Izquierdo in english


pronunciation: left part of speech: adjective
In gestures

izquierdo = left. 

Example: Question marks on the extreme left of the printout are prompts from the host computer.


» adelantar por el lado izquierdoovertake on + the left side .

Example: In these cases you may overtake on the left side if it is safe.

» adelantar por la izquierdaovertake on + the left .

Example: You should not overtake on the left if there is a bend ahead, a hump bridge or the brow of a hill.

» a la izquierdaat the lefton the leftto the left .

Example: The subfield codes are at the extreme left of the display; the information belonging to each subfield is at the right.

Example: The fact is, before the Revolution, the aristocracy travelled on the left of the road, forcing the peasantry over to the right.

Example: What ever is to the left of you is your first name, what ever to the right is your last name.

» a la izquierda (de)on the left-hand side (of) .

Example: In this case, there are 3 molecules on the left-hand side of the equation, but only 2 on the right.

» alineado a la izquierdaleft-justified [Se aplica a las líneas de un texto cuando empiezan justo al principio del margen izquierdo fijado] .

Example: All data are left-justified.

» a mano izquierda (de)on the left-hand side (of) .

Example: In this case, there are 3 molecules on the left-hand side of the equation, but only 2 on the right.

» ángulo inferior izquierdolower left(-hand) cornerbottom leftbottom left(-hand) corner .

Example: The most preferred display location for the permit is the lower left-hand corner of front windshield.

Example: In the back of refrigerator on the bottom left, there is a black box full of fluid and something very nasty looking and rotten smelling.

Example: The origin of the word is shown in the bottom left-hand corner, and the modern meaning in the bottom right-hand corner of the card.

» ángulo superior izquieroupper left cornerupper left-hand corner .

Example: The cursor should appear in the upper left corner of the screen and the system should be available.

Example: Each frame is labeled in the upper left-hand corner.

» aurícula izquierdaleft atrium .

Example: In the fetus, the right atrium pumps blood into the left atrium, bypassing the pulmonary circulation.

» carril de la izquierdaleft lane .

Example: So we've all seen that guy: the one who plants his car in the far left lane of the highway and then pokes along at or below the speed limit preventing you from overtaking.

» carril izquierdoleft lane .

Example: So we've all seen that guy: the one who plants his car in the far left lane of the highway and then pokes along at or below the speed limit preventing you from overtaking.

» cero a la izquierdaciphernon-entityzilchzippozip .

Example: He had been feeling like a cipher, a nonentity.

Example: He had been feeling like a cipher, a nonentity.

Example: Before you lend cash to Tom, Dick and Harry, be sure you know what you're doing or else your friendship will be worth zilch.

Example: I googled that problem last night and got zippo for answers.

Example: Talk about a spirit killer, I put all that work in and got zip for it except a pat on the back.

» circular por la izquierdadrive on + the left .

Example: The United Kingdom drives on the left, but the overseas territory of Gibraltar drives on the right.

» comenzar con el pie izquierdoget off on + the wrong footmake + a bad start .

Example: As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.

Example: We made a bad start to the season but now we're doing well.

» comillas de la izquierdaleft-hand quotation mark .

Example: If you want to search copied terms as a bound phrase, enter the left-hand quotation marks before and the right-hand quotation marks after copying the terms.

» conducir por la izquierdadrive on + the left .

Example: The United Kingdom drives on the left, but the overseas territory of Gibraltar drives on the right.

» conducir por la izquierda de la carreteradrive on + the left-hand side of the road .

Example: Australians drive on the left-hand side of the road, with the steering wheel on the right-hand side of the car.

» costado izquierdo, elleft side, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The left side of the top line identifies the main function in use (searching or cataloguing, for example).

» de derecha a izquierdafrom right to left .

Example: Until the 1980s Korean was usually written from right to left in vertical columns.

» de izquierda a derechafrom left to right .

Example: It is not just many humans who read numbers from left to right, a new study shows, birds do too.

» de izquierdasleft-wingleftist  ; lefty .

Example: R. Lysholt Hansen warned against employing left-wing librarians.

Example: By the 1980s, leftist philosophies had fallen into disfavor, & globalization & neoliberalism nudged the unions to seek other alliances.

Example: Their last straw poll listed Hillary at a 6% popularity among its members, who are considered 'lefties'.

» doblar a la izquierdamake + a left turnturn + leftturn to + the left .

Example: To make a left turn, signal well before the turn and move into the far left lane when the way is clear.

Example: Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left.

Example: When I turn to the left it sounds like something is rubbing under the front end.

» empezar con el pie izquierdoget off on + the wrong footmake + a bad start .

Example: As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.

Example: We made a bad start to the season but now we're doing well.

» en la izquierdaon the left .

