Institución in english


pronunciation: ɪnstɪtuʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

institución = agency ; body ; corporation ; establishment ; facility ; institution ; organisation [organization, -USA] ; organisational setting ; organisation [organization, -USA] ; work organisation ; foundation. 

Example: It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client = It is often not clear which agency can best provide for the needs of a client.Example: Special rules are includes for specific types of corporate bodies, such as exhibitions, conferences, subordinate and related bodies, governments bodies and officials, and radio and television stations.Example: The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.Example: Since BC adheres closely to the educational and scientific consensus, BC found most favour with libraries in educational establishments.Example: As he recovers, he overhears a well-intentioned social worker murmuring soothingly about a juvenile facility, and contrives an escape.Example: The distinction between 'societies' and 'institutions' lies at the heart of the code.Example: The author of a document is the person or organisation responsible for its creation.Example: Many students, after working with cases, have testified to the help they received in developing a clearer concept of the dynamics of human relationships in organizational settings.Example: This article discusses the history of the organisation of readers' camps for students of secondary schools in Slovakia which dates back to 1979.Example: Quality of Work Life (QWL) can be defined as 'the degree to which members of a work organisation are able to satisfy important personal needs through their experiences in the organisation'.Example: Often such things need to be funded through foundations or local businesses.


» avanzar profesionalmente dentro de la instituciónrise through/up + the ranks .

Example: It marks the first time the position has been held by someone who has risen through the ranks of both agencies.

» biblioteca de institución de enseñanza superiortertiary library .

Example: This article aims to examine the effects which free access to tertiary libraries close to home has on the library use patterns of external students.

» confinados en instituciones, losinstitutionalised, the [Expresión normalmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The public library began to extend services to the previously unserved: minorities, the disabled, the aged, the illiterate, the institutionalized, and the economically deprived.

» cooperación entre institucionesinteragency cooperation .

Example: Interagency cooperation has a powerful potential for increasing organizational effectiveness.

» de toda la institucióninstitution-widesystemwide .

Example: The characteristics of a powerful institution-wide network, designed to overcome existing problems with a decentralised environment, are described.

Example: Due to a state budget shortfall, the University will not be able to offer systemwide salary increases to employees.

» en contra de las institucionesanti-establishment .

Example: There was also a swell of private endeavour, particularly from people who thought of themselves as anti-establishment, counter-culture groups.

» en toda la instituciónsystemwide .

Example: Due to a state budget shortfall, the University will not be able to offer systemwide salary increases to employees.

» entre institucionesinteragency [inter-agency] .

Example: They commissioned this study on an interagency agreement to help them decide whether microfiche dissemination would have the desired effect.

» entre varias institucionesinter-institutionally [interinstitutionally] .

Example: The EUROVOC thesaurus is being developed inter-institutionally.

» estructura de la instituciónorganisational structure .

Example: As the organisational structures of libraries have become more complex, library administrators have sought various ways to coordinate more effectively and integrate functions and responsiblities.

» funcionaria de instituciones penitenciariasprison matron .

Example: Abandoned by all, she turned to the warm embrace of her pyromaniac cellmate as they plotted to escape from a power hungry prison matron.

» instalado en la propia instituciónsite-mounted .

Example: Local on-line is provided by CD-ROM and site-mounted data base tapes.

» institución académicaeducational institutioneducational establishmentacademic institution .

Example: Within educational institutions, this will largely be determined by the subjects taught.

Example: Only the major educational establishments can be sufficiently well equipped with computing technology within the next five year plan.

Example: Power struggles are surfacing at major academic institutions across the USA.

» institución a la que pertenecehost institution .

Example: The vast majority of depository libraries are grossly understaffed and receive inadequate resources from their host institutions to carry out their responsibilities.

» institución a la que se pertenecehome institution .

Example: These resources are too often on individual computers or on computers at a scholar's home institution.

» institución anfitrionahost institution .

Example: The vast majority of depository libraries are grossly understaffed and receive inadequate resources from their host institutions to carry out their responsibilities.

» institución benéficacharitycharitable organisationcharitable institution .

Example: Denmark has no history of charities or voluntary bodies, so such groups are seen by the authorities as being subversive.

Example: This charitable organization was established nearly 50 years ago to provide cultural exchange opportunities for young people all over the world.

Example: The author explains the reconstruction of charitable institutions (including hospitals, cemeteries, almshouses, orphanages and schools) in California after the 1783 earthquake.

» institución bibliotecarialibrary organisation [Organismo(s) bibliotecario] .

Example: Metaphorically, library organisations may be viewed as living organisms that respond with varying degrees of success to their environment.

» Institución Británica para la Normalización (BSI)British Standard Institution (BSI) .

Example: Until 1982, when the British Standards Institution (BSI) published its ROOT thesaurus, there was no standard, general-purpose thesaurus.

» institución civilcivic organisation .

