Introducir in english
pronunciation: ɪntrədus part of speech: verb

introducirse = creep (up) (in/into) ; enter into ; make + Posesivo + way (into/onto) ; gain + entry.
Example: Abstracting may not always be accorded a high priority by volunteer abstractors and undesirable delays may creep into the preparation of abstracts.Example: Information in machine-readable form can be entered into and extracted from the DOBIS/Leuven files.Example: Although electronic books (eBooks) are beginning to make their way into libraries collections, the question remains as to why it has taken so long for this to happen.Example: The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.introducir = enter ; feed ; input ; insert ; introduce ; key in ; load into ; put in ; put into ; read in ; usher in ; inaugurate ; carry in ; slip in between ; roll out.
Example: Entry of an 'e' for end will bring back the screen shown in Figure 23 where you can make another choice or enter 'e' for end.Example: The computer merely needs to be fed with the source documents and their citation, and with the appropriate software, will generate the indexes.Example: Thus the electronic journal (e-journal) is a concept where scientists are able to input ideas and text to a computer data base for their colleagues to view, and similarly to view the work of others.Example: Gaps are left in the apportionment of notation in order to permit new subjects to be inserted.Example: The report introduced a range of ideas which have influenced subsequent code construction.Example: The advantage is that information does not have to be keyed in.Example: Multiple copies of the catalogue or index in the conventional sense are not required, but the data base can be copied and loaded into various computer systems.Example: For those of you who are not familiar with OCLC and the way we work the data base is not a vast receptacle into which we throw any kind of record that anybody wants to put in.Example: If the bibliographic record is found, it can be put into the system catalog immediately.Example: Light pens can be used to read in data from bar codes on borrowers' cards, books, records, audio-visual materials.Example: Optical technology has ushered in a new phase in the storage and retrieval of information.Example: In the beginning staff delivered books to readers in their homes, while in 1972 a mobile library service was inaugurated enabling readers to choose their own materials.Example: The first printing presses had two moving parts: the carriage assembly, which carried the type and paper in and out of the press, and the impression assembly, by means of which the paper was pressed down on to the inked type.Example: At all periods, but uncommonly before the eighteenth century, the lines of type might be 'leaded', thin strips of typemetal, reglet, or card being slipped in between each one.Example: I don't need to tell those of you from higher education institutions how course management systems are starting to really proliferate and roll out in higher education.more:
» introducir a golpes = hammer into .
Example: The punches were then hammered into small blocks of copper (matrices).» introducir a la fuerza = prise + Nombre + into .
Example: These are the people and characters I wanted to add to my book, but couldn't quite prise them into my story without going off point.» introducir Algo/Alguien en = usher + Nombre + into .
Example: Library employees can transform their organisations into dynamic entities capable of ushering society into the Information Age.» introducir Algo en = take + Nombre + into .
Example: A library, even a small one in a home or a public place takes us out of our noisy, hurry up, present-minded lives and into what Keats called the world of 'silence and slow time'.» introducir arrastrando = haul in .
Example: The plank was hauled in and out between the cheeks by girths at each end which were wound round a small windlass underneath the ribs.» introducir cambios = ring + the changes .
Example: With the festive season upon us, it's time to ring the changes with a few new wines, that are just hitting the shelves.» introducir datos = key + data .
Example: Input is normally recorded by using a light pen to read bar-encoded patron IDs and bar-encoded book labels, but may also be achieved by keying data at a keyboard/display unit.» introducir datos en el ordenador = input [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio input. En raras ocasiones se utiliza inputted] .
Example: This stop list is input to the computer before indexing can commence, and is a list of the words which appear in text which have no value as access words in an index.» introducir datos partiendo de cero = enter from + scratch .
Example: Records for this program, however, have to be entered from scratch.» introducir de contrabando = smuggle in .
Example: The inmates satisfied their need for reading by smuggling in Polish books, or else narrating stories from memory.» introducir de nuevo = re-enter [reenter] .
Example: The message then can be deleted, read again on the screen filed electronically, printed out as a hard copy, or sent to a third party without the need to re-enter it.» introducir en = merge into .
Example: Once identified, all of these searchable elements are merged into an existing file or dictionary of searchable elements.» introducir escalonadamente = spiral [Pasado y gerundio spiralled/spiralling en inglés británico y spiraled/spiraling en inglés americano] .
