Inventariar in english


pronunciation: ɪnvəntɔri part of speech: noun
In gestures

inventariar = inventory. 

Example: When the selection criteria are complete, the appropriate copy records in the holdings file are marked to be inventoried.


» programa para inventariarinventory program [Programa para la enumeración y descripción de los documentos de una colección generalmente en orden cronológico de adquisición] .

Example: The inventory programs make possible a partial inventory of a record collection.

Inventariar synonyms

stock in spanish: valores, pronunciation: stɑk part of speech: noun armory in spanish: arsenal, pronunciation: ɑrmɜri part of speech: noun armoury in spanish: arsenal, pronunciation: ɑrmɜri part of speech: noun stocktaking in spanish: balance, pronunciation: stɑkteɪkɪŋ part of speech: noun inventorying in spanish: inventario, pronunciation: ɪnventɜraɪɪŋ part of speech: noun stock list in spanish: lista común, pronunciation: stɑklɪst part of speech: noun
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