Insustancial in english


pronunciation: ɪnsəbstæntʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

insustancial = anaemic [anemic, -USA] ; insubstantial. 

Example: Teachers and librarians cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the literature a child is brought up with at home, no matter how anemic and worthless it may seem to be.Example: The spectre that has been raised of reference librarians as the handloom weavers of the library revolution by the turn of the century is as insubstantial as the prediction fifty years ago that the coming of radio meant the death sentence for gramophone records.

Insustancial synonyms

ethereal in spanish: etéreo, pronunciation: ɪθɪriəl part of speech: adjective aerial in spanish: aéreo, pronunciation: eriəl part of speech: adjective, noun jejune in spanish: árido, pronunciation: dʒeɪdʒun part of speech: adjective airy in spanish: aireado, pronunciation: eri part of speech: adjective unreal in spanish: irreal, pronunciation: ənril part of speech: adjective aery in spanish: aguilera, pronunciation: eri part of speech: noun shadowy in spanish: vago, pronunciation: ʃædoʊi part of speech: adjective unwholesome in spanish: insalubre, pronunciation: ənwɑlsəm part of speech: adjective aeriform in spanish: gaseoso, pronunciation: erəfɔrm part of speech: adjective unsubstantial in spanish: insubstancial, pronunciation: ənsəbstænʃəl part of speech: adjective wraithlike in spanish: Wraithlike, pronunciation: reɪθlaɪk part of speech: adjective
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