Interés in english


pronunciation: ɪntrəst part of speech: noun
In gestures

interés1 = appeal ; appetite ; concern ; focus ; involvement ; interest ; knowledge interest ; piquancy ; penchant ; pursuit ; topicality. 

Example: Indeed, if they are not successful in finding ways of renewing their original purpose and appeal, they are on their way to dissolution and displacement.Example: We need to know what and how consumers' information appetites have changed.Example: The use of agents is necessary but not ideal, because an agent often represents rival concerns, and aims for a quick turnover rather than long-term profitability.Example: Our focus in this text is on the first stage in the following diagram.Example: Clearly, anyone having any dealings at all with the CAP needs a general understanding of how the system works, at a level which is appropriate to their involvement.Example: An abstracting bulletin is generally a weekly or monthly current-awareness service containing abstracts of all documents of interest that have passed into the library or information unit during that time.Example: Phenomenography is an approach that builds on phenomenological and hermeneutic traditions; its knowledge interest is to describe the varying conceptions held within a specific group about a phenomenon = Phenomenography is an approach that builds on phenomenological and hermeneutic traditions; its knowledge interest is to describe the varying conceptions held within a specific group about a phenomenon.Example: Young was a man of singular eccentricity and piquancy of character, a person who was very interesting in his own right.Example: Our penchant to organize is perhaps as close to a biological imperative as any form of human behavior is likely to come.Example: What is more arguable is whether or not it is a bibliographical pursuit at all since it bears little relationship to the physical nature of the book.Example: This year, the event is gaining topicality because of the EU enlargement.


» actuar en defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y biblioteclibrary advocacy .

Example: The rationale underpinning library funding should be stated explicitly in legislation which should provide a powerful platform for library advocacy.

» adaptarse a un interésaccommodate + an interest .

Example: Curricula must change rapidly to accommodate the increasing interest in this field of work.

» ámbito de interéssphere of interest .

Example: The members of these cabinets are agricultural specialists who read and recommend new publications, each in his own sphere of interest.

» ampliar el interésbroaden + Posesivo + interest .

Example: Readers are given the opportunity to broaden and deepen interest, through having their attention drawn to books that have formed the basis of radio or television broadcasts.

» aprovecharse del interés general por Algoexploit + an appeal .

Example: Towards the end of the century a few makers exploited the antiquarian appeal of laid hand-made paper by reviving the single-faced laid mould.

» área de interésfield of interestfocus areafocal area .

Example: Guidelines can be expected to discuss some or all of the following: examples of abstracts in various fields of interest to the abstracting organisation.

Example: These maps serve as pathfinders for future research in the focus area = Estos mapas sirven como guías para investigaciones futuras sobre el tema de interés.

Example: Some of these focal areas are new, and some have been at the heart of the our mission for a century.

» asunto de interés nacionaldomestic issue .

Example: In his weekly address President Obama refocused on two domestic issues looming: health care and jobs.

» atraer el interéscapture + the imaginationcapture + Posesivo + interest .

Example: This paper describes how a middle grade school teacher uses a core list of books to capture the imagination of his students and to encourage them to write honestly about their lives.

Example: The author lists World Wide Web sites that capture the interest of curious but not very knowledgeable inquirers.

» atraer el interés decatch + Posesivo + imagination .

Example: Thesaurofacet has caught the imagination of a number of other thesaurus constructors.

» atraer (mucho) interésdraw + (a great deal of) interest .

Example: The topic of discipline always draws a great deal of interest.

» aumentar el interésdeepen + Posesivo + interest .

Example: Readers are given the opportunity to broaden and deepen interest, through having their attention drawn to books that have formed the basis of radio or television broadcasts.

» aumento del interéssurge of interest .

Example: Colleges have reported a surge of interest among homeowners interested in renting rooms out to students in light of the crisis in accommodation.

» caer fuera del interés delie outside + the scope of .

Example: Consideration of PRECIS and the chain procedure lies outside the scope of this particular volume.

» caer fuera del interés de unofall outside + Posesivo + interest .

Example: The description of documents in catalogue entries is called descriptive cataloguing and this also falls outside our present interest.

