Involuntario in english


pronunciation: ɪnvɑlənteri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

involuntario = unintended ; unintentional ; unwitting ; involuntary ; inadvertent. 

Example: However, membership of the European Community means that UK bussinesses are increasingly vulverable to NTBs, deliberate or unintended, which are determined on a Community basis.Example: The user is liable for any accidental or unintentional transmission.Example: Moreover, in order to save unwitting duplication of work, sources that have already been checked should be indicated.Example: The personnel officer experienced an involuntary shiver as the lancinating reality of the board's decision sank in.Example: Inadvertent variations in author's names may also be grouped by this approach.


» de manera involuntariainvoluntarily .

Example: Large libraries are thus involuntarily subsidising small libraries = De este modo las grandes bibliotecas están subsidiando de manera involuntaria a las pequeñas.

Involuntario synonyms

driven in spanish: impulsado, pronunciation: drɪvən part of speech: adjective unconscious in spanish: inconsciente, pronunciation: ənkɑnʃəs part of speech: adjective automatic in spanish: automático, pronunciation: ɔtəmætɪk part of speech: adjective, noun reflexive in spanish: reflexivo, pronunciation: rəfleksɪv part of speech: adjective autonomic in spanish: autonómico, pronunciation: ɔtənɑmɪk part of speech: adjective forced in spanish: forzado, pronunciation: fɔrst part of speech: adjective unwilling in spanish: reacio, pronunciation: ənwɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective vegetative in spanish: vegetativo, pronunciation: vedʒəteɪtɪv part of speech: adjective goaded in spanish: incitado, pronunciation: goʊdɪd part of speech: adjective unwilled in spanish: involuntario, pronunciation: ənwɪld part of speech: adjective nonvoluntary in spanish: no voluntario, pronunciation: nɑnvɑlənteri part of speech: adjective unvoluntary in spanish: involuntario, pronunciation: ənvəlʌntɜri part of speech: adjective
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