Intrascendente in english


pronunciation: ənɪmpɔrtənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

intrascendente = light hearted [light-hearted/lighhearted] ; petty ; inconsequent. 

Example: Properly read, live literature -- even the quietest or most light-hearted -- may be disturbing, may subvert our view of life.Example: It may seem petty to distinguish between the plural and singular form, and therefore unnecessary to include both forms in the index.Example: Art works rarely come up for mention in his book, and the few artists who do play a role make appearances that are inconsequent and fleeting.


» chiste intrascendentelight-hearted joke .

Example: He started off on a good note of light-hearted jokes at a charity dinner on Thursday night, but the mood turned once he started attacking his ex more heavily.

Intrascendente synonyms

light in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪt part of speech: noun, adjective little in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: lɪtəl part of speech: adjective, adverb trivial in spanish: trivial, pronunciation: trɪviəl part of speech: adjective indifferent in spanish: indiferente, pronunciation: ɪndɪfrənt part of speech: adjective petty in spanish: pequeño, pronunciation: peti part of speech: adjective superficial in spanish: superficial, pronunciation: supɜrfɪʃəl part of speech: adjective picayune in spanish: baladí, pronunciation: pɪkijun part of speech: adjective insignificant in spanish: insignificante, pronunciation: ɪnsɪgnjɪfɪkənt part of speech: adjective lightweight in spanish: ligero, pronunciation: laɪtweɪt part of speech: adjective immaterial in spanish: inmaterial, pronunciation: ɪmətɪriəl part of speech: adjective inconsequential in spanish: inconsecuente, pronunciation: ɪŋkɑnsəkwentʃəl part of speech: adjective potty in spanish: orinal, pronunciation: pɑti part of speech: adjective, noun lilliputian in spanish: liliputiense, pronunciation: lɪləpjuʃən part of speech: adjective, noun niggling in spanish: persistente, pronunciation: nɪglɪŋ part of speech: adjective footling in spanish: trivial, pronunciation: fʊtlɪŋ part of speech: adjective colorless in spanish: incoloro, pronunciation: kʌlɜrləs part of speech: adjective fiddling in spanish: trivial, pronunciation: fɪdlɪŋ part of speech: adjective piddling in spanish: menudo, pronunciation: pɪdəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective inconsequent in spanish: inconsecuente, pronunciation: ɪnkɑnsəkwənt part of speech: adjective hole-and-corner in spanish: hoyo y esquina, pronunciation: hoʊlændkɔrnɜr part of speech: adjective piffling in spanish: trivial, pronunciation: pɪfəlɪŋ part of speech: adjective nickel-and-dime in spanish: níquel y diez centavos, pronunciation: nɪkələnddaɪm part of speech: verb, adjective small-time in spanish: poco tiempo, pronunciation: smɔltaɪm part of speech: adjective inappreciable in spanish: inapreciable, pronunciation: ɪnəpriʃəbəl part of speech: adjective hole-in-corner in spanish: agujero en la esquina, pronunciation: hoʊlinkɔrnɜr part of speech: adjective
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