Junco in english


pronunciation: rʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

junco1 = bulrush [bullrush] ; reed ; rush. 

Example: Bulrush prefers full or partial sun, wet conditions, and soil that is mucky or sandy.Example: They continued on their way until they came to a great plain covered with reeds that had great leaves on them as sharp as knives.Example: Crowfoot plants also grow in mildly brackish water, especially around estuaries and less salty inlets where rushes thrive.

junco2 = snowbird ; junco. 

Example: Some people call juncoes 'snowbirds' because they arrive with the first snow.Example: Some people call juncoes 'snowbirds' because they arrive with the first snow.

Junco synonyms

charge in spanish: cargar, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒ part of speech: noun race in spanish: carrera, pronunciation: reɪs part of speech: noun speed in spanish: velocidad, pronunciation: spid part of speech: noun flush in spanish: rubor, pronunciation: flʌʃ part of speech: noun, adjective, verb surge in spanish: oleada, pronunciation: sɜrdʒ part of speech: noun induce in spanish: inducir, pronunciation: ɪndus part of speech: verb kick in spanish: patada, pronunciation: kɪk part of speech: verb, noun bang in spanish: explosión, pronunciation: bæŋ part of speech: noun spate in spanish: avalancha, pronunciation: speɪt part of speech: noun thrill in spanish: emoción, pronunciation: θrɪl part of speech: noun haste in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: heɪst part of speech: noun hurry in spanish: prisa, pronunciation: hɜri part of speech: noun, verb stimulate in spanish: estimular, pronunciation: stɪmjəleɪt part of speech: verb hasten in spanish: acelerar, pronunciation: heɪsən part of speech: verb hie in spanish: correr, pronunciation: haɪ part of speech: verb upsurge in spanish: recrudecimiento, pronunciation: ʌpsɜrdʒ part of speech: noun hotfoot in spanish: apresuradamente, pronunciation: hɑtfʊt part of speech: adverb, verb rushing in spanish: corriendo, pronunciation: rʌʃɪŋ part of speech: noun rushed in spanish: apresuraron, pronunciation: rʌʃt part of speech: adjective unreserved in spanish: no reservado, pronunciation: ənrɪzɜrvd part of speech: adjective look sharp in spanish: mirada aguda, pronunciation: lʊkʃɑrp part of speech: verb first-come-first-serve in spanish: Se le sirve en orden de llegada, pronunciation: fɜrstkʌmfɜrstsɜrv cannonball along in spanish: bala de cañón a lo largo, pronunciation: kænənbɔləlɔŋ part of speech: verb belt along in spanish: ir a todo gas, pronunciation: beltəlɔŋ part of speech: verb rush along in spanish: correr a lo largo, pronunciation: rʌʃəlɔŋ part of speech: verb bucket along in spanish: cubo a lo largo, pronunciation: bʌkətəlɔŋ part of speech: verb pelt along in spanish: arrastrarse, pronunciation: peltəlɔŋ part of speech: verb
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