Example: The paper identifies and discusses seven concepts that should be spiraled throughout the curriculum and examined in each social context.» introducir gradualmente = phase in .
Example: The new pricing scheme will be phased in gradually, the plan being to reduce connect fees as other fees are increased.» introducir ilegalmente = smuggle in .
Example: The inmates satisfied their need for reading by smuggling in Polish books, or else narrating stories from memory.» introducir información = provide + input .
Example: The Centre also provides input into centralised information systems for the storage of information on theses, research reports, travel reports, translations and bibliographies.» introducir mediante el teclado = keyboard .
Example: One use of the Mouse is in free-hand drawing, but it also promises to improve drastically the way in which data can be manipulated once it has been keyboarded into a file.» introducir mejoras = make + improvements .
Example: Improvements are, however being made all the time: the dividing line between microcomputer and minicomputer is already blurred.» introducir poco a poco = ease + Nombre + in .
Example: Do not force the bottle into the hole, but gently ease it in, as too much force will cause the plastic break.» introducir poco a poco a = filter through to .
Example: A further author explained how he hoped his work would appear first to the advanced scholars but might also filter through to students.» introducir por primera vez = pioneer .
Example: Icons, or pictorial representations of objects in systems, were pioneered by Xerox.» introducir progresivamente = spiral [Pasado y gerundio spiralled/spiralling en inglés británico y spiraled/spiraling en inglés americano] .
Example: The paper identifies and discusses seven concepts that should be spiraled throughout the curriculum and examined in each social context.» introducir rápidamente = slip + Nombre + into .
Example: Just slip a few juicy story tidbits into your presentation or discussion, and you might find the people who listen to them are getting more involved in your ideas.» introducirse = creep (up) (in/into) ; enter into ; make + Posesivo + way (into/onto) ; gain + entry .
Example: Abstracting may not always be accorded a high priority by volunteer abstractors and undesirable delays may creep into the preparation of abstracts. Example: Information in machine-readable form can be entered into and extracted from the DOBIS/Leuven files. Example: Although electronic books (eBooks) are beginning to make their way into libraries collections, the question remains as to why it has taken so long for this to happen. Example: The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.» introducirse completamente en = immerse + Reflexivo + in .
Example: The indexer must become conversant with the subject content of the document, in just the same way as an abstractor must immerse himself in the text.» introducirse en = insinuate + Posesivo + way through ; insinuate + Reflexivo + (into) ; insinuate into .
Example: As they insinuated their way through the stack area, the secretary responded that all she knew was that the director had just returned from a meeting. Example: But self-concern can insinuate itself into every corner of the emotional life. Example: While endorsing the thought that language is insinuated into brains, I also identify what I believe is the theory's Achilles heel.» introducirse en nuevos mercados = break into + new markets .
Example: The Internet offers unparalleled opportunities to break into new markets.» introducirse poco a poco = ease + Reflexivo + in .
Example: Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.» introducirse sigilosamente = creep up on .
Example: Nationwide networking crept up on libraries, eager to share the resources they could not afford singly or even in small groups.» introducir sin ser visto = slip + Nombre + into .
Example: Just slip a few juicy story tidbits into your presentation or discussion, and you might find the people who listen to them are getting more involved in your ideas.» introducir tirando = haul in .
Example: The plank was hauled in and out between the cheeks by girths at each end which were wound round a small windlass underneath the ribs.» introducir un cambio = bring + change .
Example: Surely these innovations already have and will continue to bring deep and wide-sweeping change to our profession - and because of their rapidity, these changes will be sudden and often tumultuous.» introducir un (nuevo) producto = launch + a (new) product .
Example: In launching a product, it is imperative that you have a clear idea about the people that you are aiming for.» introducir variaciones = ring + the changes .
Example: With the festive season upon us, it's time to ring the changes with a few new wines, that are just hitting the shelves.» volver a introducir = re-enter [reenter] ; reintroduce ; reinsert .
Example: The message then can be deleted, read again on the screen filed electronically, printed out as a hard copy, or sent to a third party without the need to re-enter it. Example: But adoption of the ISBD reintroduces repetition of the author's name before and after the title, which is particularly objectionable in the case of lengthy or complex corporate names. Example: This organization uses an innovative approach to reinsert young people formerly hospitalized for psychiatric problems into the workforce.