» campo de interéssphere of interest .

Example: The members of these cabinets are agricultural specialists who read and recommend new publications, each in his own sphere of interest.

» captar el interéscapture + the imaginationcapture + Posesivo + interest .

Example: This paper describes how a middle grade school teacher uses a core list of books to capture the imagination of his students and to encourage them to write honestly about their lives.

Example: The author lists World Wide Web sites that capture the interest of curious but not very knowledgeable inquirers.

» captar el interés decatch + Posesivo + imagination .

Example: Thesaurofacet has caught the imagination of a number of other thesaurus constructors.

» captar + Posesivo + interésattract + Posesivo + interest .

Example: The effect of acid rain on the environment and cultural objects have attracted considerable interest in recent years.

» coincidir con + Posesivo + interésmatch + Posesivo + interest .

Example: The result shows, inter alia, an increasing interest in computer-based information work and that most graduates were able to find posts that matched their interests.

» combinar interesesbridge + interests .

Example: Group SDI, these services are not individualised, but rather are based either on set of standard profiles (Standard SDI) from which the user can choose, or on a group profile which bridges the interest of a group of people.

» compartir intereses comunesshare + common interests .

Example: All companies that compete share common interests.

» conflicto de interesesconflict of interest(s)competing interests .

Example: There is a fundamental conflict of interests between the historian, who seeks to evaluate sources, and the librarian, who tries to treat them all with an even hand.

Example: We are not aiming at eradicating competing interests -- they are almost inevitable.

» con intereses ocultosagenda-laden .

Example: While some sites are strictly parody intended or product-promoting, some intentionally lure the unsuspecting into information provided by hate groups or other agenda-laden organisations.

» con intereses propiosself-interested .

Example: This paper examines the self-interested reasons that businesses can have for ethical behavior.

» conjunto de interesesset of interests .

Example: Different groups in the library's environment adhere to different sets of interests when evaluating the library's effectiveness.

» Consejo Internacional de Museos y Lugares de Interés (ICOMS)International Council of Museums and Sites (ICOMOS) .

Example: In 1996, IFLA, the International Council on Archives (ICA), the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) joined to create the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS).

» constatar el interésgauge + interest .

Example: They are gauging interest for a user's group meeting, possibly taking place in conjunction with other national meetings.

» con un interés enwith a stake in .

Example: This web-based advisory service is open to all those with a stake in the preservation of, and the provision of access to, digital materials.

» crear interésbuild + interestcreate + interest .

Example: Cultural programmes can bring the community together and build support for and interest in the library, while at the same time bringing about the flowering of knowledge.

Example: My job is to create interest, not to find people who already have an interest.

» cuestión de interés nacionaldomestic issue .

Example: In his weekly address President Obama refocused on two domestic issues looming: health care and jobs.

» dar interésspice upadd + spiceginger up .

Example: This article presents a number of sites on the Internet which are unusual or of special interest and are thereby recommended to spice up public access in libraries.

Example: The strategies to be described can be viewed as horizontal ladders -- new and challenging experiences that can occur laterally within the organization and that add spice to a familiar routine.

Example: She does not strike me as the sort either who would frighten easily, or who would ginger up her story for effect.

» debate por tema de interésbreakout discussion .

Example: The conference focused on the following themes, seminars and break-out discussions: books in a post paper society; the shifting sands of retail trends; no more bunting on the publishing boat; and consumer attitudes to price.

» defender los interesesdefend + interests .

Example: Librarians must defend the interests of the information poor.

» defender los intereses dego to + bat forbat for .

Example: To everyone's surprise he responded that he'would be willing to go to bat for a replacement of some sort'.

Example: The article 'Batting for the British Library' discusses the scope of the project to develop a new British Library site.

» defender + Posesivo + intereseslobby for + Posesivo + interests .

Example: And, what's worse, they have themselves failed to aggressively lobby for their own interests.

» defensa de intereseslobbying .

Example: The network is fairly well developed and lobbying initiatives on policies affecting all or a group of local authorities have stemmed from this source.

» defensa de los intereses de las bibliotecas y bibliotecarioslibrary advocacy .

