Intrincado in english


pronunciation: ɪntrəkət part of speech: adjective
In gestures

intrincado = intricate ; convoluted ; knotted. 

Example: The terminology, much of it being either newly coined or adapted to suit the purpose at hand, is sometimes rather intricate.Example: Many of Marshall McLuhan's observations were not new and often convoluted.Example: Its intricately knotted narrative begins in 1900 with the sequence of events leading to Oscar Wilde's deathbed conversion.


» de intrincado diseñointricately designed .

Example: These intricately designed doll houses showcases that creating miniature versions of modern homes is something that continues to attract adults and architects to this day

Intrincado synonyms

complex in spanish: complejo, pronunciation: kɑmpleks part of speech: adjective, noun elaborate in spanish: elaborar, pronunciation: ɪlæbrət part of speech: adjective, verb fancy in spanish: lujoso, pronunciation: fænsi part of speech: noun, adjective, verb convoluted in spanish: complejo, pronunciation: kɑnvəlutəd part of speech: adjective byzantine in spanish: bizantino, pronunciation: bɪzəntaɪn part of speech: adjective, noun involved in spanish: involucrado, pronunciation: ɪnvɑlvd part of speech: adjective tortuous in spanish: tortuoso, pronunciation: tɔrtʃəwəs part of speech: adjective knotty in spanish: nudoso, pronunciation: nɑti part of speech: adjective tangled in spanish: enredado, pronunciation: tæŋgəld part of speech: adjective labyrinthine in spanish: laberíntico, pronunciation: læbɜrɪnθin part of speech: adjective luxuriant in spanish: exuberante, pronunciation: ləgʒɜriənt part of speech: adjective
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