Invernal in english


pronunciation: wɪntri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

invernal = wint(e)ry. 

Example: A major storm system passing through the central United States brought a wintery mess to the state of Minnesota this past weekend.


» clima invernalwinter weather .

Example: Nippy winter weather has forced farmers in Russia to make bras for their cows to protect their udders from extreme cold.

» depresión invernalwinter blueswinter depression .

Example: We've recently been having some wonderful weather which has inspired many to have a spring clean in the hope that it will shift away the winter blues.

Example: Winter depression is still a mystery to scientists who study it but researchers agree that people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder are particularly sensitive to light, or the lack of it.

» estación invernalwinter season .

Example: In December 1953, when he was 43 years of age, he was advised by a heart specialist to spend the winter season in a warm climate.

» temporada invernalwinter season .

Example: In December 1953, when he was 43 years of age, he was advised by a heart specialist to spend the winter season in a warm climate.

» tiempo invernalwinter weather .

Example: Nippy winter weather has forced farmers in Russia to make bras for their cows to protect their udders from extreme cold.

Invernal synonyms

cold in spanish: frío, pronunciation: koʊld part of speech: adjective, noun frozen in spanish: congelado, pronunciation: froʊzən part of speech: adjective frigid in spanish: frígido, pronunciation: frɪdʒəd part of speech: adjective icy in spanish: glacial, pronunciation: aɪsi part of speech: adjective frosty in spanish: escarchado, pronunciation: frɔsti part of speech: adjective glacial in spanish: glacial, pronunciation: gleɪʃəl part of speech: adjective hiemal in spanish: hiemal, pronunciation: himəl part of speech: adjective brumal in spanish: de invierno, pronunciation: bruməl part of speech: adjective wintery in spanish: de invierno, pronunciation: wɪntɜri part of speech: adjective hibernal in spanish: hibernal, pronunciation: hɪbɜrnəl part of speech: adjective
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