Example: The rationale underpinning library funding should be stated explicitly in legislation which should provide a powerful platform for library advocacy.

» defensor de los intereses del ciudadanowatchdog .

Example: It has earned a reputation as a watchdog and consumers union in the medical equipment industry with its international problem reporting network, published in HEALTH DEVICES ALERTS (HDA) on DIALOG.

» de interés especialof particular concernspecial-interest .

Example: Two aspects of this history, however, are of particular concern to bibliographers.

Example: This article analyses and discusses the contents of popular publications aimed at general-interest and special-interest consumer video audiences.

» de intereses similaresof like interest .

Example: Resource sharing and cooperation among libraries of like interest or in close proximity is a way of counteracting these consequences.

» de interés generalgeneral-interestof general interest .

Example: This article analyses and discusses the contents of popular publications aimed at general-interest and special-interest consumer video audiences.

Example: Papers should be of interest to everyone in macroeconomics, of general interest in the profession, or of comparable quality and importance.

» de interés humanohuman interest .

Example: Staff creativity can spice up statistical data with humor, graphics, photographs, and human interest stories.

» de interés periodísticonewsworthy  .

Example: The focus on solutions to societal problems common to much interdisciplinary research makes such projects particularly newsworthy.

» despertar el interésprovoke + intereststimulate + the intereststir + interestwhet + Posesivo + appetite for/toheighten + interestrouse + interestcapture + the imaginationcapture + Posesivo + interestwork up + an interestpique + Posesivo + interest .

Example: EEC's activities provoke general interest only when they seem to pose a threat to yet another aspect of the British way of life.

Example: Continuing differences of opinion on such matters as the Community budget and the Common Agricultural Policy have stimulated the interest of academics and produced a market for their publications.

Example: The author's observations of a series of literary evenings for the deaf confirm that such evenings can stir a dormant interest in literature.

Example: One part of a novel or long text may be read in order to whet the listeners' appetites for reading the book themselves.

Example: Reading may be introduced with music in order to achieve a multisensory experience, heighten interest, and add variety and pleasure.

Example: The best reference librarians never find it necessary to rouse their interest in any subject: it is sufficient for them that the topic has been asked about by a reader.

Example: This paper describes how a middle grade school teacher uses a core list of books to capture the imagination of his students and to encourage them to write honestly about their lives.

Example: The author lists World Wide Web sites that capture the interest of curious but not very knowledgeable inquirers.

Example: It was at this time that John Hall, together with other public-spirited citizens of that community, worked up an interest in the matter, the proceeds of which were to be used in the construction of a railroad.

Example: Indeed, piracy in the Horn of Africa is such a hot topic these days that it is piquing the interest of the world's top security experts.

» despertar el interés decatch + Posesivo + imagination .

Example: Thesaurofacet has caught the imagination of a number of other thesaurus constructors.

» despertar el interés porgive + Nombre + an appetite for .

Example: This gave her an appetite for change and for other cultures that has stayed with her throughout her life.

» despertar interésarouse + interestraise + interestspark + interest .

Example: A series of regular exhibitions has aroused the interest of the public and the collection is steadily increasing as donations are received.

Example: I might also use some information from it to help raise interest.

Example: Even if the wrong books are occasionally chosen the awards spark interest and intellectual involvement in children's books.

» despertar interés porkindle + an interest in .

Example: The talk had indeed kindled in him an interest in the subject.

» despertar (mucho) interésdraw + (a great deal of) interest .

Example: The topic of discipline always draws a great deal of interest.

» despertar + Posesivo + interésattract + Posesivo + interest .

Example: The effect of acid rain on the environment and cultural objects have attracted considerable interest in recent years.

» destinado a despertar el interés del usuariohighlight abstract .

Example: Highlight abstracts are designed to attract the reader's attention to an article and to whet the appetite.

» dirigir los intereses de unobreak into .

Example: This article examines the position of IBM and its decline in the world of data processing and considers the growth areas that the company should break into.

» el interés públicothe public interest .

Example: Obscurity in the law is against the public interest.

» en interés dein the interest(s) of [Más común en plural]for the interest(s) of .

Example: In the interest of clarity an integrated account of the appropriate added entry headings is to be found in 21.29 and 21.30.

