Justo in english


pronunciation: fer part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

justar = joust. 

Example: He has never ridden before but wants to learn to ride so he can eventually learn to joust.

justo1 = fair ; rightful ; salt of the earth ; just ; even-handed. 

Example: It is hardly fair to assess the British Museum code by modern standards for catalogue codes.Example: Use of a library is a minority event since only a small segment of rightful users of a library really makes use of it.Example: In the novel, residents of the drought-plagued hamlet of Champaner, egged on by a salt-of-the-earth hothead leader, recklessly accept a sporting challenge thrown down by the commander of the local British troops.Example: Since neither position, in the extreme, represents a just or workable solution, a compromise must be introduced.Example: It is remarkable how even-handed this account is -- Farrell reveals Nixon's flaws but also shows the man's capacity for generosity and kindness.


» a su precio justoat the right price .

Example: If you find the right house at the right price, buy it.

» causa justagood causejust cause .

Example: This novel describes the consequences of a murder committed for good cause, as well as examining the meaning of obligation, community, and honor in a polarized society = Esta novela describe las consecuencias de un asesinato cometido por una causa justa al mismo tiempo que examina el significado de la obligación, la comunidad y el honor en una sociedad dividida.

Example: Furthermore, if the library 's governance system is guilty of poor performance, it is more difficult to induce corrective action from a committee than from one person, who can be more easily removed for just cause.

» comercio justofair trade .

Example: The article is entitled 'Publishing abroad: fair trade or short sell for non English speaking authors?'.

» considerar en su justa medidasee + in proportion .

Example: Management information should in fact be seen in proportion as a particular category information.

» encontrar el equilibro justostrike + the right balance .

Example: We therefore have to strike the right balance if we are not to deprive the waste pickers of their income.

» guerra justajust warfarejust war .

Example: The first rule of just warfare is that we do not target or kill the innocent.

Example: Just wars are supposed to be fought by people with noble intentions.

» injusticia justarough justice .

Example: If this was rough justice, it was brought on themselves by their failures.

» juicio justofair trial .

Example: A ban was issued on the publication of information about the trial for manslaughter of Karla Homolka in order to ensure her estranged husband Paul Teale gets a fair trial = Se ha prohibido publicar nada sobre el juicio por homicidio involuntario de Karla Homolka a fin de conseguir que su marido del que se había separado, Paul Teale, tenga un juicio justo.

» justo castigonemesis .

Example: When possible the victim will disappear upon the approach of the nemesis.

» justo o injustofair or not .

Example: And the South takes the cake for being the most car-dependent region -- fair or not, you just gotta have one to survive.

» justo o nofair or not .

Example: And the South takes the cake for being the most car-dependent region -- fair or not, you just gotta have one to survive.

» justo y equitativofair and equitable .

Example: The persona non grata must be given fair and equitable time to finish their business before warning them.

» oportunidad justasporting chance .

Example: The bear was shot in his cage and was never given a sporting chance to fight for his life.

» pagar justos por pecadoresthe innocent + suffer + for the guiltythrow + the baby out with the bath water .

Example: And also I'm opposed to the idea of the innocent suffering for the guilty.

Example: The article carries the title 'Telecommunications perspectives: `keeping a secret; encryption revisited (or, are we throwing the baby out with the bath water?)'.

» palabra justa, lamot juste, the .

Example: The inevitable difficulties that come with the need to translate material into seven different languages are often compounded by the attempt to find the 'mot juste' to embrace a variety of situations or systems which may vary from state to state, or indeed within states.

» para ser justoin (all) fairness .

Example: In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either.

» recibir un trato justotreat + Nombre + fairly .

Example: Once elected, the chair is responsible for maintaining discipline and ensuring that all students are treated fairly.

» recompensa justajust reward .

Example: It was a just reward for the two hectic years she had spent answering telephones that never stopped ringing.

» sea justo o injustofair or not .

Example: And the South takes the cake for being the most car-dependent region -- fair or not, you just gotta have one to survive.

» sea justo o nofair or not .

Example: And the South takes the cake for being the most car-dependent region -- fair or not, you just gotta have one to survive.

» ser justoplay + fair .

Example: There is nothing wrong in teaching the values of sharing and playing fair among sibblings.

» ser justo con todosgive the devil his due .

Example: We don't really get on with the new boss but he has some good ideas so we must give the devil his due.

» ser justo hasta con el diablogive the devil his due .

Example: We don't really get on with the new boss but he has some good ideas so we must give the devil his due.

» ser justo quethere + be + justice in .

Example: There was justice in Dickens's complaint that his books would have made him many thousands of pounds in America if he had been able to copyright them there.

» una negociación justaa square deal .

