Intermitente in english


pronunciation: ɪntɜrmɪtənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

intermitente1 = intermittent ; discontinuous ; bursty ; choppy ; flashing ; fitful ; episodic. 

Example: A scale of piecework prices did not guarantee the average earnings of a man in intermittent employment.Example: Discontinuous change is one of the major characteristics of the South African environment.Example: Its design provides on one hand a service in which every node can try to transmit asynchronously in a bursty manner.Example: You will find that the choppy keyboard response is easier to tolerate after a few days of use.Example: Errors are indicated by a flashing light and the repositioning of the cursor at the item in error.Example: This is a compelling account of Twain's fitful creative life.Example: And its episodic plot, without the kind of mystery climax that has to be led up to without interruption means that the gaps between readings won't spoil the effect.


» de manera intermitenteintermittently .

Example: She had been working on this draft intermittently during her three weeks on the job.

» de un modo intermitentein bursts .

Example: However, this rate is not sustained: in most teletext systems, data transmission occurs only in bursts.

» flujo de datos de un modo intermitentebursty traffic .

Example: This article describes a mechanism that regulates access of bursty traffic to a LAN.

» tráfico de datos de un modo intermitentebursty traffic .

Example: This article describes a mechanism that regulates access of bursty traffic to a LAN.

intermitente2 = blinker ; car indicator ; flasher. 

Example: Having operational lights and blinkers is a must for safe driving.Example: Polycarbonate is a hard plastic and can be used to make things like these car indicators.Example: When I signal to the left, the flasher blinks normally but when I signal to the right, the flasher blinks real fast.


» poner el intermitente a la derechagive + a right-turn signalsignal to + the right .

Example: You must overtake on the right unless the vehicle you want to overtake is waiting to turn right and giving a right-turn signal.

Example: When I signal to the left, the flasher blinks normally but when I signal to the right, the flasher blinks real fast.

» poner el intermitente a la izquierdagive + a left-turn signalsignal to + the left .

Example: Use your mirrors and give a left-turn signal well before you turn left.

Example: When I signal to the left, the flasher blinks normally but when I signal to the right, the flasher blinks real fast.

Intermitente synonyms

sporadic in spanish: esporádico, pronunciation: spɜrædɪk part of speech: adjective periodic in spanish: periódico, pronunciation: pɪriɑdɪk part of speech: adjective periodical in spanish: periódico, pronunciation: pɪriɑdɪkəl part of speech: adjective, noun
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