Interrelación in english
pronunciation: ɪntɜrrəleɪʃən part of speech: noun
pronunciation: ɪntɜrrəleɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures
interrelación = interaction ; interplay ; interrelatedness [inter-relatedness] ; interrelationship [inter-relationship] ; trade-off [tradeoff/trade off] ; interrelation [inter-relation] ; interface ; interconnectedness ; interpenetration.
Example: One trend for the future is likely to be the development of hosts which are designed for interaction with the end user.Example: In the case of the book, it is the interplay of such multifarious trends that will determine its destiny.Example: This paper suggests research projects to determine the interrelatedness of archival records and to assess how to deal with the growing quantity of automated records.Example: However, the study of the nature, structure and interrelationships of areas of knowledge is a very useful and valid background study to indexing.Example: There are always trade-offs between the ability and ease of online updates, speed and accessibility in searching, integration of the data base, and data-base maintenance procedures.Example: The structure and interrelations of the biomedical journal literature are investigated.Example: Now my question has to do with this very important interface between abstracting and indexing services and our catalogs.Example: In this light, the pregnant body, as a site of material interconnectedness between woman, placenta, & embryo/fetus, can be viewed as an emblem of material interconnectedness of earth.Example: Events during the last 10 years show an increased interpenetration of the telecommunications and information processing worlds = Events during the last 10 years show an increased interpenetration of the telecommunications and information processing worlds.