Intenso in english
pronunciation: ɪntens part of speech: adjective
intenso = deep ; severe ; vivid ; intense ; fierce ; vehement ; high-powered ; profuse ; hard .
Example: The world's largest processing department's plans and policies are always of deep interest.Example: Obviously if it were not for the fact that such indexes also have severe limitations there would be little need to produce any other type of subject index.Example: There are vivid examples of serious fires and other natural disasters occuring in libraries that cause incalculable financial and academic losses to society.Example: Mexico is undergoing an intense epidemiological transition characterised by a decline in the incidence of infectious diseases and a rapid increase in the importance of chronic illnesses and accidents.Example: The greatest living theoretician of descriptive cataloging, Professor Seymour Lubetzky, graced our library with his brilliance, insight, and fierce dedication to the integrity of the catalog.Example: There was besides vehement opposition to the machines from the hand compositors.Example: This is a useful collection of essays, particularly for graduate students and high-powered undergraduates cutting their teeth on Aristotle.Example: It can produce watery diarrhoea that is very profuse and this can rapidly lead to severe dehydration and death.Example: The Americans have claimed that victory in the Gulf War was the outcome of 20 years of hard effort.more:
» amarillo intenso = bright yellow .
Example: Most of these wet floor warning signs are colored in bright yellow or bright orange to make them highly visible.» azul intenso = deep blue .
Example: They wore field dress uniforms, which were deep blue with red woolen collars, cuffs, and lapels and coattails lined in white.» brillo intenso de la pantalla = screen glare .
Example: Principal ergonomic issues identified were screen glare, furniture promoting muscle-straining work postures, and insufficient work surfaces.» calor intenso = intensive heat .
Example: The intensive heat rendered the tarmacadamised roads soft and pulpy.» color intenso = bold colour .
Example: Don't be scared! Inject a bit of fun and vitality into your live by choosing bold colours in your home.» dolor intenso = agony .
Example: Much time and much of the agony associated with the reference interview would be avoided if librarians were subject specialists and did not have to educate themselves about a question before starting to answer it.» esfuerzo intenso = strenuous exertion ; strenuous effort .
Example: In this new experiment, in fact, 60 seconds of strenuous exertion proved to be as successful at improving health and fitness as three-quarters of an hour of moderate exercise. Example: The most strenuous efforts will not always ensure success, nor the boldest arm of human power ward off the stroke of misfortune.» fuego intenso = blazing fire .
Example: What better way to take refuge from the cold than dinner in front of a blazing fire?.» hacer un frío intenso = be bitterly cold .
Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.» horario intenso de trabajo = long hours, the .
Example: Bored out of her mind with the long hours and mundane tasks, she decided to give radio a try.» lluvia intensa = heavy rain ; heavy rainfall ; cloudburst ; heavy downpour .
Example: In case of heavy rain, all or some of the photo sessions will be cancelled without prior notice. Example: There are spring freshets caused by heavy rainfalls and melting snows, and torrential floods of short duration caused by cloudbursts. Example: There are spring freshets caused by heavy rainfalls and melting snows, and torrential floods of short duration caused by cloudbursts. Example: The clouds look menacing and last night's heavy downpour makes me hesitant about attending the outdoor event.» mirar intensa y amenazadoramente = stare + Nombre + down [Generalmente hasta que la otra persona aparta la vista] ; stare + Nombre + out [Generalmente hasta que la otra persona aparta la vista] .
Example: Rather than a behavior to stimulate conflict, staring people down is actually a reflex behavior to establish dominance, according to researchers. Example: He didn't run away, he stood his ground and stared him out.» naranja intenso = bright orange .
Example: Most of these wet floor warning signs are colored in bright yellow or bright orange to make them highly visible.» poco intenso = light [lighter -comp., lightest -sup.] .
Example: Light use of library information resources raises the concern that students are developing an inadequate base of retrieval skills for finding information on new procedures, diseases and drugs.» rojo intenso = bright red .
Example: The most attractive stage is when the young leaves are expanding as bright red bristly tendrils.» tráfico intenso = heavy traffic .
Example: Living in areas of heavy traffic is a burden borne disproportionately by asthma sufferers.» un período intenso de = a flurry of .
Example: While the eventual results of this flurry of partnerships that has recently occurred are uncertain, there are certain trends that are becoming increasingly apparent.» verde intenso = bright green ; deep green .
Example: Among the most visually striking is the red-footed but otherwise bright green flying frog. Example: With deep green leaves, and crisp, paler stems, watercress is related to mustard and is one of the strongest-tasting salad leaves available.