Intervenir in english

To intervene

pronunciation: tuɪntɜrvin part of speech: none
In gestures

intervenir1 = go into ; have + a hand in ; step in ; intervene ; jump in ; obtrude (into) ; cut in ; mediate ; intersect ; come into + play ; call into + play ; wiretap [wire-tap] ; chime in ; take + part ; intermediate ; wade in. 

Example: As something you may or may not know, every item going into the processing stream is assigned a priority, and our judgment will in many cases be different from yours, as our needs will be different from yours.Example: For the benefit of all users of the thesaurus who have not had a hand in its initial compilation some written record describing the anticipated use of the thesaurus is valuable.Example: Furthermore, children can be misled by group influences into reading truly pernicious material (hard core ponography, for example) and when this happens adults have a clear responsibility to step in and do something about it.Example: And again, this is a point at which the teacher may need to intervene to provide examples.Example: The unhappy tendency among teachers -- an occupational neurosis -- is to jump in too early and too often, especially if the talk wanders from direct comments about books under consideration.Example: The librarian will provide whatever help is required without obtruding into the process.Example: 'I'm not sure what 'arbitrary and capricious' means,' Stanton cut in reasonably.Example: School library media professionals who mediate in the learning experiences of students must be well informed critical thinkers.Example: Contingency plans can be devised to intersect at several points on this time continuum.Example: There are, of course, all sorts of other considerations which come into play in determining the income which a publisher might obtain from a book.Example: Ethical principles are called into play when deliberating about values, particularly when values run into conflict.Example: The implementation of this system would enable law enforcement agencies to wiretap all digital communication.Example: A few members of this list have done this, so wait for them to chime in here.Example: This article lists committees in whose work Soviet delegates took part and outlines results.Example: By exploiting these opportunities, arbitrageurs alleviate the segmentation of markets, providing liquidity to other investors by intermediating their trades.Example: Setting aside their first instinct to wade in with a half-and-half approach, school leaders decided instead to take the plunge.


» intervenir conchime in with .

Example: Thanks for chiming in with a wonderful explanation.

» intervenir en una conversaciónintervene in + a conversationjoin + a conversation .

Example: Among the many symptoms of autism there is the difficulty in intervening in or ending a conversation and the habit of butting into a conversation inopportunely.

Example: Also joining the conversation is a criminologist who explains the attraction that some women have to criminals.

» intervenir en un asuntointervene in + a matter .

Example: He intervened in the matter after it was brought to his notice that the appointment of Salaskar's daughter was hanging fire for quite sometime.

» intervenir en un conflictoenter + a conflict .

Example: The Federal Government occasionally entered these conflicts to serve as arbitrator or mediator.

» intervenir (sobre)weigh in (on) .

Example: If Division VIII is best positioned to weigh in on terminology, Division VIII should do so and the rest of us should follow that lead.

» que intervienenat play .

Example: The author considers the economic, political and social factors at play.

» si no intervienen otros factoresceteris paribusall (other) things being equal .

Example: It is seen that open access to land can lead to overpopulation in a ceteris paribus sense.

Example: Some of the modern evidence supporting the law of demand shows that, all other things being equal, when the price of a good rises, the amount of it demanded decreases.

intervenir2 = garnish ; confiscate. 

Example: As long as he is not financially responsible for the debt, the creditor cannot legally garnish his bank account or wages.Example: Under the Treaty of Riga in 1922, the return of important library collections and national archives confiscated by Russia in 1772 was secured.


» estar intervenidobe in administration .

Example: Both of those clubs were in administration not long ago and have started afresh.

» intervenir el teléfonotap + Posesivo + phone .

Example: Around the time of her death, Murphy was afraid to be in her own house because she was under surveillance by government operatives who tapped her phone.

» intervenir + Posesivo + bienesfreeze + Posesivo + assets .

Example: The district court judge issued a temporary restraining order barring the defendants' illegal business practices and freezing their assets.

intervenir3 = perform + surgery ; operate on. 

Example: The Philippines is renowned for its faith healers, who often perform surgery without knives.Example: This pic is that of a 21 week old baby who was operated on by a surgeon while still in the womb.
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