Irreal in english


pronunciation: ənril part of speech: adjective
In gestures

irreal = unreal ; surreal ; dream-like [dreamlike] ; airy-fairy ; fantastic ; fantastical ; pie-in-the-sky. 

Example: Once an early proponent of cyberspace he now argues that computer networks offer an unreal universe luring people to waste their time on earth.Example: Even studies that make qualitative allowances will still imply a surreal causal analysis that is mostly speculation.Example: Classic examples of this technique are Jim Woodring's dream-like, wordless adventures of 'Frank,' the buck-toothed cat.Example: Home Secretary David Blunkett says an 'airy fairy, libertarian' view of the world is no good for fighting terrorism.Example: He builds up a picture of human anguish in the face of the mysteries of existence that is both dreamlike and concrete, fantastic and real at the same time.Example: Filled with allegory and allusion, his paintings portray a fantastical universe inhabited by mysterious and fanciful creatures.Example: American political theorists are basically fiddling while Rome burns, talking about pie-in-the-sky versions of democracy, when they can't even figure out how to keep crazy people out of positions of significant power.


» mundo irrealunreal world .

Example: The whole media industry exploits the senses and entices the imagination with an unreal world.

Irreal synonyms

ethereal in spanish: etéreo, pronunciation: ɪθɪriəl part of speech: adjective surreal in spanish: surrealista, pronunciation: sɜril part of speech: adjective ersatz in spanish: sucedáneo, pronunciation: ersɑts part of speech: adjective, noun aerial in spanish: aéreo, pronunciation: eriəl part of speech: adjective, noun fantastic in spanish: fantástico, pronunciation: fæntæstɪk part of speech: adjective faux in spanish: falso, pronunciation: foʊ part of speech: adjective near in spanish: cerca, pronunciation: nɪr part of speech: verb, adjective, adverb fake in spanish: falso, pronunciation: feɪk part of speech: adjective, noun fabulous in spanish: fabuloso, pronunciation: fæbjələs part of speech: adjective pretend in spanish: pretender, pronunciation: pritend part of speech: verb notional in spanish: hipotético, pronunciation: noʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective false in spanish: falso, pronunciation: fɔls part of speech: adjective dummy in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: dʌmi part of speech: noun, adjective synthetic in spanish: sintético, pronunciation: sɪnθetɪk part of speech: adjective phantom in spanish: fantasma, pronunciation: fæntəm part of speech: noun legendary in spanish: legendario, pronunciation: ledʒənderi part of speech: adjective artificial in spanish: artificial, pronunciation: ɑrtəfɪʃəl part of speech: adjective airy in spanish: aireado, pronunciation: eri part of speech: adjective fictitious in spanish: ficticio, pronunciation: fɪktɪʃəs part of speech: adjective deceptive in spanish: engañoso, pronunciation: dɪseptɪv part of speech: adjective fanciful in spanish: imaginario, pronunciation: fænsɪfəl part of speech: adjective imaginary in spanish: imaginario, pronunciation: ɪmædʒəneri part of speech: adjective man-made in spanish: artificial, pronunciation: mænmeɪd part of speech: adjective illusory in spanish: ilusorio, pronunciation: ɪlusɜri part of speech: adjective imitation in spanish: imitación, pronunciation: ɪməteɪʃən part of speech: noun cardboard in spanish: cartulina, pronunciation: kɑrdbɔrd part of speech: noun factitious in spanish: facticio, pronunciation: fæktɪʃəs part of speech: adjective colored in spanish: de colores, pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective illusive in spanish: ilusorio, pronunciation: ɪlusɪv part of speech: adjective celluloid in spanish: celuloide, pronunciation: seləlɔɪd part of speech: adjective, noun mythical in spanish: mítico, pronunciation: mɪθəkəl part of speech: adjective make-believe in spanish: hacer creer, pronunciation: meɪkbəliv part of speech: noun, adjective aery in spanish: aguilera, pronunciation: eri part of speech: noun fantastical in spanish: fantástico, pronunciation: fæntæstɪkəl part of speech: adjective insubstantial in spanish: insubstancial, pronunciation: ɪnsəbstæntʃəl part of speech: adjective shadowy in spanish: vago, pronunciation: ʃædoʊi part of speech: adjective fictional in spanish: ficticio, pronunciation: fɪkʃənəl part of speech: adjective stylized in spanish: estilizado, pronunciation: staɪlaɪzd part of speech: adjective fabled in spanish: legendario, pronunciation: feɪbəld part of speech: adjective envisioned in spanish: previsto, pronunciation: envɪʒənd part of speech: adjective arranged in spanish: arreglado, pronunciation: ɜreɪndʒd part of speech: adjective dreamlike in spanish: de ensueño, pronunciation: drimlaɪk part of speech: adjective dyed in spanish: teñido, pronunciation: daɪd part of speech: adjective staged in spanish: escenificado, pronunciation: steɪdʒd part of speech: adjective painted in spanish: pintado, pronunciation: peɪntəd part of speech: adjective fabricated in spanish: fabricado, pronunciation: fæbrɪkeɪtəd part of speech: adjective made-up in spanish: arreglado, pronunciation: meɪdʌp part of speech: adjective imagined in spanish: imaginado, pronunciation: ɪmædʒənd part of speech: adjective delusory in spanish: ilusorio, pronunciation: dɪluzɜri part of speech: adjective simulated in spanish: simulado, pronunciation: sɪmjəleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective bleached in spanish: blanqueado, pronunciation: blitʃt part of speech: adjective mythic in spanish: mítica, pronunciation: mɪθɪk part of speech: adjective invented in spanish: inventado, pronunciation: ɪnventəd part of speech: adjective fancied in spanish: imaginado, pronunciation: fænsid part of speech: adjective mythological in spanish: mitológico, pronunciation: mɪθəlɑdʒɪkəl part of speech: adjective aeriform in spanish: gaseoso, pronunciation: erəfɔrm part of speech: adjective illusionary in spanish: ilusorio, pronunciation: ɪluʒəneri part of speech: adjective unsubstantial in spanish: insubstancial, pronunciation: ənsəbstænʃəl part of speech: adjective stylised in spanish: estilizado, pronunciation: staɪlaɪzd part of speech: adjective hallucinatory in spanish: alucinante, pronunciation: həlusənətɔri part of speech: adjective pictured in spanish: en la foto, pronunciation: pɪktʃɜrd part of speech: adjective visualized in spanish: visualizado, pronunciation: vɪʒwəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective illusional in spanish: ilusional, pronunciation: ɪluʒənəl part of speech: adjective wraithlike in spanish: Wraithlike, pronunciation: reɪθlaɪk part of speech: adjective conventionalized in spanish: convencionalizado, pronunciation: kənvenʃənəlaɪzd part of speech: adjective mythologic in spanish: mitológico, pronunciation: mɪθəlɑdʒɪk part of speech: adjective semisynthetic in spanish: semi sintetico, pronunciation: semɪsɪnθetɪk part of speech: adjective eye-deceiving in spanish: engaño a los ojos, pronunciation: aɪdɪsivɪŋ part of speech: adjective unlifelike in spanish: a diferencia de, pronunciation: ənlaɪflaɪk part of speech: adjective
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