Inutilizado in english


pronunciation: ənjuzd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

inutilizado = deactivated. 

Example: Deactivated accounts will be re-activated upon receipt of payment.


» arma inutilizadadeactivated weapon .

Example: Deactivated weapons are any firearms which have been converted, in such a manner that they can no longer discharge any shot.



» inutilizarsebecome + unusable .

Example: Looking internally at a data diskette shows us that whenever a MARC record is deleted, the record is marked as deleted and the space becomes unusable.

Inutilizado synonyms

new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective clean in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: klin part of speech: adjective, verb idle in spanish: ocioso, pronunciation: aɪdəl part of speech: adjective fresh in spanish: Fresco, pronunciation: freʃ part of speech: adjective inactive in spanish: inactivo, pronunciation: ɪnæktɪv part of speech: adjective
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