Interrogar in english


pronunciation: kwestʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

interrogar = interrogate ; grill. 

Example: Thus, a predominant feature of such software packages is the user related interfaces, which permit a non-programmer to comprehend and interrogate the data stored.Example: The police would like to grill her, but she steadfastly refuses to say anything.


» interrogar un terminalpoll + a terminal [Usado generalmente en informática] .

Example: One factor affecting the efficiency of OPACs (On-line public access catalogues) is the amount of time that is allowed to elapse between user entries before the computer assumes that the terminal is abandoned and stops polling the terminal (called the interactive timeout interval or ITI).

Interrogar synonyms

head in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: hed part of speech: noun wonder in spanish: preguntarse, pronunciation: wʌndɜr part of speech: verb, noun motion in spanish: movimiento, pronunciation: moʊʃən part of speech: noun query in spanish: consulta, pronunciation: kwɪri part of speech: noun inquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun doubt in spanish: duda, pronunciation: daʊt part of speech: noun, verb enquiry in spanish: investigación, pronunciation: ɪnkwaɪri part of speech: noun interview in spanish: entrevista, pronunciation: ɪntɜrvju part of speech: noun interrogate in spanish: interrogar, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪt part of speech: verb interrogation in spanish: interrogatorio, pronunciation: ɪnterəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun oppugn in spanish: opugnar, pronunciation: ɑpən part of speech: verb interrogative in spanish: interrogativo, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun dubiousness in spanish: la duda, pronunciation: dubiusnəs part of speech: noun doubtfulness in spanish: llenura de dudas, pronunciation: daʊtfəlnəs part of speech: noun interrogative sentence in spanish: Oración interrogativa, pronunciation: ɪntɜrɑgətɪvsentəns part of speech: noun
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