Inverso in english


pronunciation: rɪvɜrs part of speech: noun, verb, adjective
In gestures

inverso = inverse ; reverse. 

Example: Most relationships should be shown in both their direct and inverse forms.Example: He creates a type of reverse orientalism peopled by sex-hungry 'dark-age femme fatales' and 'lusty young Barbarians reeking of ale'.


» a la inversamirror-fashionmirror imagein reverse .

Example: The composing stick contained a line of type which read (from his point of view) from left to right but of which the letters were upside down and mirror-fashion.

Example: Since the dandy roll worked on the right side, its watermark pattern was fashioned as a mirror image of what was to be seen in the finished paper.

Example: The design for a woodcut, which was probably the work of a specialist other than the back cutter, was either drawn in reverse directly on to the block, or traced on to it from paper.

» barra en vídeo inverso de selección en pantallahighlighting bar .

Example: To copy a term from the index to your current query, move the highlighting bar to the term and press <TAB>.

» búsqueda inversabacktracking search .

Example: Documents in a data base are organised in a multi-dimensional binary search tree, and the algorithm identifies the nearest neighbour for a query by a backtracking search of this tree.

» esnob a la inversainverted snob .

Example: You've shown your colours as a bit of an inverted snob here and there when it comes to music.

» esnobismo a la inversainverted snobbery .

Example: The problem with inverted snobbery is that it tends to celebrate the wrong kind of working-class culture: the non-working kind, in fact.

» inverso, elreverse, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The final order on the shelves is the reverse of this, so that an order of increasing speciality is achieved.

» ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuadradoinverse square law [En bibliometría, ley expresada por Lotka para describir que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y va aumentando o disminuyendo al cuadrado] .

Example: The data was found to conform to an inverse cube law more closely than an inverse square law (i.e., Lotka's Law) = Se halló que los datos se ajustan mejor a una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cubo que una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuadrado (es decir, la Ley de Lotka).

» ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuboinverse cube law [En bibliometría, ley utilizada para describir que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y va aumentando o disminuyendo al cubo] .

Example: The data was found to conform to an inverse cube law more closely than an inverse square law (i.e., Lotka's Law) = Se halló que los datos se ajustan mejor a una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cubo que una ley de relación exponencial inversa al cuadrado (es decir, la Ley de Lotka).

» ley exponencial inversainverse power law [En bibliometría, ley que mantiene que la relación entre dos variables es inversa y se puede explicar según una potencia matemática (al cuadrado, al cubo, etc.)] .

Example: Lotka's original formulation was based on a more general inverse power law = La formulación original de Lotka se basaba en una ley exponencial inversa más general.

» orden inversoreverse order .

Example: Unsorted search results generally display in reverse order of entry of the records into the database.

» orden inverso de palabrasindirect word order .

Example: The disadvantage of inversion of words is that inversion or indirect word order reduces predictability of form of headings.

» pijismo a la inversainverted snobbery .

Example: The problem with inverted snobbery is that it tends to celebrate the wrong kind of working-class culture: the non-working kind, in fact.

» pijo a la inversainverted snob .

Example: You've shown your colours as a bit of an inverted snob here and there when it comes to music.

» relación inversainverse relationship .

Example: The hypothesis was that the inverse relationship holds only for peripheral terms of a discipline rather than for central terms.

» relación inversa significativasignificant inverse relationship .

Example: A significant inverse relationship between domestic violence and the level of education of both the batterer and the victim was also identified.

» vídeo inversoreverse video [Presentación de información en monitor invirtiendo los colores usados normalmente para así destarcarla] .

Example: Input of data into a record may be onto a preformatted screen, perhaps with reverse video (black on white) characters for the field names and with space next to each field name for the data.

Inverso synonyms

blow in spanish: soplo, pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb turn in spanish: giro, pronunciation: tɜrn part of speech: verb, noun lift in spanish: levantar, pronunciation: lɪft part of speech: verb, noun rescind in spanish: rescindir, pronunciation: rɪsɪnd part of speech: verb override in spanish: anular, pronunciation: oʊvɜrraɪd part of speech: verb contrary in spanish: contrario, pronunciation: kɑntreri part of speech: noun, adjective opposite in spanish: opuesto, pronunciation: ɑpəzət part of speech: adjective, noun revoke in spanish: revocar, pronunciation: rɪvoʊk part of speech: verb turnaround in spanish: Giro de vuelta, pronunciation: tɜrnɜraʊnd part of speech: noun repeal in spanish: revocar, pronunciation: rɪpil part of speech: noun, verb annul in spanish: anular, pronunciation: ænəl part of speech: verb overthrow in spanish: derrocamiento, pronunciation: oʊvɜrθroʊ part of speech: noun, verb setback in spanish: retrasar, pronunciation: setbæk part of speech: noun inverse in spanish: inverso, pronunciation: ɪnvɜrs part of speech: noun backward in spanish: hacia atrás, pronunciation: bækwɜrd part of speech: adverb, adjective invert in spanish: invertir, pronunciation: ɪnvɜrt part of speech: verb overturn in spanish: anular, pronunciation: oʊvɜrtɜrn part of speech: verb verso in spanish: verso, pronunciation: vɜrsoʊ part of speech: noun reversal in spanish: inversión, pronunciation: rɪvɜrsəl part of speech: noun countermand in spanish: contraorden, pronunciation: kaʊntɜrmænd part of speech: verb, noun overrule in spanish: anular, pronunciation: oʊvɜrrul part of speech: verb reversion in spanish: reversión, pronunciation: rɪvɜrʒən part of speech: noun turnabout in spanish: giro total, pronunciation: tɜrnəbaʊt part of speech: noun rearward in spanish: hacia atrás, pronunciation: rɪrwɜrd part of speech: adjective change by reversal in spanish: cambio por reversión, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒbaɪrɪvɜrsəl part of speech: verb
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