Example: The fact is, before the Revolution, the aristocracy travelled on the left of the road, forcing the peasantry over to the right.

» esquina de la izquierdaleft hand corner .

Example: Notice that the record is automatically placed into the 'Edit Record' mode as shown in the lower left hand corner of the screen.

» esquina inferior izquierdaleft bottom cornerbottom leftbottom left(-hand) cornerlower left(-hand) corner .

Example: The copy area at the left bottom corner contains the copy number.

Example: In the back of refrigerator on the bottom left, there is a black box full of fluid and something very nasty looking and rotten smelling.

Example: The origin of the word is shown in the bottom left-hand corner, and the modern meaning in the bottom right-hand corner of the card.

Example: The most preferred display location for the permit is the lower left-hand corner of front windshield.

» esquina superior izquierdatop left cornerupper left cornertop left-hand cornerupper left-hand corner .

Example: The header area at the top left corner is used to print either the main or added entry, the main entry is printed below it.

Example: The cursor should appear in the upper left corner of the screen and the system should be available.

Example: The young professor said thanks with a smile and glanced at the name and address at the top left-hand corner.

Example: Each frame is labeled in the upper left-hand corner.

» extrema izquierdafar left .

Example: The specter of a far-left comeback, even in this comparatively small state, has sent ripples through the German political system.

» extremo inferior izquierdolower left .

Example: The MARC record is automatically placed into the Edit Record mode as shown in the lower left corner of the screen.

» flechas de desplazamiento del cursor hacia la izquierda/derechaleft/right arrows .

Example: The left/right arrows on the keyboard move the cursor to a new position on the line so you can Insert or Delete a character or overtype a new character.

» gancho de izquierdaleft hook .

Example: He dominated the fight and floored his opponent with a left hook in the second round.

» girar a la izquierdamake + a left turnturn + leftturn to + the leftgo to + the left .

Example: To make a left turn, signal well before the turn and move into the far left lane when the way is clear.

Example: Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left.

Example: When I turn to the left it sounds like something is rubbing under the front end.

Example: He then decided whether to go to the right or to the left by tossing heads or tails at every street corner.

» giro a la izquierdaleft turn .

Example: The driving test will of course involve many left turns on a variety of different roads.

» hacer clic con el botón izquierdoleft-click .

Example: It is possible to sort all the items in a grid by left-clicking once on a column header.

» hacer un giro a la izquierdaturn + leftturn to + the leftmake + a left turn .

Example: Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left.

Example: When I turn to the left it sounds like something is rubbing under the front end.

Example: To make a left turn, signal well before the turn and move into the far left lane when the way is clear.

» hacia la izquierdaleftwardsleftward .

Example: So Hutchins arranges her drawings in such a way that as your eye travels leftwards across the page you see the fox who is stalking the hen and trying to catch her.

Example: The leftward lurch in the Swedish Social-Democratic Party since 1973 led to a sudden demand for 'industrial democracy' & 'worker participation.

» hemisferio cerebral izquierdoleft cerebral hemisphere .

Example: The right cerebral hemisphere appears to be more activated than the left cerebral hemisphere during navigational learning in a virtual environment.

» hemisferio izquierdoleft hemisphere [Mitad izquierda del cerebro] .

Example: The cortical network that supports reading seems to comprise components of the visual cortex of both hemispheres before it lateralizes to the left hemisphere.

» indicar a la izquierdagive + a left-turn signalsignal to + the left .

Example: Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left.

Example: When I signal to the left, the flasher blinks normally but when I signal to the right, the flasher blinks real fast.

» ir a la izquierdago to + the left .

Example: He then decided whether to go to the right or to the left by tossing heads or tails at every street corner.

» izquierdaleft hand .

Example: Entry words may be aligned in a centre column or in a left hand column.

» izquierda, laleft wing, the .

Example: Politically, the right wing favours private cultural initiative; the left wing wants state involvement in the arts.

» jugar de ala izquierdaplay + the left wing .

Example: He's right-footed although he plays the left wing.

» lado izquierdo, elleft side, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The left side of the top line identifies the main function in use (searching or cataloguing, for example).

» la parte superior izquierda dethe upper left of .

Example: The classification number stands on its own to the upper left of the card and this will probably be acceptable in most cases.

» levantarse con el pie izquierdowake up on + the wrong side of the bedget up on + the wrong side of the bedget out of + bed on the wrong side .

Example: We all have a grouch in our lives and if we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or take our daily mean pill, at the very nicest, we have been described as a 'grouch'.

Example: I, too, sometimes get up on the wrong side of the bed and regret that you percieved my comments as racist -- nothing could be further from the truth.

Example: You got an inspector that had got out of bed on the wrong side that morning, by the sounds of it.

» margen izquierdoleft margin .

