Intensidad in english
pronunciation: ɪntensəti part of speech: noun
pronunciation: ɪntensəti part of speech: noun
In gestures
intensidad = darkness ; extent ; intensity ; momentum ; severity ; relentlessness ; vividness.
Example: At every instant the darkness of the line being drawn is made equal to the darkness of the point on the picture being observed by the photocell.Example: The extent of searchable elements will vary from one data base to another.Example: DOBIS/Leuven displays information typed by the user and all error messages in high intensity; all other information is displayed in normal intensity.Example: They were splendid starters of projects but like so many bibliographers poor sustainers of momentum.Example: Exuberance and enthusiasm are proper to the young, as Quintillian remarked: 'The young should be daring and inventive and should rejoice in their inventions, even though correctiveness and severity are still to be acquired'.Example: The problem with this book lies in the relentlessness of Webb's interpretation and interpretative technique.Example: He recorded with great vividness the literary life of London at that time, describing the wit, anxieties and insights of a tightly knit and highly gifted group of writers.more:
» alta intensidad = high-rate .
Example: Long-distance high-rate data transmission is possible at the present time by combining a number of narrow-band channels, but the longer-term solution is the installation of a new wide-band network.» cobrar intensidad = gather + momentum ; gain + momentum ; pick up + speed ; gather + pace ; gather + speed ; build + momentum ; pick up + steam ; pick up + momentum ; gain + pace .
Example: The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum. Example: Research into information retrieval has been gaining momentum, but not enough attention is given to its basis. Example: This natural ebb and flow necessarily picks up speed as change accelerates. Example: The author looks at the likely future shifts in economic structures in advanced economies, as the information age replaces the industrial era, and regionalism gathers pace. Example: A new campaign urging the public to vote only for candidates who will oppose abortion in the forthcoming election is gathering speed as the date of the vote draws near. Example: Setting achievable goals, and experiencing incremental success will help you build momentum and confidence. Example: Bell-bottoms are finally picking up steam as one of the 'cool' denim styles to have in your wardrobe. Example: Myanmar's nationwide election campaign is picking up momentum as political parties began campaigning. Example: As you are aware, the need for more responsible business practice in the fashion industry has gained pace in recent years.» con intensidad = brightly .
Example: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly.» con más intensidad aun = with a vengeance .
Example: However, as we shall see, the public librarian's dedication to his civilizing and stabilizing role in society was to surface with a vengeance in those times when the nation appeared threatened.» de baja intensidad = low-intensity [low intensity] .
Example: With changing political circumstances there is an increased likelihood of low-intensity conflicts which may take the form of guerrilla warfare, coups d'etat, ethnic violence, terrorism, resistance movements or insurgency.» mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo = flash up .
Example: On completion of the search, the VDU will flash up details of the costs accrued for which the library will later be billed.» volver con más intensidad aun = come back with + a vengeance .
Example: If you attempt to lose weight without cleansing out the toxins, the weight always comes back with a vengeance.