Juez in english


pronunciation: dʒʌdʒ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

juez = judge ; arbiter ; justice ; magistrate. 

Example: Make an added entry under the heading for the judge delivering the charge.Example: In almost no circumstances can the librarian be said to be the sole arbiter of what is or is not acceptable to the user.Example: The Court was split by divided opinions: five justices held the opinion that his rights were violated while four justices disagreed.Example: At that time a 1-room library served the West African Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and the judges, magistrates and lawyers = At that time a 1-room library served the West African Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court, and the judges, magistrates and lawyers.


» actuar de juezdon + Posesivo + judge's wigofficiate .

Example: Donning its jugde's wig, 'Monitor' finds that CAS should treat everyone equally.

Example: Umpires and referees officiate at sporting events, making sure the rules and regulations of the game are followed.

» ejercer de juezofficiate .

Example: Umpires and referees officiate at sporting events, making sure the rules and regulations of the game are followed.

» juez árbitroarbitrator  ; adjudicator  .

Example: The Federal Government occasionally entered these conflicts to serve as arbitrator or mediator.

Example: The most cost-effective way to select an adjudicator is for the parties to agree.

» juez de instruccióncoroner .

Example: Analysis of 19th-century London coroners' records suggest that it was rare for a coroner to label suspicious deaths as murders.

» juez de línealinesmanassistant referee .

Example: The teacher explains the rules and also acts as timekeeper and linesman to judge on offside.

Example: Assistant referees often make mistakes when judging an offside probably because of optical errors arising from their viewing angle.

» juez de pazjustice of the peace .

Example: The author explores the origins of law in 17th century Virginia by examining the interplay between the social origins of colonial justices of the peace and English legal literature of the times.

» juez de tribunal de distritodistrict court judge .

Example: The district court judge issued a temporary restraining order barring the defendants' illegal business practices and freezing their assets.

» poner cara de juezlook + stern .

Example: His jet black eyes looked stern, and his jaw muscles tightened as he gripped his sword in his strong, sinewy hand.

» tener cara de juezlook + stern .

Example: His jet black eyes looked stern, and his jaw muscles tightened as he gripped his sword in his strong, sinewy hand.

Juez synonyms

gauge in spanish: calibre, pronunciation: geɪdʒ part of speech: noun, verb justice in spanish: justicia, pronunciation: dʒʌstəs part of speech: noun label in spanish: etiqueta, pronunciation: leɪbəl part of speech: noun, verb estimate in spanish: estimar, pronunciation: estəmət part of speech: noun, verb try in spanish: tratar, pronunciation: traɪ part of speech: verb guess in spanish: adivinar, pronunciation: ges part of speech: verb, noun pronounce in spanish: pronunciar, pronunciation: prənaʊns part of speech: verb approximate in spanish: aproximado, pronunciation: əprɑksəmət part of speech: adjective adjudicate in spanish: juzgar, pronunciation: ədʒudɪkeɪt part of speech: verb magistrate in spanish: magistrado, pronunciation: mædʒəstreɪt part of speech: noun jurist in spanish: jurista, pronunciation: dʒʊrəst part of speech: noun evaluator in spanish: evaluador, pronunciation: ɪvæljueɪtɜr part of speech: noun
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