Inteligencia in english


pronunciation: ɪntelədʒəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

inteligencia1 = intelligence ; cleverness ; brainpower [brain power]. 

Example: Intelligence means either an individual's analytical or reasoning abilities or information on an adversary.Example: They see people as marked by one particular attribute, cleverness, or kindness, or strictness, or being a good shot, and they mind whether things are right or wrong.Example: The brainpower of its citizens is America's greatest natural resource but much is going to waste = The brainpower of its citizens is America's greatest natural resource but much is going to waste.


» aplicar la inteligencia aapply + intellect to .

Example: With his legal training Groot applied his sharp intellect to the problems of librarianship.

» aprendizaje pobre en inteligenciaknowledge-sparse learning [En inteligencia artificial, situación en la que un sistema automatizado adquiere "conocimiento" basado en decisiones poco "inteligentes" a partir de los datos con los que trabaja] .

Example: Knowledge-sparse learning depends largely on user yes-no feedback or on word frequencies across documents to guide adjustments in the IR system.

» basado en la inteligencia artificialAI-based .

Example: This article also examines the need for exposure to AI by all students in order to become familiar with capabilities and limitations of AI-based systems.

» coeficiente de inteligenciaIQ (intelligence quotient) .

Example: He was a precocious seventh grader who had demonstrated an IQ of 145, thus placing him intellectually far ahead of his co-students.

» con inteligenciasmartly .

Example: As a freelancer, you have to smartly manage your cash flow if you do not want to run out of money every now and then.

» falto de inteligenciaunintelligent .

Example: Hurling emotional and unintelligent missives to those who may be vulnerable is tantamount to 'mental abuse' or 'bullying'.

» inteligencia artificialmachine intelligence .

Example: The author attempts to repudiate Cherniavsky's argument to show that machine intelligence cannot equal human intelligence.

» Inteligencia Artificial (IA)Artificial Intelligence (AI) .

Example: Developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and related areas are discussed in terms of their impact on school library media centres and the role of library media specialists.

» inteligencia emocionalemotional intelligence .

Example: Emotional intelligence is a relatively new area of study that focuses on people's ability to feel, recognize, communicate, respond to, and understand their own emotions.

» inteligencia humanahuman intelligence .

Example: The author attempts to repudiate Cherniavsky's argument to show that machine intelligence cannot equal human intelligence.

» prueba de inteligenciaintelligence testIQ test .

Example: It is still too early to draw final conclusions regarding the relative success of the various intelligence tests.

Example: If I'm not mistaken the military decided some time ago that IQ tests were a poor predictor of leadership qualities.

» saber buscar con inteligenciabe search-savvy .

Example: To be search-savvy, you need to know which search-engines are best.

» señal de inteligenciasign of intelligence .

Example: Apparently staying up late -- being a night owl rather than a lark -- is a sign of intelligence.

» ser un insulto a la inteligenciabe an insult to the intelligence .

Example: In our precomputer systems much library work consists of mindless drudgery which is an insult to the intelligence of those who carry it out.

» test de inteligenciaIQ testintelligence test .

Example: If I'm not mistaken the military decided some time ago that IQ tests were a poor predictor of leadership qualities.

Example: It is still too early to draw final conclusions regarding the relative success of the various intelligence tests.

inteligencia2 = intelligence. 

Example: Intelligence means either an individual's analytical or reasoning abilities or information on an adversary.


» CIA, la (Agencia Central de Inteligencia, la)CIA, the (Central Intelligence Agency, the) .

Example: There are other indications in boldfaced type showing that certain passages had been deleted by the government because of CIA pressure.

» inteligencia competitivacompetitive intelligence [Conocimiento que una institución posee sobre lo que otras instituciones rivales han hecho y están haciendo con objeto de mejorar su competitividad] .

Example: Competitive intelligence systems enable an organisation to learn from what its competitors are doing now and have done in the past, and they integrate an organisation's internal information sources - reports, studies, numeric information, verbal information - with information available from outside sources.

» inteligencia económicaeconomic intelligence [Información que una empresa recoge sobre sí misma para mejorar] .

Example: This is a comparative study of economic intelligence systems in Quebec, Canada, in European countries, in the US and in Japan.

» inteligencia empresarialbusiness intelligence .

Example: This article presents 5 examples of ways in which the Internet can be used by companies to gather business intelligence in a range of industries.

» servicio de inteligenciaintelligence communityintelligence agency .

Example: Albeit an anti-fascist and member of the intelligence community, he denied access to the papers on the grounds that subsequent potential givers would be unwilling to deposit their papers there if access was permitted.

Example: It would be a gross injustice if the intelligence agencies were now to carry the can for a war built on such slender foundations.

Inteligencia synonyms

word in spanish: palabra, pronunciation: wɜrd part of speech: noun news in spanish: Noticias, pronunciation: nuz part of speech: noun tidings in spanish: noticias, pronunciation: taɪdɪŋz part of speech: noun intelligence operation in spanish: operación de inteligencia, pronunciation: ɪntelədʒənsɑpɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun intelligence activity in spanish: actividad de inteligencia, pronunciation: ɪntelədʒənsæktɪvəti part of speech: noun
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