Example: A number of Iraqi army and police elements have participated in the circulation of electoral propaganda for the interest of certain electoral lists.

» esperar con interés (+ Infinitivo)look forward to (+ Gerundio) .

Example: We may look forward to more complete fulfilment of this objective in the near future.

» estar fuera del interéslie outside + the scope of .

Example: Consideration of PRECIS and the chain procedure lies outside the scope of this particular volume.

» estar fuera del interés de unolie beyond + concern .

Example: We talk heatedly about books that lie beyond our present concerns because these allow us to speculate and often present us with puzzles we want to explore.

» expresar + Posesivo + interés porexpress + (an) interest in .

Example: Students also expressed low interest in the core curriculum subjects which are taught in the first year of the course.

» expresión de interésapplication .

Example: Applications from newly graduated librarians continue to stream in for most well-advertised jobs in public and academic libraries.

» falta de interésdisengagement [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: She resented his disengagement but felt powerless to change the situation.

» falta de interés por cooperarunresponsiveness  .

Example: Their expressed concern is far more with his remoteness, unresponsiveness, lack of sympathy, glibness, or dogmatism.

» foco de interésfocus of interestfocus of concernfocus of attention .

Example: In an area study the emphasis should be about equal, in a case or comparative study it should be graded depending on the focus of interest.

Example: In an era of exploding medical expenses, the linkage between health care providers and insurers becomes a focus of concern because its improvement is necessary if costs are to be contained.

Example: As most disabled students have been paraplegics, the focus of attention has been on wheelchair access and assistance.

» fomentar el interésraise + interestfoster + interestfoster + interest .

Example: I might also use some information from it to help raise interest.

Example: Founded in London in 1964, the Society fosters interest in the history of printing.

Example: Founded in London in 1964, the Society fosters interest in the history of printing.

» fomentar interésbuild + interest .

Example: Cultural programmes can bring the community together and build support for and interest in the library, while at the same time bringing about the flowering of knowledge.

» generar interésgenerate + interestcreate + interest .

Example: The newsletter has generated interest from all over the world.

Example: My job is to create interest, not to find people who already have an interest.

» grupo de interésfocus groupinterest group .

Example: While lunches and exhibit booth encounters at ALA and state conferences help, neither replaces a good, structured focus group.

Example: The meeting agreed that the new organisation was needed to act as an interest group for the library, information science and documentation profession in the European Community.

» grupo de trabajo por tema de interésbreakout group [Reunión de personas con un tema de interés común] .

Example: The agenda consisted of lectures, discussions, workshops, reports and breakout groups.

» guiado por intereses propiosinterest-determined .

Example: The question of ideological thought (in the sense of a veiled interest-determined trend of thought) is again rearing its head in present times.

» hacer que pierda el interéstake + the shine off things .

Example: Not being able to run DP on IIS and not being able to find a commercial web hosting company who ran Apache, took the initial shine off things for me.

» institución de interés históricoheritage institution .

Example: California is rich with heritage institutions; it has 1,300 museums, 5,000 libraries and archives, 125 historical societies, and over 500 state parks facilities.

» institución de interés histórico y culturalcultural heritage institution .

Example: The Project's goal is to increase access to the special collections and unique resources of the cultural heritage institutions through digitisation.

» interés cada vez mayorgrowing interest .

Example: The search for national identity and a strong sense of communion with nature fueled a growing interest in the genre.

» interés + centrarse eninterest + lie with .

Example: Our interest has lain with indexing practices rather than with search procedures.

» interés comercialbusiness interestcommercial interest .

Example: Special libraries in commercial organisations are the growth area and many, such as banks, have libraries containing collections in subjects outside their immediate business interests.

Example: The article 'Apologia for alternatives' examines the situation where professional standards may have to give way to commercial interests.

» interés comúnshared interest .

Example: And like any group, any clan, a company of children is cemented together by shared interests, which we frequently recognize as 'crazes'.

» interés creadovested interest .

Example: At every level there are vested interests and any change threatens someone's special interests, privileges, authority, or status.

» interés + decaerinterest + flag .

