Interdisciplinar in english


pronunciation: ɪntɜrdɪsəpləneri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

interdisciplinar = cross curricular ; cross-disciplinary ; interdisciplinary [inter-disciplinary] ; cross-domain ; cross-functional ; boundary spanning. 

Example: Many LEA's and individual schools are seeing the school library as an appropriate location for computers to support the developments in cross curricular work and resource based learning.Example: Interesting perspectives of cross-disciplinary developments can be gathered from citation indexes in a way that would be difficult with traditional indexes.Example: The scope of a citation index, especially those published by ISI, is interdisciplinary, and also crosses time barriers in a way that a normal index would not do.Example: This article discusses techniques for building robust and domain-specific thesauri to assist in cross-domain scientific information retrieval.Example: In the field of information technology academic institutions should adopt a cross-functional approach that provides a curriculum content that addresses real-world situations in a global setting.Example: Particular attention is being paid to the need for boundary spanning go-betweens to manage the vital communication aspects of technology transfer.


» colaboración interdisciplinarinterdisciplinary collaboration .

Example: True interdisciplinary collaboration requires crossing professional boundaries into what is often unfamiliar territory.

» equipo interdisciplinarcross-functional team .

Example: The library has set up a cross-functional team to manage the acquisition of materials in electronic formats.

» grupo interdisciplinarcross-functional team .

Example: The library has set up a cross-functional team to manage the acquisition of materials in electronic formats.
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