Investigador in english


pronunciation: ɪnvestəgeɪtɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

investigador1 = investigator ; research worker ; researcher ; research scientist ; research user ; research scholar. 

Example: One can now picture a future investigator in his laboratory, his hands are free, he is not anchored.Example: The National Institute of Nutrition has a library which operates round the clock for students and research workers.Example: An alertness to work in related fields may stimulate creativity in disseminating ideas from one field of study to another, for both the researcher and the manager.Example: The article 'Lovely idea, but unlovely pricing' criticizes the pricing level of a new service aimed at research scientists in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and biotechnology companies.Example: This article examines opportunities for collaboration between specialists and research users in creating information-managing tools.Example: He was a dauntless adventurer, a sleuthhound, a research scholar of exceptional acuity.


» comunidad académica de investigadoresacademic research community .

Example: By having such a restricted view of on-line searching and its potential benefits to researchers, librarians fail to take full advantage of their role in the academic research community = Teniendo una visión tan limitadad de las búsquedas en línea y de su potencial beneficio para los investigadores, los bibliotecarios no sacan al máximo partido a la función que desempeñan dentro de la comunidad académica de investigadores.

» investigador científicoscholarly researcher .

Example: The spread of computer skills among the general population of scholarly researchers have raised questions regarding end-user access for humanists = La difusión de las capacidades informáticas entre la población de investigadores científicos ha suscitado preguntas en relación con el acceso de los humanistas como usuarios finales.

» investigador de campofieldworker [field worker] .

Example: The fieldworker can learn more from perturbing the system than from pretending to be an invisible fly on the wall.

» investigador de genealogíasancestor hunter [Persona que se dedica a buscar su ascendencia genealógica familiar] .

Example: Holiday-makers using the library are divided into 5 main types: book borrowers; book buyers; ancestor hunters; serious tourists; and art enthusiasts.

» investigador de la biblioteconomíalibrary scholar .

Example: He won international recognition as a library scholar and authority on indexing.

» investigador de lo paranormalparanormal investigator .

Example: Our story begins on a day like any other for paranormal investigator Ed as he investigates one of the most malevolent hauntings set on record.

» investigador de mercadomarket researchermarket research worker .

Example: It is hardly surprising, therefore, that market researchers measure a library's efficiency by its loans statistics.

Example: Again, the same subject may be required for a number of reasons, e.g an article on population trends in a certain area may be of interest to the statistician, the actuary, the market research worker, the economist, the sociologist, and so on = De nuevo, pueden existir varias razones por las que se necesita una misma materia, por ejemplo, un artículo sobre los cambios demográficos en una zona determinada puede ser de interés para el estadístico, el actuario de seguros, el investigador de mercado, el economista, el sociólgo, etc.

» investigador de pinturaspicture researcher .

Example: This system is well used by picture researchers.

» investigador experimentalexperimentalist  .

Example: Brattain was a skilled experimentalist, and had a reputation for being able to build anything in the laboratory.

» investigador forenseforensic investigator .

Example: The discovery of a dismembered corpse, especially that of a newborn, represents a significant challenge for forensic investigators.

» investigador históricohistorical researcher .

Example: I agree whole-heartedly that the subject approach is used chiefly by the beginner, whether it is a historical researcher or a high school student who is looking for term paper material.

» investigador invitadoresearch fellow .

Example: Ed Walley's contribution came about as the result of research he had been conducting into community information services whilst research fellow at the School of Librarianship, Leeds Polytechnic.

» investigador principalprincipal investigatorprincipal researcher .

Example: Each project record contains information about the institution, geographic location, principal investigator, duration, contract number, and dollar value.

Example: The author presents a brief history of superconductivity research and identifies the principal researchers, institutions and sources of information.

» investigador privadoprivate eyeprivate detectiveprivate investigator .

Example: The article is entitled 'Pioneers, passionate ladies and private eyes: dime novels, series books and paperbacks.

Example: Chandler's legendary private detective Phillip Marlowe is brought moodily to life in a film that epitomises the very soul of film noir.

Example: The Ministry of Justice is currently responsible for administering the licensing of private investigators and security guards.

» investigador teóricotheorist  .

Example: In parallel with the work of the classification theorists, general systems theory was evolved to consider similar problems.

» uno de los dos investigadores principalesco-principal investigator .

Example: He currently is co-principal investigator on a grant-funded project dealing with environmental grey literature.

investigador2 = investigative ; investigational ; investigating. 

Example: It is paramount to put designers themselves under the spotlight for investigative purposes.Example: The most exciting development appears to be the combined use of more than one investigational technique, across one or more tissues simultaneously.Example: Moreover, the investigating function is in principle kept separate from the prosecuting one, at least in the case of the more serious offences including those related to corruption.


» comisión investigadoracommission of enquiryinvestigating committeeinvestigation committee .

Example: The government is certainly not making life easy for the commission of enquiry into corruption and other mishandling of power.

Example: In closing, I would like to remind investigating committees that they are being observed by the petitioner and his family.

Example: Otherwise the investigation committee must be in receipt of a written allegation for it to be considered a valid complaint.

» equipo investigadorresearch team .

Example: The research team's immediate aim was to assist this group to become effective users of the Internet.

» personal investigadorresearch staff .

Example: This initiative has played a key role in ensuring that the important contribution of research staff is more widely recognised.

» productividad investigadoraresearch productivity .

Example: Danton's study stressed 2 urgent issues: the need for financial support in doctoral programmes and the low research productivity of doctoral students.

Investigador synonyms

tec in spanish: tec, pronunciation: tek part of speech: noun detective in spanish: detective, pronunciation: dɪtektɪv part of speech: noun researcher in spanish: investigador, pronunciation: risɜrtʃɜr part of speech: noun police detective in spanish: detective policial, pronunciation: pəlisdɪtektɪv part of speech: noun research worker in spanish: investigador, pronunciation: risɜrtʃwɜrkɜr part of speech: noun
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