Example: Standard features of text formatting are: left and right margins, line spacing, page-breaks, page size, page numbering and justification.

» partido de izquierdasleft-wing party .

Example: The figures do not support the postulation that the better educated, public employees, left-wing party supporters frequent libraries most.

» pinchar con el botón izquierdoleft-click .

Example: It is possible to sort all the items in a grid by left-clicking once on a column header.

» poner el intermitente a la izquierdagive + a left-turn signalsignal to + the left .

Example: Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left.

Example: When I signal to the left, the flasher blinks normally but when I signal to the right, the flasher blinks real fast.

» por la izquierdaon the left .

Example: The fact is, before the Revolution, the aristocracy travelled on the left of the road, forcing the peasantry over to the right.

» pulsar el botón izquierdoleft-click .

Example: It is possible to sort all the items in a grid by left-clicking once on a column header.

» retrovisor izquierdoside-view mirror [Retrovisor colocado en los laterales exteriores del vehículo y distinto del retrovisor interior [rear-view mirror]] .

Example: The driver's side door, part of the bonnet and the side-view mirror were also damaged.

» sentirse un cero a la izquierdafeel like + a spare part .

Example: Rebellious, copper-haired teenager Niamh Keegan feels like a spare part in her boring, staid adopted family.

» ser de la izquierdabe of the left .

Example: Often the majority group in these councils is of the left, but the approach to obtaining finance has been bi-partisan and pragmatic, with groups of every political persuasion avidly pursuing Community money.

» ser un cero a la izquierdabe a dead loss .

Example: There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.

» tener dos pies izquierdoshave + two left feet .

Example: Our classes will appeal to everyone, including people who have not had the confidence to dance before and believe they have two left feet.

» tener mano izquierdabe diplomatichandle + things tactfullyhandle + things with tact .

Example: Being diplomatic is an art, not everybody has it.

Example: If you do not handle things tactfully then things could go wrong and turn into big quarrels.

Example: Regardless of your personal feelings about wage garnishment, the best interest of your company is to handle things with tact and consideration.

» tener mano izquierda con la gentehandle + people with tact .

Example: You will need to be able to handle people with tact, as many of those you work with are experiencing problems in their lives.

» tener mano izquierda con las personashandle + people tactfullyhandle + people tactfullyhandle + people with tact .

Example: You obviously don't know a goddamn thing about customer service and how to handle people tactfully.

Example: You obviously don't know a goddamn thing about customer service and how to handle people tactfully.

Example: You will need to be able to handle people with tact, as many of those you work with are experiencing problems in their lives.

» torcer a la izquierdamake + a left turnturn + leftturn to + the left .

Example: To make a left turn, signal well before the turn and move into the far left lane when the way is clear.

Example: Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left.

Example: When I turn to the left it sounds like something is rubbing under the front end.

» truncamiento hacia la izquierdaleft-hand truncation .

Example: Left-hand truncation involves specifying the stem to finish a word, e.g. $COMPUTER.

» último de la izquierdaleftmost .

Example: Draw a vertical line that goes from the leftmost point of the horizontal line that is second from the top to the bottommost horizontal line.

» ventrículo izquierdoleft ventricle .

Example: The main artery in the body is the aorta, originating from the left ventricle extending downwards to the abdomen.

Izquierdo synonyms

port in spanish: Puerto, pronunciation: pɔrt part of speech: noun liberal in spanish: liberal, pronunciation: lɪbɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun odd in spanish: impar, pronunciation: ɑd part of speech: adjective leftover in spanish: sobrante, pronunciation: leftoʊvɜr part of speech: adjective remaining in spanish: restante, pronunciation: rɪmeɪnɪŋ part of speech: adjective larboard in spanish: babor, pronunciation: lɑrbɔrd part of speech: adjective, noun leftist in spanish: izquierdista, pronunciation: leftɪst part of speech: adjective left-hand in spanish: mano izquierda, pronunciation: lefthænd left over in spanish: sobrante, pronunciation: leftoʊvɜr left wing in spanish: ala izquierda, pronunciation: leftwɪŋ part of speech: noun left-wing in spanish: ala izquierda, pronunciation: leftwɪŋ part of speech: adjective leftfield in spanish: jardín izquierdo, pronunciation: leftfild part of speech: noun left hand in spanish: mano izquierda, pronunciation: lefthænd part of speech: noun unexpended in spanish: sin gastar, pronunciation: ənɪkspendɪd part of speech: adjective leftish in spanish: izquierdoso, pronunciation: leftɪʃ part of speech: adjective left-of-center in spanish: izquierda del centro, pronunciation: leftʌvsentɜr part of speech: adjective far left in spanish: extremo izquierdo, pronunciation: fɑrleft part of speech: adjective
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