Example: Once interest begins to flat then it it is time for a change.

» interés económicoeconomic interestfinancial stake .

Example: When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.

Example: However, there are those with huge financial stakes in green energy and green policy that continue to push forward with this agenda because if new legislation goes through, they stand to make a fortune.

» interesesbreadth of interests .

Example: Increasing competition and the 'global economy' is greatly affecting the geographic dispersement of these people and the breadth of their interests.

» intereses comercialesmarket forcesmarketplace forces .

Example: If market forces are given free rein, the new technology could result not only in an information elite among users, but perhaps more dangerously an elite group of information providers.

Example: There is not yet agreement on which marketplace forces affecting our information economy are important.

» intereses comunescommon groundcommunity of interest .

Example: PRECIS provides an exemplary illustration of the association and common ground between alphabetical indexing and classification.

Example: Communities of interest will only prosper if they share an economic model which makes sense.

» intereses contrapuestosconflicting interests .

Example: The two sides may have conflicting interests, but each is dependent on the region's abundant aquatic resources.

» intereses cotidianoslife interests .

Example: This article examines the ranges of life interests and reading interests among adult users of public libraries in communities of various sizes.

» intereses de lecturareading interests .

Example: This article examines the ranges of life interests and reading interests among adult users of public libraries in communities of various sizes.

» intereses encontradoscompeting interests .

Example: We are not aiming at eradicating competing interests -- they are almost inevitable.

» intereses ocultoshidden agendaulterior motives .

Example: This paper looks at the hidden agendas and values that conflict with the concept of cheap, easy-to-get, comprehensive, accurate information.

Example: From the very beginning I have been hard on him because I didn't trust him -- sometimes biting his head off and others accusing him of having ulterior motives.

» interés generalpublic interest .

Example: It is, however, possible for member states to make exemptions to this restriction on grounds of important public interest.

» interés intelectualintellectual pursuit .

Example: The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward = La evasión de impuestos es la única actividad intelectual que aún sigue teniendo recompensa.

» interés pasajeropassing interest .

Example: However, the book is broad enough to appeal to those who have a passing interest in science.

» interés periodísticonewsworthiness  .

Example: Results show that newsworthiness of a homicide is enhanced when whites are suspects or victims, males are suspects and victims are females, children or senior citizens.

» interés personalvested interestself-interestaxe to grindpersonal interest .

Example: At every level there are vested interests and any change threatens someone's special interests, privileges, authority, or status.

Example: Therefore, the library manager must walk a tightrope that is continually swayed by self-interest (on the part of oneself and others).

Example: The seventeenth century could tolerate the growth of a public library which was committed to the spread of knowledge without any particular axe to grind other than the rather vague one of promoting a happy Christian state.

Example: This, of course, is inevitable in an institution presided over by a committee which has infinitely less personal interest in books than in politics or the price of coal.

» interés por ganar dineroprofit motive .

Example: In the UK many employers feel library science graduates do not appreciate the profit motive and do not exhibit the necessary outgoing personalities for successful marketing.

» interés por los librosawareness of books .

Example: Like the librarians and the bookshop staff, the club members are catalysts who spark off that fission which will spread from child to child an awareness of books and the habit of reading them.

» interés públicopublic interest .

Example: It is, however, possible for member states to make exemptions to this restriction on grounds of important public interest.

» ir en detrimento de los interesesprejudice + interests .

Example: This does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.

» levantar el interéscreate + interest .

Example: My job is to create interest, not to find people who already have an interest.

» lleno de interéssolicitously .

Example: Need someone to talk to about it?' inquired Lehmann solicitously.

» llevar a cabo + Posesivo + intereses ocultoscarry out + Posesivo + (hidden) agenda .

Example: Richard seeks to expose some of the perfidious practices going on behind the scenes by the cowards who use phoney frontmen to carry out their agenda.

» lugar de interésattractionsight .

Example: Subject-type title indexes have two important attractions.

Example: Beautiful forests, mountains, rivers, and special sights to visit are described.

» lugar de interés turísticotourist hotspottourist site .

Example: The apparent shooting occurred in broad daylight in one of Mexico City's tourist hotspots outside a popular restaurant.

