Inventario in english


pronunciation: ɪnvəntɔri part of speech: noun
In gestures

inventariar = inventory. 

Example: When the selection criteria are complete, the appropriate copy records in the holdings file are marked to be inventoried.


» programa para inventariarinventory program [Programa para la enumeración y descripción de los documentos de una colección generalmente en orden cronológico de adquisición] .

Example: The inventory programs make possible a partial inventory of a record collection.

inventario = stocktaking [stock-taking] ; inventory ; stocktake ; inventory list ; checklist [check-list]. 

Example: Individual drawers can be carried to the shelves if necessary, perhaps for stocktaking, but normally a drawer 'stop' prevents the removal of a drawer by a reader.Example: The inventory programs make possible a partial inventory of a record collection.Example: Decisions and considerations prior to stocktaking in the school library must include an assessment of what is to be covered in the stocktake.Example: Not surprisingly, he soon found that the inventory lists were not quite adequate for his purposes.Example: This a checklist of features to consider in comparing and evaluating data bases.


» catálogo inventarioinventory catalogueaccessions file .

Example: Its primer purpose is the finding of specific documents, and consequently this type of catalogue has been labelled a finding list catalogue or an inventory catalogue.

Example: An accessions file could be of interest to users, informing them of books on order or recently received, but it may be thought necessary to prevent users from seeing the ordering details (supplier, order number, budget heading, etc.).

» hacer inventariostocktaketake + inventory .

Example: It's time to stocktake what science has accomplished -- the 20th century is noted for the great victory of the materialism, objectivism, and mechanism.

Example: Anna, like most women in a room full of strangers, was taking inventory of the opposite sex and picking her choice if she were forced to sleep with one person.

Inventario synonyms

stock in spanish: valores, pronunciation: stɑk part of speech: noun armory in spanish: arsenal, pronunciation: ɑrmɜri part of speech: noun armoury in spanish: arsenal, pronunciation: ɑrmɜri part of speech: noun stocktaking in spanish: balance, pronunciation: stɑkteɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun inventorying in spanish: inventario, pronunciation: ɪnventɜraɪɪŋ part of speech: noun stock list in spanish: lista común, pronunciation: stɑklɪst part of speech: noun
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