Example: The motto of the paper was, 'A square deal and a fair chance -- no more, no less'.

» un trato justoa square deal .

Example: The motto of the paper was, 'A square deal and a fair chance -- no more, no less'.

justo2 = squarely ; smack ; just. 

Example: Surveillance licensing is one question which falls squarely into the 'free movement of goods' category and does not involve the harmonization of the laws of member states.Example: Anyone who knows Jakarta at all will know that the Hotel Indonesia is smack in the middle of the city.Example: To start Bibliofile just type 'bib' at the DOS prompt as shown below, then press <Enter>.


» dar justo en el blancobe dead on target .

Example: From this chance observation, Kazantsev drew two conclusions: one dead on target, the other, way out in left field.

» dar justo en el clavobe right on the nosehit it + right on the noseget it + right on the nose .

Example: Your documentary sounds absolutely sensational and if there were anything I could do to help, I'd be glad to be a part of it -- it's right on the nose.

Example: It hits right on the nose with what's going on these days and what I went through in high school.

Example: I was so surprised by their coffee, I was totally expecting disgusting nasty poopy coffee -- but they got it right on the nose!.

» dar justo en la dianabe dead on target .

Example: From this chance observation, Kazantsev drew two conclusions: one dead on target, the other, way out in left field.

» el futuro + estar + justo a la vuelta de la esquinathe future + be + just around the corner .

Example: But the future is just around the corner and we have to get our skates on.

» en el momento justoright on cue .

Example: And so, over and over again, in public and right on cue, he wiped away a tear, bit his lip, and said how remorseful he felt.

» estar en el sitio justo en el momento precisobe on the spot .

Example: These officers, by being on the spot, are able to gain early warning of impending developments and smooth the path of grant and loan applications.

» estar justo en medio destand + squarely in .

Example: We stand squarely in a no-man's land between a rough technology and a vague science.

» justo ahoraright nowjust now .

Example: At these words he gulped loudly, spilling his coffee recklessly, and then said 'Right now!'.

Example: I was struck by some of the techniques that you have presented just now on the screen.

» justo a la vuelta de la esquinajust (a)round the corner .

Example: In Gothenburg everything is 'just around the corner,' and so a wide variety of restaurants, parks and shops can be found within walking distance of your hotel.

» justo al finalat the very end .

Example: I started to cry right at the very end when Holly began telling Artemis his own story.

» justo ante + Posesivo + naricesright under + Posesivo + nose .

Example: Sometimes something that is fundamental can remain somewhat hidden even though it's right under our noses.

» justo antes deon the eve ofin the run-up toduring the run-up to .

Example: Thus a letter home from a common soldier on the eve of a great battle is likely to be of considerably more interest to the historian than a leave pass signed by the commanding general of one of the armies involved.

Example: State libraries are expected to provide leadership in the run-up to the 1991 White House Conference on Libraries on issues such as censorship, literacy and multiculturalism.

Example: A good illustration of this is the two-page advertisement placed in the Financial Times during the run-up to the 1984 European Parliament election.

» justo antes (de que)immediately before .

Example: In order to execute this mammoth task, the route to the theatre was completely cleared immediately before the convoy set off.

» justo a tiempo(just) in the nick of timejust in time [En biblioteconomía, principio por el cual la prioridad de la biblioteca es prestar un servicio rápido al usuario más que "acumular" material]not a moment too soonnot a minute too soonright on time .

Example: Some would say that Britain managed to get into the Community in the nick of time, before the recession set in.

Example: The project shifts the paradigm for information services in support of research from a 'just in case' collection centred approach to 'just in time' service oriented operation.

Example: Spring comes has come to Bloomington -- not a moment too soon.

Example: This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.

Example: At this point the project has moved along with zero delays so I expect us to be done right on time.

» justo de la misma manera quein just the same way as .

Example: The indexer must become conversant with the subject content of the document, in just the same way as an abstractor must immerse himself in the text.

» justo delante de + Posesivo + naricesright under + Posesivo + nose .

Example: Sometimes something that is fundamental can remain somewhat hidden even though it's right under our noses.

» justo desde cerostraight from scratch .

Example: I simply love lemon meringue pies and I can easily bake one at home straight from scratch.

» justo después deimmediately afterright behindright afteron the heels ofon the coattails ofstraight afterimmediately following .

Example: Sprinkler systems fight fire, and transmit alarm at the same time, immediately after the beginning of a fire.

Example: Right behind commercialization comes privatization.

Example: Cooperation between libraries in the 2 groups of countries began right after the Baltic countries' independence, at the initiative of the Nordic countries = La cooperación entre las bibliotecas de los dos grupos de países comenzó justo después de la independencia de los países bálticos, por iniciativa de los países Nórdicos.