Example: Tourism and tourist sites can become locations of power struggles and contestations between different social groups.

» mantener el interéshold + the interestsustain + interest .

Example: It was concluded that when one tries to hold the fragile interest (through library publications) of a new customer, a mere lessening of sentence and word lengths work wonders in preventing the impeding of that interest.

Example: It's impossible to sustain interest in a film that steers clear of suspense.

» mantener un interéspursue + an interest .

Example: This policy benefits library staff through supporting the freedom to pursue a variety of professional interests.

» material documental de interés para los vecinos del barriocommunity literature .

Example: Many libraries amass a considerable amount of community literature, some of which is kept on permanent display.

» máximo interésmaximum interest .

Example: Careful planning is essential between all concerned, including the children, to ensure maximum interest and minimum cost.

» monumento de interéssight .

Example: Beautiful forests, mountains, rivers, and special sights to visit are described.

» mostrar interés enshow + interest inmark + interest inevince + interest in .

Example: Berlin scholars have shown interest in the deciphering and publication of Mexican Indian manuscripts since the early 19th century.

Example: At the 2nd London Book Fair, attendance was down from 508 in 1982 to 497 in 1983 and some major publishers were absent although overseas interest was marked.

Example: Recently, many national and global players have evinced interest to enter the sector and are expected to make huge investments.

» mostrar interés porexpress + (an) interest in .

Example: Students also expressed low interest in the core curriculum subjects which are taught in the first year of the course.

» mostrar interés por conseguirmake + a move (on/for) .

Example: If a buyer finds something they like they should be prepared to make a move because chances are there's someone else making a move on the same property.

» motivado por intereses propiosinterest-based .

Example: The author concentrates on the negative aspects of information, both the unwilling, innocent or accidental error and the interest-based disinformation.

» mucho interéskeen interest .

Example: He has a keen interest in global climate and the effects of fossil fuel burning.

» muestra de interésexpression of interest .

Example: IFLA has received five expressions of interest to host the World Library and Information Congress in 2008.

» no tener ningún interéscan't/couldn't be bothered .

Example: Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.

» noticias diarias de interésdaily news alerts .

Example: Some newspapers provide subscribers to the paper version with daily news alerts via email.

» objeto de interésobject of interest .

Example: The book sought by a person is really, most frequently, not the object of his/her interest, but the work contained in it is.

» ordenación topográfica según los intereses del lectorreader interest arrangement .

Example: Reader interest arrangements have been tried in public libraries.

» para personas con intereses similaresbirds-of-a-feather .

Example: This paper outlines the papers delivered at the conference, tutorials, and birds-of-a-feather sessions.

» pensar en + Posesivo + interéslook out for + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivolook after + number one .

Example: In other words, our culture is a culture of narcissism, a culture of looking out for oneself, seeking after what is going to benefit me and my family.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

Example: The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.

» pensar en + Posesivo + interés, penslook out for + number one .

Example: Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one -- you are all you have.

» perder el interéspall .

Example: The experience of 'flying through' virtual worlds to discover the identities of hundreds of criptics nodes palls very quickly.

» perder interéslapselose + interestfall out of + discussion .

Example: The first weeks are vital, and after that the shop must be constantly on the lookout for ways of stimulating further interest and re-awakening those who lapse.

Example: He lost interest in the discussion of different tactical methods to infiltrate the research building, as it mainly went over his head.

Example: This film touches on abortion, an issue that, like any other subject that affects women has fallen out of discussion.

» perfil de interéssubject interest .

Example: For SDI to be 'selective', it has to be matched against the known subject interests of the individual, i.e. a subject profile, so that the user receives only information that is relevant.

» perfil de interés del usuariosubject profileuser interest profile .

Example: For SDI to be 'selective', it has to be matched against the known subject interests of the individual, i.e. a subject profile, so that the user receives only information that is relevant.

Example: In such applications the search statement, usually referred to as a user interest profile is a linked set of index terms, which remains relatively stable over several computer runs.

» perjudicar los interesesprejudice + interests .

Example: This does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.

» por interésout of interest .

Example: Students who chose the module out of interest enjoyed it more, maintained their interest and spent more hours studying.

