Insípido in english


pronunciation: teɪstləs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

insípido = dull ; wishy-washy ; insipid ; unexciting ; unmoving ; tasteless ; cut and dried [cut and dry] ; vapid. 

Example: These librarians are given Haykin upon the day of their arrival and are expected to read the entire dull document and use it as a guideline in establishing subject headings.Example: This is not the way for many wishy-washy persons who have never considered Cutter, probably one of the greatest librarians of his day.Example: Otherwise, the result will probably be too small and insipid to be of any real use.Example: The author argues that the advantages for higher education are unclear, and rather unexciting.Example: The outcome is strangely unmoving.Example: Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas and is the product of the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing compounds.Example: I don't like to hear cut-and-dried sermons -- when I hear a man preach, I like to see him act as if he were fighting bees.Example: Television has become so vapid and devoid of information that I didn't see the point of watching the presidential debate.


» sabor insípidooff-flavour .

Example: Wines infected with either lactic acid bacteria can potentially produce mousy off-flavor.

Insípido synonyms

pretentious in spanish: pretencioso, pronunciation: pritenʃəs part of speech: adjective flat in spanish: plano, pronunciation: flæt part of speech: adjective camp in spanish: acampar, pronunciation: kæmp part of speech: noun vapid in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: væpɪd part of speech: adjective flash in spanish: destello, pronunciation: flæʃ part of speech: noun ostentatious in spanish: ostentoso, pronunciation: ɑstənteɪʃəs part of speech: adjective insipid in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: ɪnsɪpəd part of speech: adjective bland in spanish: amable, pronunciation: blænd part of speech: adjective meretricious in spanish: rimbombante, pronunciation: merətrɪʃəs part of speech: adjective loud in spanish: ruidoso, pronunciation: laʊd part of speech: adjective, adverb cheap in spanish: barato, pronunciation: tʃip part of speech: adjective gaudy in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: gɔdi part of speech: adjective tawdry in spanish: cursi, pronunciation: tɔdri part of speech: adjective garish in spanish: llamativo, pronunciation: gerɪʃ part of speech: adjective tacky in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: tæki part of speech: adjective kitsch in spanish: kitsch, pronunciation: kɪtʃ part of speech: noun barbaric in spanish: bárbaro, pronunciation: bɑrbærɪk part of speech: adjective gimcrack in spanish: de mala calidad, pronunciation: gɪmkræk part of speech: adjective brassy in spanish: de latón, pronunciation: bræsi part of speech: adjective campy in spanish: campamento, pronunciation: kæmpi part of speech: adjective flashy in spanish: ostentoso, pronunciation: flæʃi part of speech: adjective trashy in spanish: de pacotilla, pronunciation: træʃi part of speech: adjective tatty in spanish: raído, pronunciation: tæti part of speech: adjective indelicate in spanish: poco delicado, pronunciation: ɪndelɪkət part of speech: adjective flavorless in spanish: soso, pronunciation: fleɪvɜrles part of speech: adjective unappetizing in spanish: poco apetecible, pronunciation: ənæpətaɪzɪŋ part of speech: adjective unsalted in spanish: sin sal, pronunciation: ənsɔltɪd part of speech: adjective unaesthetic in spanish: no estético, pronunciation: ənəsθetɪk part of speech: adjective savorless in spanish: soso, pronunciation: səvɔrləs part of speech: adjective unseasoned in spanish: sin sazonar, pronunciation: ənsizənd part of speech: adjective flavourless in spanish: soso, pronunciation: fləvɜrləs part of speech: adjective inaesthetic in spanish: inestesico, pronunciation: ɪnəsθetɪk part of speech: adjective unflavoured in spanish: sin sabor, pronunciation: ənfləvaʊɜrd part of speech: adjective unflavored in spanish: sin sabor, pronunciation: ənfleɪvɜrd part of speech: adjective nonflavoured in spanish: sin sabor, pronunciation: nɑnfləvaʊrd part of speech: adjective nonflavored in spanish: sin sabor, pronunciation: nɑnfleɪvɜrd part of speech: adjective in poor taste in spanish: de mal gusto, pronunciation: ɪnpʊrteɪst
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