Example: In a free market supply is always on the heels of demand.

Example: Putin, the Russian leader who came to power in 1999 on the coattails of a brutal war with Chechnya, was among the first visitors to this new mosque.

Example: Is it safe to try for a baby straight after a miscarriage?.

Example: The uniform heading area of the reference entry may be inserted in the authority entry immediately following the information note.

» justo detrás deright behind .

Example: Right behind commercialization comes privatization.

» justo el día siguientethe very next day .

Example: So browse our site, keep an eye on the clock above and place your order by 5 to qualify for delivery the very next day.

» justo empezando de cerostraight from scratch .

Example: I simply love lemon meringue pies and I can easily bake one at home straight from scratch.

» justo enright in/onfair and square onslap-bang in .

Example: In this case, however, summer vacation resulted in universities and other institutions closing down completely right in the middle of her stay.

Example: And he lay the blame for the attack fair and square on the shoulders of the US president George W. Bush and the French president.

Example: Tiny Andorra is slap-bang in the Pyrenees between France and Spain.

» justo encima desmack right on top of .

Example: He got hit with a cricket ball, smack right on top of his knocker.

» justo en el centro (de)plumb in the middle (of)slap-bang in the centre (of)smack in the middle (of)slap-bang in the middle (of)smack in the centre (of) .

Example: The best known is probably Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming, just about plumb in the middle of the continent.

Example: After all, how many other cities of over 100000 inhabitants can boast a big oil refinery slap-bang in the centre?.

Example: I love getting off the subway at 42nd Street, walking up those stairs and just being smack in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of New York.

Example: Corsica is a small mountainous island situated slap-bang in the middle of the Mediterranean sea close to Italy and Sardinia = Córcega es una isla montañosa situada justo en el medio del mar Mediterráneo cerca de Italia y Cerdeña.

Example: Now at the beginning of fall a new construction site is appearing and it's smack in the centre of town.

» justo en el medio (de)plumb in the middle (of)slap-bang in the centre (of)smack in the middle (of)slap-bang in the middle (of)smack in the centre (of) .

Example: The best known is probably Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming, just about plumb in the middle of the continent.

Example: After all, how many other cities of over 100000 inhabitants can boast a big oil refinery slap-bang in the centre?.

Example: I love getting off the subway at 42nd Street, walking up those stairs and just being smack in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of New York.

Example: Corsica is a small mountainous island situated slap-bang in the middle of the Mediterranean sea close to Italy and Sardinia = Córcega es una isla montañosa situada justo en el medio del mar Mediterráneo cerca de Italia y Cerdeña.

Example: Now at the beginning of fall a new construction site is appearing and it's smack in the centre of town.

» justo en el momento (más) adecuadoperfectly-timed .

Example: She has an uncanny and unnerving ability to make you crease up with laughter before dropping a perfectly-timed bombshell.

» justo en el momento (más) oportunoperfectly-timed .

Example: She has an uncanny and unnerving ability to make you crease up with laughter before dropping a perfectly-timed bombshell.

» justo en ese momentojust then .

Example: There was no other way that William could just then express the understanding he had clearly reached that some books are impossible to read.

» justo entoncesimmediately .

Example: When you meet with a new co-worker, you immediately begin to develop an initial impression of this person.

» justo frente a + Posesivo + naricesright under + Posesivo + nose .

Example: Sometimes something that is fundamental can remain somewhat hidden even though it's right under our noses.

» justo hastadown to .

Example: A user could formulate a request in natural language, which would then be processed by the system and matched against the data base to give a ranked output down to the set cut-off point.

» justo hasta el finalto the very end .

Example: He was one of the few workers who saw the project out to the very end when some had dropped by the wayside.

» justo lo contrario dequite the opposite of .

Example: This game represents quite the opposite of the classical learning and teaching method.

» justo lo que se necesitajust the ticketthat's the ticket! .

Example: The article 'Just the ticket' describes how a resource library can provide answers to many questions that concern anxious health care users = El artículo "Como anillo al dedo" describe cómo una biblioteca de recursos puede dar respuesta a muchas cuestiones que preocupan a los usuarios de la asistencia sanitaria.

Example: He was a pathological liar making up the lies on the spot, and if he came up with a particularly good lie he would say his catchphrase, 'That's the ticket!'.

» justo partiendo de cerostraight from scratch .

Example: I simply love lemon meringue pies and I can easily bake one at home straight from scratch.

» justo por debajo deimmediately below .

Example: Immediately below the screw the spindle was squared and pierced to take the bar, a crooked iron rod with a wooden handle.

» justo + Preposiciónright + Preposición .

Example: Right behind commercialization comes privatization.

» llegar justo a tiempobe right on time .