» por interés personalself-interested .

Example: This paper examines the self-interested reasons that businesses can have for ethical behavior.

» profundizar el interésdeepen + Posesivo + interest .

Example: Readers are given the opportunity to broaden and deepen interest, through having their attention drawn to books that have formed the basis of radio or television broadcasts.

» promover un interéspromote + interest .

Example: This might, in the long run, best promote the interests of the community.

» proyección de cuestiones de interésissues management [En una organización, estudio del desarrollo presente y futuro de temas de interés tecnológicos, sociales u otros que puedan afectarle negativa o positivamente en un futuro] .

Example: In essence, an issues management group, within a corporation or other organization, attempts to identify technological or social issues likely to have positive or negative impact on the institution at some future date.

» punto de interéspoint of interest .

Example: There are probably more unique points of interest in Manhattan alone than there are in some entire countries.

» quitar el interéstake + the shine off things .

Example: Not being able to run DP on IIS and not being able to find a commercial web hosting company who ran Apache, took the initial shine off things for me.

» renovado interésupsurgerenewed interest .

Example: It was the great upsurge both in publication and in literacy that forced a change.

Example: There is now renewed interest in other biodegradable materials that have been found preserved in peat, including dried fruits, berries, and kegs of butter or cheese.

» resumen de interéshighlight abstract .

Example: Highlight abstracts are designed to attract the reader's attention to an article and to whet the appetite.

» reunión por temas de interésbreakout session [En un congreso, reunión de personas con un tema de interés común] .

Example: Plenary and parallel break-out sessions will be conducted.

» según los intereses personales de cada unointerest-based .

Example: The library Web pages point users towards interest-based resources of particular merit.

» ser de interés parabe of interest (to/for) .

Example: This note is of interest primarily for music = Esta nota es de interés principalmente para la música.

» servir los interesesserve + Posesivo + interests .

Example: Such ephemeralness and homogenization of library collections serve the interests of all community members.

» sesión por tema de interésbreakout session [En un congreso, reunión de personas con un tema de interés común] .

Example: Plenary and parallel break-out sessions will be conducted.

» sin interésunexcitinguninterestingunmovingvapidvapidly .

Example: The author argues that the advantages for higher education are unclear, and rather unexciting.

Example: There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.

Example: The outcome is strangely unmoving.

Example: Television has become so vapid and devoid of information that I didn't see the point of watching the presidential debate.

Example: We need someone equally as empty-headed and vapidly moronic as Elisabeth Hasselbeck to replace her.

» tarea falta de interéschore .

Example: The maintenance of orderly shelf arrangement is often considered an unimportant chore.

» tema de interésarea of concernarea of enquiry [area of inquiry]area of interestfocus areaissue of concerntopic of interestfocal area .

Example: This paper attempts to take a look at three pertinent areas of concern and consequently this paper falls into three parts.

Example: Preliminary work involves the formulation of a range of possible objectives and a definition of areas of enquiry.

Example: A glance at a Bowker catalog shows that the two other areas of interest are librarianship and the booktrade.

Example: These maps serve as pathfinders for future research in the focus area = Estos mapas sirven como guías para investigaciones futuras sobre el tema de interés.

Example: Other issues of concern include the various complexities of titles proper of serials and areas of description where the code lacks explicitness.

Example: This is not a criticism of the book or the author since it was not a topic of interest to her.

Example: Some of these focal areas are new, and some have been at the heart of the our mission for a century.

» temas de interés de los usuariosuser interests .

Example: This, in turn, depends upon users and user interests, and it may be necessary to conduct a survey to discover or update the profile of user interests.

» temas de interés particularparticular concerns .

Example: Academics at the conference spoke of particular concerns in their fields of civil law, English language and regional planning.

» tenemos intereses en ambas partesour feet are in both worlds .

Example: People can not ignore this other world because our feet are in both worlds and we are charged with bringing both together under the library roof.

» tener intereses comuneshave + common interests .

Example: Developing solar energy is another area 'where Israel and Canada may have common interests,' Allen said.

» tener intereses en juegohave + invested .

