Intestinal in english


pronunciation: ɪntestənəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

intestinal = intestinal ; ventral. 

Example: This article studies the prediction of human intestinal adsorption of drug compounds.Example: The ventral portion of the urinary bladder was marked with India ink to facilitate identification.


» canal intestinal, elintestinal tract, the .

Example: Banana contains large amounts of soluble fiber, which can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria keeping the cleanness of the intestinal tract.

» enfermedad intestinal inflamatoriainflammatory bowel disease .

Example: Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation or ulceration of the digestive tract.

» flora intestinalintestinal floragut flora .

Example: There is general consensus that the intestinal flora of healthy breast-fed infants has several beneficial effects.

Example: Vaccinations have toxins in them that kill gut flora and weaken the immune system.

» lavado intestinalbowel prep .

Example: New studies highlight the importance of bowel prep and effectiveness of colonoscopy.

» lombriz intestinalthreadwormpinworm .

Example: The main medications used to treat threadworms are available from your local pharmacy without prescription.

Example: Pinworms are more a nuisance than a serious health problem.

» microflora intestinalintestinal microfloragut microflora .

Example: Your intestinal microflora is unique, although you will likely have one of three general 'communities' of bacteria.

Example: Gut microflora is mainly composed of three enterotypes: Prevotella, Bacteroides and Ruminococcus.

» mucosa intestinalintestinal mucous membrane .

Example: The ingestion of metal shards is dangerous since they can cut the intestinal mucous membrane.

» oclusión intestinalintestinal obstructionbowel obstruction .

Example: Eating a lot of paraffin can cause intestinal obstruction.

Example: The symptoms of a bowel obstruction depend on whether the blockage is in the small intestine or the large intestine.

» purga intestinalbowel prep .

Example: New studies highlight the importance of bowel prep and effectiveness of colonoscopy.

» tracto intestinal, eldigestive tract, the .

Example: The innate immune system in breast milk is complex and provides protection for the developing digestive tract of newborns.

Intestinal synonyms

enteric in spanish: entérico, pronunciation: enterɪk part of speech: adjective enteral in spanish: enteral, pronunciation: entɜrəl part of speech: adjective
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