Example: The waiting area is comfortable, and my appointments have been right on time.

» ser justo lo que se necesitabe just the thingbe just the ticketbe just the jobbe just perfecttick + all the boxesbe just what the doctor ordered .

Example: What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.

Example: Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.

Example: She came up with a detail from a recent painting which was just the job, and we agreed terms relatively quickly.

Example: The weather was just perfect for taking shots as I wandered around.

Example: Open plan living with light, bright sun-filled rooms, this family home boasting a flexible floor plan ticks all the boxes for family living.

Example: Sometimes a good cry is just what the doctor ordered.

» ser justo lo que Uno necesitabe (right) up + Posesivo + alleybe (right) up + Posesivo + street .

Example: For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.

Example: She is known to be a good talker and listener so this role is right up her street.

» venir justo después decome on + the heels of .

Example: The move came on the heels of Russia's decision to reinstitute bomber missions over the North Sea after a 17-year hiatus.

» vivir con lo justolive on + a shoestring (budget) .

Example: If you consider eating out a couple times a week a necessity rather than a lark, you aren't cut out for living on a shoestring.

Justo synonyms

clear in spanish: claro, pronunciation: klɪr part of speech: adjective beautiful in spanish: hermoso, pronunciation: bjutəfəl part of speech: adjective clean in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: klin part of speech: adjective, verb just in spanish: sólo, pronunciation: dʒʌst part of speech: adverb average in spanish: promedio, pronunciation: ævɜrɪdʒ part of speech: adjective, noun indifferent in spanish: indiferente, pronunciation: ɪndɪfrənt part of speech: adjective moderate in spanish: moderar, pronunciation: mɑdɜrət part of speech: adjective mediocre in spanish: mediocre, pronunciation: midioʊkɜr part of speech: adjective ordinary in spanish: ordinario, pronunciation: ɔrdəneri part of speech: adjective reasonable in spanish: razonable, pronunciation: rizənəbəl part of speech: adjective blonde in spanish: rubia, pronunciation: blɑnd part of speech: adjective, noun legible in spanish: legible, pronunciation: ledʒəbəl part of speech: adjective impartial in spanish: imparcial, pronunciation: ɪmpɑrʃəl part of speech: adjective carnival in spanish: carnaval, pronunciation: kɑrnəvəl part of speech: noun bazaar in spanish: bazar, pronunciation: bəzɑr part of speech: noun fairly in spanish: bastante, pronunciation: ferli part of speech: adverb blond in spanish: rubio, pronunciation: blɑnd part of speech: adjective, noun comely in spanish: gentil, pronunciation: kʌmli part of speech: adjective disinterested in spanish: desinteresado, pronunciation: dɪsɪntrɪstɪd part of speech: adjective dispassionate in spanish: desapasionado, pronunciation: dɪspæʃənət part of speech: adjective respectable in spanish: respetable, pronunciation: rɪspektəbəl part of speech: adjective bonny in spanish: hermoso, pronunciation: bɑni part of speech: adjective middling in spanish: regular, pronunciation: mɪdəlɪŋ part of speech: noun bonnie in spanish: bonnie, pronunciation: bɑni part of speech: adjective sporting in spanish: deportivo, pronunciation: spɔrtɪŋ part of speech: adjective unbiased in spanish: imparcial, pronunciation: ənbaɪəst part of speech: adjective antitrust in spanish: antimonopolista, pronunciation: æntaɪtrʌst part of speech: adjective funfair in spanish: parque de atracciones, pronunciation: fʌnfer part of speech: noun antimonopoly in spanish: antimonopolio, pronunciation: æntɪmənɑpəli part of speech: adjective fairish in spanish: fairish, pronunciation: ferɪʃ part of speech: adjective fair-minded in spanish: imparcial, pronunciation: fermaɪndɪd part of speech: adjective sightly in spanish: agradable a la vista, pronunciation: saɪtli part of speech: adjective unbiassed in spanish: sin sesgo, pronunciation: ənbaɪəst part of speech: adjective light-haired in spanish: de pelo claro, pronunciation: laɪtherd part of speech: adjective sportsmanlike in spanish: caballeroso, pronunciation: spɔrtsmənlaɪk part of speech: adjective evenhandedly in spanish: imparcialmente, pronunciation: evənhændɪdli part of speech: adverb fair-and-square in spanish: justo y cuadrado, pronunciation: ferændskwer part of speech: adjective in-bounds in spanish: dentro de los límites, pronunciation: ɪnbaʊndz part of speech: adjective without favoring one party in spanish: sin favorecer a una de las partes, pronunciation: wɪθaʊtfeɪvɜrɪŋwʌnpɑrti part of speech: adverb
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