Example: We have too much invested for us to assume any longer that we can, by sheer force of will, temper their influence on emerging standards.

» tener intereses ocultospush + Posesivo + (personal) agendapush + a hidden agenda .

Example: She interrupted other speakers to push her agenda, and failed to keep her answers relevant to the questions.

Example: This week the frontline blogosphere has been picking holes in Government policy and wondering whether Ministers are reckless or are pushing a hidden agenda.

» tener interés porhave + an interest in .

Example: Plainly it is worth seeking both reputable suppliers and producers, since they have an interest in offering a sound product.

» tener interés por/enbe interested in .

Example: Then something compelled her to blurt out: 'Are you interested in the job?' 'We haven't frightened you off, have we?' ejaculated another, with a nervous laugh.

» tener mucho interés enhave + a high stake in .

Example: Libraries depend on vendors for a much broader range of services and have a high stake in what happens in the industry.

» tener mucho interés porbe keen to .

Example: Hosts are less keen to standardise, although the EURONET Common Command Language has been adopted by various hosts, and there is some recognition of the potential benefits to the user of greater standardisation.

» tener un interés muy personal enhave + a stake inhold + a stake in .

Example: We both have a stake in our futures in Rolling Ridge and so I have no choice, if I want to continue at the library.

Example: More needs to be done by all parties that hold a stake in highway safety to reduce fatalities significantly.

» tener un interés personalhave + an axe to grind .

Example: I'd appreciate it if anyone who's used both, and doesn't have an axe to grind, could send constructive pros and cons.

» tomarse interés portake + an interest in .

Example: 'Let's go to my office,' he enjoined, noticing that the circulation clerks were beginning to take an interest in the dialogue.

» visitar los lugares de interésdo + the sightssightseerubberneckgo + sightseeing .

Example: It also depends on what you intend to do in London -- if you want to do the sights, you might want to stay in the center.

Example: If you'd like more help finding unique places to sightsee in Los Angeles, don't hesitate to contact us.

Example: I've lived here for more than half of my 44 years, and I still rubberneck like a tourist = He vivido aquí por más de la mitad de mis 44 años, y sigo visitando lugares de interés como un turista.

Example: If you thought you knew the best places to go sightseeing then you need to think again.

interés2 = interest ; rate ; interest charge. 

Example: Repayments is normally by equal half-yearly payments of capital and interest after a moratorium on capital repayments of up to five years, depending on project completion date.Example: The EIB is able to borrow money at the best possible rates, and as it is non-profit making it is able to offer loans at advantageous terms.Example: And, most importantly, even if a company makes a loss, it still has to pay its interest charges.


» cobrar interesesearn + interest .

Example: If you are keeping your money under the mattress, in a safe in the basement, or anywhere that it's not earning interest, then your money is losing value to inflation as you read this.

» devengar interesesearn + interest .

Example: If you are keeping your money under the mattress, in a safe in the basement, or anywhere that it's not earning interest, then your money is losing value to inflation as you read this.

» ganar interesesearn + interest .

Example: If you are keeping your money under the mattress, in a safe in the basement, or anywhere that it's not earning interest, then your money is losing value to inflation as you read this.

» generar interesesearn + interest .

Example: If you are keeping your money under the mattress, in a safe in the basement, or anywhere that it's not earning interest, then your money is losing value to inflation

Interés synonyms

concern in spanish: preocupación, pronunciation: kənsɜrn part of speech: noun stake in spanish: estaca, pronunciation: steɪk part of speech: noun worry in spanish: preocupación, pronunciation: wɜri part of speech: verb, noun sake in spanish: motivo, pronunciation: seɪk part of speech: noun occupy in spanish: ocupar, pronunciation: ɑkjəpaɪ part of speech: verb pastime in spanish: pasatiempo, pronunciation: pæstaɪm part of speech: noun involvement in spanish: enredo, pronunciation: ɪnvɑlvmənt part of speech: noun interestingness in spanish: interés, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɪstɪndʒnəs part of speech: noun interest group in spanish: grupo interesante, pronunciation: ɪntrəstgrup part of speech: noun matter to in spanish: importa a, pronunciation: mætɜrtu part of speech: verb
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