Integral in english


pronunciation: ɪntəgrəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

integral1 = integral ; all-inclusive ; all-embracing ; embracing ; all-encompassing ; encompassing. 

Example: The article 'Closing the gap between desirability and achievability' argues for a more central and integral role for the library on campus.Example: It is not an all-inclusive listing of materials on this topic.Example: Some databases are very all-embracing in their coverage and attempt to provide comprehensive coverage of entire disciplines.Example: What is needed is an embracing approach to guarantee freedom for Palestine and legitimacy for Israel.Example: In publishing itself there is little use made of the all-encompassing schemes such as Dewey or the Library of Congress.Example: By drawing Russia into an encompassing coalition with Europe and other powers, the risk of conflict will be diminished.


» cocina integralkitchenette .

Example: Thirty fire fighters spent half an hour dousing a blaze in a kitchenette in a high rise city building before it could spread to other floors.

» Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI)Balanced Scorecard (BSC) [Técnica de gestión que traslada los principios de una institución en objetivos y medidas de rendimiento que se pueden cuantificar y valorar] .

Example: The Balanced Scorecard is a management technique that translates mission statements and their strategies into a set of objectives and performance measures that can be quantified and appraised.

» ecuación integralintegral equation .

Example: There are, however, machines for solving differential equations - and functional and integral equations, for that matter.

» formar parte integralform + an integral part .

Example: Exhibitions and excursions formed an integral part of the congress.

» formar parte integral debe part and parcel of .

Example: Duplication of publications, debasement of quality, misleading titles, and an unplanned, uncoordinated and piecemeal growth of secondary publications are part and parcel of this information indiscipline.

integral2 = wholewheat ; wholemeal ; wholegrain. 

Example: Her mid-morning meal is normally about 10:30 and consists of about a cup of wholewheat pasta, two tins of tuna, onion and mayo.Example: In this article I outline four compelling reasons for making the switch to wholemeal products.Example: Wholemeal breads and pastas, high-fibre cereals and brown rice are wholegrain foods.


» arroz integralbrown rice .

Example: Wholemeal breads and pastas, high-fibre cereals and brown rice are wholegrain foods.

» harina integralwholemeal flourwhole wheat flour .

Example: Wholemeal flour is defined by law as the entire 100% result of the milling of cleaned wheat.

Example: In Canada, when wheat is milled, parts of the kernel are separated and then recombined to make whole wheat flour.

» pan integralwholemeal breadbrown bread .

Example: For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.

Example: Girls who were less satisfied with their weight reported lower energy intakes but ate more green vegetables and brown bread than other girls.

Integral synonyms

inherent in spanish: inherente, pronunciation: ɪnhɪrənt part of speech: adjective intrinsic in spanish: intrínseco, pronunciation: ɪntrɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective whole in spanish: todo, pronunciation: hoʊl part of speech: adjective, noun intact in spanish: intacto, pronunciation: ɪntækt part of speech: adjective entire in spanish: todo, pronunciation: ɪntaɪɜr part of speech: adjective constitutional in spanish: constitucional, pronunciation: kɑnstətuʃənəl part of speech: adjective, noun inbuilt in spanish: incorporado, pronunciation: ɪnbjuɪlt part of speech: adjective built-in in spanish: incorporado, pronunciation: bɪltɪn part of speech: adjective intrinsical in spanish: intrínseco, pronunciation: ɪntrɪnsɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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