeared in the seventeenth century as a mock-Latin formula or incantation used by conjurers.

» latín vulgarVulgar Latin .

Example: Between Classical Latin and the Romance languages came Vulgar Latin, the Latin that was spoken and changed faster than the literary language.

» sabe latín(as) bright as a button [Usado generalmente para cosas o seres pequeños] .

Example: She was as bright as a button and proudly told me that she was at 99 the second oldest person in Tenby.

Latín synonyms

romance in spanish: romance, pronunciation: roʊmæns part of speech: noun emotional in spanish: emocional, pronunciation: ɪmoʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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