Intelectual in english
pronunciation: ɪntəlektʃuəl part of speech: adjective
intelectual1 = scholar ; intellectual ; boffin ; highbrow [high-brow].
Example: Under 'American scholar' he found editions published beginning, I believe, in the 1880s.Example: Reading thus becomes an activity for intellectuals -- for 'clever people' -- an elitist activity to be not just ignored but attacked.Example: 'Boffins' have been identified as the category of learners who 'delight in unrelated fragments of knowledge for knowledge's sake,' and 'put these fragments into a framework and analyze them'.Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.more:
» grupo de intelectuales = intelligentsia .
Example: Successive waves of emigrant intelligentsia in the 1940s unveiled the magnitude of crimes against humanity.» intelectuales = literati ; intelligentsia .
Example: Digerati is the digital version of literati and refers to a vague cloud of people seen to be knowledgeable, hip, or otherwise in-the-know in regards to the digital revolution. Example: Successive waves of emigrant intelligentsia in the 1940s unveiled the magnitude of crimes against humanity.» intelectuales digitales = digerati [En Internet, término utilizado para referirse a aquellas personas que conocen o aparentan conocer sobre cuestiones relacionas con la revolución digital] .
Example: Digerati is the digital version of literati and refers to a vague cloud of people seen to be knowledgeable, hip, or otherwise in-the-know in regards to the digital revolution.intelectual2 = scholarly ; intellectual ; cerebral ; highbrow [high-brow].
Example: Personal authorship has been accepted for some time, and indeed reflects the scholarly practice of the western world.Example: It should also be said that the intellectual effort of the cataloguer is still required.Example: The result may be less cerebral and challenging to the reader's understanding but it is not an inferior product it is simply different.Example: The lowly chow of the rural poor has gone highbrow.more:
» actividad intelectual = intellectual pursuit .
Example: The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward = La evasión de impuestos es la única actividad intelectual que aún sigue teniendo recompensa.» agudeza intelectual = intellectual acuity .
Example: Librarians will always need intellectual acuity, commitment to quality and the ability to recognise human values.» antiintelectual = anti-intellectual .
Example: The rabidly anti-intellectual Cultural Revolution in 1966-76 brought unprecedented disasters to libraries of all types.» bibliografía intelectual = intellectual bibliography .
Example: The term 'intellectual bibliography' relates clearly to thos studies which, through some form of bibliographical work, are based on the intellectual content of the book.» bloque funcional de responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility block .
Example: In UNIMARC the intellectual responsibility block, block 7 -- , contains names of persons and corporate bodies having some form of intellectual responsibility for the creation of the item described.» capacidad intelectual = intellectual ability .
Example: One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.» capital intelectual = intellectual capital .
Example: Intellectual capital is knowledge within an organization which can be used to create advantage.» clase intelectual = intellectual class .
Example: In those early days, so the story goes, the library movement was in danger of being captured by an aristocratic intellectual class designing to make the public library an elitist center for scholarly research.» coeficiente intelectual = IQ (intelligence quotient) .
Example: He was a precocious seventh grader who had demonstrated an IQ of 145, thus placing him intellectually far ahead of his co-students.» contenido intelectual = intellectual content .
Example: But to employ a professional librarian on a case where the intellectual content is trifling and the clerical labour massive is as unreasonable as to call in a detective to trace a pair of mislaid spectacles = Aunque contratar a un bibliotecario para un trabajo donde el contenido intelectual es insignificante y el trabajo administrativo enorme es tan poco razonable como llamar a un detective para buscar unas gafas extraviadas.» de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow] [Adjetivo] .
Example: These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.» de nivel intelectual medio = middlebrow [middle-brow] .
Example: These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.» derechos de la propiedad intelectual = intellectual property rights .
Example: The problems of piracy, misappropriation and counterfeiting of intellectual property rights are a hot issue in international trade.» élite intelectual, la = intellectual elite, the .
Example: The rise of a pro-Catholic segment with the beginning of modernity in the 19th century, particularly among the intellectual elite, is chronicled.» esfuerzo intelectual = intellectual effort .
Example: The major advantage of indexing systems based on titles is that little or no intellectual effort is involved in putting items into the system.» forma intelectual = intellectual form .
Example: Intellectual form tells us what a document is rather than what is about.» industria de la propiedad intelectual = intellectual property industry .
Example: New markets for transactions of digital copyright material put copyright management at risk to the potential detriment of the 'intellectual property industry'.» interés intelectual = intellectual pursuit .
Example: The avoidance of taxes is the only intellectual pursuit that still carries any reward = La evasión de impuestos es la única actividad intelectual que aún sigue teniendo recompensa.» invertir esfuerzo intelectual en = invest + Posesivo + thoughts in .
Example: And like fiction writers, they will attempt to imbue them with life and meaning and value for the people who are investing their thoughts and time in their analysis.» Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, la = Copyright Act, the [Reconocimiento judicial de la pertenencia de una obra científica, literaria o artística a su autor] .
Example: Whereas the other creations of the human mind which fall into the ambit of the Copyright Act, such as artistic works, drawings, photographs and the like, are clearly defined and well understood, it is shown that the explanation given for literary works is inadequate for the purpose.» libertad intelectual = intellectual freedom .
Example: The librarian's professional values include service, commitment to truth-seeking and intellectual freedom and a sense of responsibility (stewardship of knowledge).» Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (WIPO) = WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) .
Example: This article discusses the current situation regarding the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in order to update the international regime of copyright and neighbouring rights.» pensamiento intelectual = intellectual thought .
Example: While the reading habits of the elite form the leading edge of intellectual thought, the vast majority of humanity have had, in the past as well as the present, different habits and aims.» persona de nivel intelectual bajo = lowbrow [low-brow] [Nombre] .
Example: People with a grade-school education, most of whose reading choices are in the low-brow category, cannot and do not easily read material written for the high-brow or even the increasingly college-trained middle-brow.» poco intelectual = lowbrow [low-brow] [Adjetivo] .
Example: These shows were vehemently dismissed by critics as middlebrow and lowbrow kitsch.» promesa intelectual = intellectual promise .
Example: Townie is in fact a derogatory reference to those who are born and raised in that type of burg or burb, and are assumed to be of inferior intellectual promise.» propiedad intelectual = intellectual property .
Example: The law recognises and protects three categories of property: real estate; personal property; and intellectual property.» represión intelectual = intellectual repression .
Example: A consequence of decades of intellectual repression in South Africa is the growth of organisations to counter the monopolisation of information.» responsabilidad intelectual = intellectual responsibility .
Example: This assignment of intellectual responsibility is important, as we have seen earlier, since it determines the heading for the main entry.» rigor intelectual = intellectual rigour .
Example: The intellectual rigour of Marxism proved to be far inferior to its emotive power.