Jingoísta in english


pronunciation: dʒɪŋgoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

jingoísta = jingo. 

Example: McCarthy was a jingo who erroneously equated everything good with America, and everything bad with being 'un-American'.

Jingoísta synonyms

chauvinist in spanish: chauvinista, pronunciation: ʃoʊvənəst part of speech: noun jingoist in spanish: jingoísta, pronunciation: dʒɪŋgwəst part of speech: noun flag-waver in spanish: flaqueador de bandera, pronunciation: flækweɪvɜr part of speech: noun hundred-percenter in spanish: cien por ciento, pronunciation: hʌndrədpɜrsəntɜr part of speech: noun
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