Jirón in english


pronunciation: ʃred part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

jirón = tatter. 

Example: I carried that letter in my wallet as a talisman of hope for a year, until it dissolved in tatters.

Jirón synonyms

tag in spanish: etiqueta, pronunciation: tæg part of speech: noun rag in spanish: trapo, pronunciation: ræg part of speech: noun iota in spanish: iota, pronunciation: aɪoʊtə part of speech: noun whit in spanish: pizca, pronunciation: wɪt part of speech: noun scintilla in spanish: chispa, pronunciation: sɪntɪlə part of speech: noun tittle in spanish: ápice, pronunciation: tɪtəl part of speech: noun smidgen in spanish: un poquito, pronunciation: smɪdʒən part of speech: noun smidge in spanish: un poco, pronunciation: smɪdʒ part of speech: noun tatter in spanish: andrajo, pronunciation: tætɜr part of speech: noun tear up in spanish: arrancar, pronunciation: terʌp part of speech: verb smidgeon in spanish: Smidgeon, pronunciation: smɪdʒiən part of speech: noun smidgin in spanish: smidgin, pronunciation: smɪdʒɪn part of speech: noun rip up in spanish: desgarrar, pronunciation: rɪpʌp part of speech: verb tag end in spanish: fin de etiqueta, pronunciation: tægend part of speech: noun
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