Integración in english


pronunciation: ɪntəgreɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

integración = assimilation ; convergence ; integration ; empowerment ; meshing ; blurring ; desegregation ; oneness. 

Example: Fluency with the English language is a predictor of successful assimilation into mainstream American society.Example: These two are nevertheless treated in this one chapter together, because in some respects there is convergence of systems.Example: They provided an overall framework or structure for the authority entry to facilitate the integration of records from various national sources.Example: The women's movement and those concerned with women and development have long recognized that information is a means of empowerment for women.Example: This paper describes the importance of team management to career development, as well as the meshing of organizational and individual needs, and views the career as a longitudinal concept.Example: Read from the perspective of Bakhtin, this blurring of genres is also a blurring of idealogies.Example: Public school desegregation policies failed because the federal government delegated its responsibility to the states.Example: May this festival strengthen the spirit of kindness and goodwill and spread the message of fraternal feelings and oneness among our people.


» falsa política de integración de minoríastokenism  .

Example: Some of the barriers faced by women seeking senior international appointments are: glass ceiling; trailing spouse; career vs. long term relationship and children; lack of mentors; tokenism; and exclusion from networks.

» grado de integraciónscale of integration [Número de circuitos que un chip contiene] .

Example: Scale of integration is the term used to refer to the number of circuits which can be stored on a single chip.

» herramienta de integraciónintegrator  .

Example: Information technology can be an important enabler and integrator in this process = La tecnología de la información puede ser una herramienta de apoyo y de integración importante en este proceso.

» IME (Integración a Media Escala)MSI (Medium Scale Integration) .

Example: There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).

» Integración a Alta Escala (IAE)VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) .

Example: There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).

» Integración a Gran Escala (IGE)LSI (Large Scale Integration) .

Example: There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).

» integración de la perspectiva de género en el conjunto de las políticasgender mainstreaming .

Example: For feminist scholars of international relations, gender mainstreaming in global public policy opens up an important new area for critical scrutiny.

» integración fiscalfiscal integration .

Example: Britain was left out in the cold today resisting a new treaty on European fiscal integration.

» integración perfectaseamless integration .

Example: It offers seamless integration between the World Wide Web, the operating systems and the presentation interface.

» integración racialracial integrationdesegregation .

Example: In the UK school and public libraries try to assist peaceful racial integration while maintaining each race's cultural identity.

Example: Public school desegregation policies failed because the federal government delegated its responsibility to the states.

» integración socialsocial integration .

Example: The studies analyse the role of mass media in cultural life, social integration, and national development.

» integración totalseamlessness  .

Example: The article covers the growth in World Wide Web based products, pricing, seamlessness, outsourcing, ease of use, and partnerships and alliances.

» integración transparenteseamless integration .

Example: It offers seamless integration between the World Wide Web, the operating systems and the presentation interface.

» IPE (Integración a Pequeña Escala)SSI (Small Scale Integration) .

Example: There are now a number of degrees of integration: 'SSI' Small Scale Integration (tens of transistors on a single chip); 'MSI' Medium Scale Integration (hundreds of transistors); 'LSI' Large Scale Integration (thousands of transistors); and 'VSLI' (hundreds of thousands of transistors).

» mecanismo de integraciónintegrator  .

Example: Information technology can be an important enabler and integrator in this process = La tecnología de la información puede ser una herramienta de apoyo y de integración importante en este proceso.

Integración synonyms

consolidation in spanish: consolidación, pronunciation: kənsɑlədeɪʃən part of speech: noun integrating in spanish: integrando, pronunciation: ɪntəgreɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun desegregation in spanish: desegregación, pronunciation: dɪsegrəgeɪʃən part of speech: noun
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