Iris in english


pronunciation: aɪrəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

iris = iris. 

Example: The smaller the size of the iris, the more likely for the diagnosis to be acute iritis.


» arco irisrainbow .

Example: The article 'The end of the rainbow: products that work' argues that the major technical problems of CD-ROM data bases have been overcome and the remaining problems are associated with business issues.

» el cofre de oro al final del arco iristhe pot of gold at the end of the rainbow [Expresión utilizada para indicar algo que es inalcanzable o imposible]the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow [Expresión utilizada para indicar algo que es inalcanzable o imposible] .

Example: They agreed that whenever a rainbow appeared, they would contact each other and would try to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Example: It seems to me that trying to pin down 'quality' is a bit like trying to find the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow.

» trucha arco irisrainbow trout .

Example: Rainbow trout have greenish or bluish spots on a torpedo-shaped body.

Iris synonyms

flag in spanish: bandera, pronunciation: flæg part of speech: noun fleur-de-lis in spanish: flor de lis, pronunciation: flɜrdeɪləs part of speech: noun iris diaphragm in spanish: diafragma del iris, pronunciation: aɪrəsdaɪəfræm part of speech: noun sword lily in spanish: espada lily, pronunciation: sɔrdlɪli part of speech: noun
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