Irregular in english


pronunciation: ɪregjəlɜr part of speech: adjective
In gestures

irregular = irregular ; spasmodic ; spotty ; ragged ; lapsed ; episodic ; scrappy ; fitful ; bitty ; spastic ; chequered [checkered, -USA]. 

Example: Irregular, this frequency type is used not only for irregular periodicals, but also for periodicals issued less than once per year.Example: Progress in many sectors has been slow and spasmodic; positive measures have been implemented often only after protracted negotiations and their impact has usually been incremental rather than dramatic.Example: Enforcement of library policies is spotty at best.Example: Even in more mainstream publishing, despite the ubiquity of word processors, which can so easily produce justified text, ragged right margins are becoming more common, even fashionable.Example: However, almost 30% of lapsed borrowers claimed to still use the library for other purposes, principally to find information.Example: Politics often makes library development episodic and unpredictable.Example: It is a scrappy book, apparently assembled in haste.Example: This is a compelling account of Twain's fitful creative life.Example: However, his use of a remorselessly chronological approach yields a narrative that is often bitty, sometimes ponderously plodding.Example: The joints associated with spastic muscles need to be carried through a passive range of motion daily to delay the development of contractures.Example: An appraisal of the reforms following the report suggests that local councillors' workload has increased, and community councils have had a chequered career, although local authorities generally are stronger.


» con forma irregularoddly shaped .

Example: It's kind of like solving a puzzle -- you have all these oddly shaped pieces which can paint a clear picture if put together in the proper order.

» de forma irregularerratically .

Example: This survey found that circulation increases erratically with size of population served and that circulation increases fairly consistently with collection size.

» de modo irregularerratically .

Example: This survey found that circulation increases erratically with size of population served and that circulation increases fairly consistently with collection size.

» de un modo irregularscrappily .

Example: This film adaptation is scrappily made and jumpy, and there is nothing here that evokes either the joy of the moment or the death of the soul.

» empleo irregularirregular employment .

Example: Migrant farm workers typically receive low wages from irregular employment and live in poverty with access to only substandard housing and inadequate health care.

» en intervalos irregularesat irregular intervals .

Example: Continuations are non-periodical publications that are issued in successive parts at regular or irregular intervals.

» pasado irregularchequered historychequered past .

Example: The concept of corporate authorship has had a more chequered history.

Example: As a result of this chequered past telepathy is now largely discredited and regarded by many in science as mere pseudoscience.

» plantación irregularrandom clumping [Siembra de grupos de plantas de un modo desigual intentando imitar la naturaleza] .

Example: Sometimes the librarian may recognise the words in the question but be uncertain of their meaning in the context, eg, a query about trolley dressing, or random clumping, or topping-out.

Irregular synonyms

strong in spanish: fuerte, pronunciation: strɔŋ part of speech: adjective partisan in spanish: partidista, pronunciation: pɑrtəzən part of speech: adjective, noun second in spanish: segundo, pronunciation: sekənd part of speech: adjective, noun maverick in spanish: disidente, pronunciation: mævɜrɪk part of speech: noun casual in spanish: casual, pronunciation: kæʒəwəl part of speech: adjective sporadic in spanish: esporádico, pronunciation: spɜrædɪk part of speech: adjective crooked in spanish: torcido, pronunciation: krʊkəd part of speech: adjective temporary in spanish: temporal, pronunciation: tempɜreri part of speech: adjective insurgent in spanish: insurgente, pronunciation: ɪnsɜrdʒənt part of speech: adjective, noun atypical in spanish: atípico, pronunciation: eɪtɪpɪkəl part of speech: adjective abnormal in spanish: anormal, pronunciation: æbnɔrməl part of speech: adjective underground in spanish: subterráneo, pronunciation: ʌndɜrgraʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun unpredictable in spanish: impredecible, pronunciation: ənprɪdɪktəbəl part of speech: adjective unorthodox in spanish: heterodoxo, pronunciation: ənɔrθədɑks part of speech: adjective occasional in spanish: ocasional, pronunciation: əkeɪʒənəl part of speech: adjective unconventional in spanish: poco convencional, pronunciation: ənkənvenʃənəl part of speech: adjective improper in spanish: incorrecto, pronunciation: ɪmprɑpɜr part of speech: adjective jerky in spanish: espasmódico, pronunciation: dʒɜrki part of speech: adjective guerrilla in spanish: guerrilla, pronunciation: gɜrɪlə part of speech: noun uneven in spanish: desigual, pronunciation: ənivən part of speech: adjective asymmetrical in spanish: asimétrico, pronunciation: eɪsəmetrɪkəl part of speech: adjective guerilla in spanish: guerrilla, pronunciation: gɜrɪlə part of speech: noun part-time in spanish: medio tiempo, pronunciation: pɑrttaɪm part of speech: adjective, adverb unlawful in spanish: ilegal, pronunciation: ənlɔfəl part of speech: adjective substandard in spanish: deficiente, pronunciation: səbstændɜrd part of speech: adjective unsteady in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənstedi part of speech: adjective jerking in spanish: sacudidas, pronunciation: dʒɜrkɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective arrhythmic in spanish: arrítmico, pronunciation: ɜrɪðmɪk part of speech: adjective partizan in spanish: partizan, pronunciation: pɑrtɪzən part of speech: noun randomized in spanish: aleatorizado, pronunciation: rændəmaɪzd part of speech: adjective
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