Juntar in english

Put together

pronunciation: pʊttəgeðɜr part of speech: verb, adverb
In gestures

juntarse = be together ; move together. 

Example: 'Much as I hate to admit it,' she added, her face creasing in a knowing smile, 'some of my best friends are librarians, and I can't get over how they tear their colleagues to shreds when they're together' = 'Much as I hate to admit it,' she added, her face creasing in a knowing smile, 'some of my best friends are librarians, and I can't get over how they tear their colleagues to shreds when they're together'.Example: The idea of tectonic plates moving together or apart is known as a continental drift.

juntar = assemble ; piece together ; bundle ; pool ; put together ; string together. 

Example: In this case all the works of a given author will be assembled on the shelf under his/her name as well, so it is not really in conflict and I think there is a misinterpretation.Example: During his stay in Laputa, Captain Gulliver was very impressed by a book-writing machine which produced fragments of sentences which were dictated to scribes and later pieced together.Example: CD-ROM products that combine, or bundle, related information services will be at the forefront because of their usefulness to end-users.Example: The results of two studies of the way reference librarians work were pooled to provide an understanding of the important features necessary in software for computerized reference work.Example: The way in which this scheme is put together in book form often causes some confusion at first.Example: If you can't string together a few solid rhymes, you can't be a rapper.


» Dios los cría y ellos se juntanbirds of a feather flock together .

Example: I have always believed that, as the old sayings go, 'You are known by the company you keep', 'Birds of a feather flock together', 'Lie down with dogs and you get fleas', etc, etc.

» juntar las manosput + Posesivo + hands together .

Example: What does it mean when Hindu put their hands together like in Christian prayer?.

» juntar las palmas de las manosput + Posesivo + hands together .

Example: What does it mean when Hindu put their hands together like in Christian prayer?.

» juntarsebe togethermove together .

Example: 'Much as I hate to admit it,' she added, her face creasing in a knowing smile, 'some of my best friends are librarians, and I can't get over how they tear their colleagues to shreds when they're together= "Siento mucho admitirlo", ella añadió mientras su cara se arrugaba dibujándose en ella una sonrisa de complicidad, "algunos de mis mejores amigos son bibliotecarios y no puedo entender cómo critican a otros colegas suyos cuando se jutan".

Example: The idea of tectonic plates moving together or apart is known as a continental drift.

» juntarse conkick it withhang around with .

Example: Come share a beverage, listen to some good tunes and kick it with us.

Example: To become an extremist, all you need is to hang around with people you agree with.

» juntarse con la gente equivocadaget in with + the wrong crowd .

Example: I started to get in with the wrong crowd when I was a young teen, and started to use alcohol, which than led to drugs.

» juntarse con mala compañíaget in with + the wrong crowd .

Example: I started to get in with the wrong crowd when I was a young teen, and started to use alcohol, which than led to drugs.

» juntarse de nuevoget back together .

Example: I think the reason most people here are thinking that Rose and Nat might get back together is because their break up seemed to come out of left field.

» juntarse el hambre con las ganas de comermade for each otherbe two of a kindbe a right pair .

Example: The article is entitled 'The perfect match - parasite & host: made for each other'.

Example: On the surface, they're like oil and water, but deep down, they're two of a kind.

Example: They're a right pair, always getting into trouble with the family with whom they live.

» juntar sin solaparbutt together .

Example: When plasterboard was first introduced, the sheets were often just butted together and the whole ceiling finished off with a skim of plaster.

» volverse a juntargo back together .

Example: The ball joint came apart with only a few slogs with the club hammer and it all went back together like a dream.
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