Interponer in english


pronunciation: ɪntɜrpoʊz part of speech: verb
In gestures

interponerse = obtrude (into) ; stand in + Posesivo + way. 

Example: The librarian will provide whatever help is required without obtruding into the process.Example: We support Mr. Radcliffe's artistic decision -- if he wants to perform fully clothed, we'd never stand in his way.

interponer = interject ; interpose. 

Example: I'd like to interject a comment at this point.Example: The normal inter-library loan channels of the telephone and the postal service must still be interposed between the identification of the existence and the location of a document, and the receipt of the same document.


» interponer en el camino deput in + the way of .

Example: It discusses the non-tariff barriers that China puts in the way of American computer games.

» interponerseobtrude (into)stand in + Posesivo + way .

Example: The librarian will provide whatever help is required without obtruding into the process.

Example: We support Mr. Radcliffe's artistic decision -- if he wants to perform fully clothed, we'd never stand in his way.

» interponerse en el caminostand in + Posesivo + way .

Example: We support Mr. Radcliffe's artistic decision -- if he wants to perform fully clothed, we'd never stand in his way.

» interponerse en el camino de Alguienbe in + Posesivo + wayget in + Posesivo + way .

Example: We want him to knock the socks out of anyone who's in his way, we want to see the world recognize him.

Example: She takes a licking and keeps on ticking -- she really is an unstoppable force of joy and nothing gets in her way.

» interponerse entre... y...interpose + Reflexivo + between... and... .

Example: The police immediately came to interpose themselves between the two opposing groups, both of which were now vehemently shouting at each other and coming close to blows.

» interponer una contrademandafile + a countersuit .

Example: In August 1990 ACS filed countersuit against DIALOG, alleging fraudulent and deceptive accounting procedures by DIALOG which, says ACS, have resulted in a multi-million-dollar underpayment of royalties to ACS.

» interponer una demanda (judicial)face + legal actionbring + a suit againsttake + the case to courtbring + a lawsuit againstfile + a lawsuit againstfile + a suit (against)take + legal actiontake + legal proceedingsfile + a civil lawsuitfile + a case (against) .

Example: This article examines the question of whether fee-based information service producers could face legal action, from dissatisfied customers, if the information product is found wanting.

Example: How does one bring a harassment suit against one's employer?.

Example: A black woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus and was brutally attacked and thrown off has since decided to take the case to court.

Example: Given the increasing frequency frequency of lawsuits brought against all kinds of institutions and individuals, libraries and librarians should not assume that they are immune against being sued.

Example: This paper details the attempt by Boston University to strike back at such agencies by filing a lawsuit against Internet term paper companies in the USA.

Example: In June '90, DIALOG Information services filed an antitrust suit against the American Chemical Society (ACS) charging that the Society had damaged the company.

Example: If the law is not complied with the individual could take legal action.

Example: The article 'Publishers go for the jugular over copyright' examines the activities of the American Association of Publishers (AAP) in taking legal proceedings against libraries on copyright grounds and in enforcing payment for photocopying periodical articles.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

Example: If you file an eviction case and you decide you do not want to move forward, you can ask the court to dismiss the case.

» interponer una quejafile + a complaintfile + a grievance .

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

» interponer una reclamaciónfile + a complaintappeal .

Example: Mechanisms for appealing decisions and filing complaints and grievances are also critical to the integrity of any accreditation process.

Example: The judge rejected it because it was considered an intimidation tactic and there was no opportunity for those denied voting from appealing before the polls closed.

Interponer synonyms

intervene in spanish: intervenir, pronunciation: ɪntɜrvin part of speech: verb interfere in spanish: interferir, pronunciation: ɪntɜrfɪr part of speech: verb interject in spanish: interponer, pronunciation: ɪntɜrdʒekt part of speech: verb inject in spanish: inyectar, pronunciation: ɪndʒekt part of speech: verb put in in spanish: meter en, pronunciation: pʊtɪn part of speech: verb come in in spanish: Adelante, pronunciation: kʌmɪn part of speech: verb step in in spanish: paso, pronunciation: stepɪn part of speech: verb throw in in spanish: lanzar en, pronunciation: θroʊɪn part of speech: verb
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