Instrumental in english


pronunciation: ɪnstrəmentəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

instrumental = contributory ; instrumental. 

Example: It directly or indirectly incorporated or paralleled several prevailing objectives and concepts of the communication and behavioral sciences and other contributory disciplines.Example: There are five types of 'gratification', instrumental, prestige, reinforcement, aesthetic and respite, to be derived from the reading of literature.


» grupo instrumentalensembleinstrumental group .

Example: A piano/violin, etc. conductor part is the part of an ensemble work for a particular instrument with cues for the other instruments.

Example: Wind ensembles and symphonic bands are two instrumental groups that play similar literature but have different numbers of instruments.

» música instrumentalinstrumental music .

Example: This article describes the collection of published and manuscript, choral and instrumental music held at Lichfield Cathedral, UK.

» obra para grupo instrumentalensemble work .

Example: A short score is a sketch made by a composer for an ensemble work, with the main features of the composition set out on a few staves.

» partichela instrumentalinstrumental part [Texto musical de una partitura para cada uno de los instrumentos] .

Example: A score is a series of staves on which all the different instrumental and/or vocal parts of a musical work are written.

» tecnología instrumentalenabling technology [Tecnología que contribuye a hacer algo posible o que facilita una labor] .

Example: The author discusses human resources, and technical issues that arose throughout its implementation, and the enabling technologies used.

Instrumental synonyms

helpful in spanish: servicial, pronunciation: helpfəl part of speech: adjective implemental in spanish: implementación, pronunciation: ɪmpləmenəl part of speech: adjective instrumental case in spanish: caso instrumental, pronunciation: ɪnstrəmentəlkeɪs
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