Invectiva in english


pronunciation: ɪnvektɪv part of speech: noun
In gestures

invectiva = tirade ; diatribe ; bashing ; fulmination. 

Example: Although the slave narratives were usually intended to serve in the cause of abolition, not all of them were bitter, unrelieved tirades against the institution of slavery, but rather there were frequently moments of relieving laughter.Example: Although Limburg's attempt to cover such a wide range of issues is commendable, he runs foul of the dangers of simplistic diatribe and superficiality.Example: The persistent 'U.S. bashing' that goes on here is, however, imprecise and tiresome after a while.Example: Cobbe was the primary target of John Ruskin's well-known fulmination against women who meddle with theology in his book 'Sesame and Lilies'.


» invectivasinvective .

Example: Some student users resorted to using an online conferencing system as the medium for insults and invective aimed at each other.

Invectiva synonyms

vitriol in spanish: vitriolo, pronunciation: vɪtriəl part of speech: noun vituperation in spanish: vituperio, pronunciation: vɪtəpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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