Example: It is time for all librarians to change their attitudes and become involved, to seek funds and mobilise civic organisations and businesses in cooperative efforts.

» institución comercialcommercial organisation .

Example: A library is not usually an independent commercial organization; it normally depends on a parent body for financial support.

» institución compuesta de miembrosmembership organisation .

Example: OCLC, as a membership organization, has, since its inception, sought advice from its members, or had advice thrust upon it.

» institución consolidadaestablished institution .

Example: Societal changes shaking all established institutions to their foundations also threaten to engulf the public library.

» institución consumadaestablished institution .

Example: Societal changes shaking all established institutions to their foundations also threaten to engulf the public library.

» institución culturalcultural institutionheritage institutioncultural organisation .

Example: He said they try to arrange special visits to cultural institutions and attend concerts, and that the kids have an opportunity to speak with people connected with the event afterwards.

Example: California is rich with heritage institutions; it has 1,300 museums, 5,000 libraries and archives, 125 historical societies, and over 500 state parks facilities.

Example: She became very involved in many cultural and charitable organizations over the course of her life.

» institución dedicada a la conservación del patrimoniomemory institution .

Example: Archives, libraries and museums are memory institutions: they contribute directly and indirectly to prosperity through support for learning, commerce, tourism, and personal fulfilment.

» institución de educación públicapublic education institution .

Example: Economists have estimated the regional impacts and social returns realized through the provision of public education institutions.

» institución de enseñanza públicapublic education institution .

Example: Economists have estimated the regional impacts and social returns realized through the provision of public education institutions.

» institución de enseñanza superiortertiary institutioninstitution of higher education .

Example: The present increasse in numbers of overseas students in Australian tertiarian institutions has implications for libraries.

Example: Not unlike several other institutions of higher education today, private universities find themselves beset with an array of problems, most of which turn on two closely linked axes: student enrollment is declining and costs are rising.

» institución de enseñanza superior no universitariacollege of further educationcollege of higher education .

Example: The single term 'college library' covers a broad spectrum of further and higher education, ranging from those housed in colleges of further education, to those in polytechnics and colleges of higher education.

Example: The single term 'college library' covers a broad spectrum of further and higher education, ranging from those housed in colleges of further education, to those in polytechnics and colleges of higher education.

» institución de interés históricoheritage institution .

Example: California is rich with heritage institutions; it has 1,300 museums, 5,000 libraries and archives, 125 historical societies, and over 500 state parks facilities.

» institución de interés histórico y culturalcultural heritage institution .

Example: The Project's goal is to increase access to the special collections and unique resources of the cultural heritage institutions through digitisation.

» institución de investigaciónresearch institution .

Example: This article suggests ways in which these techniques can help librarians in synagogues, schools, community centres and research institutions.

» institución de la que dependeparent institution [Organismo superior al que una institución pertenece] .

Example: The interplay of forces outside their individual control -- government, local authority, trade union, parent institution -- plays havoc with planning exercises.

» institución del conocimientoinstitution of learning .

Example: A culture of violence and hatred seems to have percolated through the corridors of the institutions of learning particularly schools.

» institución del gobiernogovernment establishment .

Example: Reports may be regarded as accounts from government establishments, scientific institutions, and industrial laboratories about work performed and results achieved, rendered to their clients and sponsors.

» institución del matrimonioinstitution of marriage .

Example: It is argued that newspaper reporting of bigamy constructs bigamists as being a threat to the institution of marriage.

» institución del patrimonio histórico y culturalcultural heritage institution .

Example: The Project's goal is to increase access to the special collections and unique resources of the cultural heritage institutions through digitisation.

» institución del saberinstitution of learning .

Example: A culture of violence and hatred seems to have percolated through the corridors of the institutions of learning particularly schools.

» institución donde se estudiaschool affiliation .

Example: If a study must be conducted of the use made of the reference room, hourly head counts, shelving statistics, and inquiries as to the users' school or industrial affiliation may be employed.

» institución educativateaching agencyinstitution of learning .

Example: Clearly this must become part of the education of librarians, and that puts the onus on the teaching agencies and the syllabus makers.

Example: A culture of violence and hatred seems to have percolated through the corridors of the institutions of learning particularly schools.

» instituciones legales, laslegal establishment, the .

Example: The legal establishment is all in a flutter because it is slowly starting to realise that social media is creating a space within which it is powerless.

» institución gubernamentalgovernment body .

Example: The rules for government bodies, both local and central, also pose problems.

» institución miembromember centremember institution .

Example: The policy of FIAC is determined by an annual conference and carried out during the year by its National Co-ordinating Group, which consists of regional representatives, network delegates, and individual co-options from member centres.

Example: Some member institutions from the USA, Europe and Australia will continue cooperative research.

» institución miembro de una asociaciónpartner institution .

Example: The project will develop and implement prototype hybrid libraries in each of the 3 major partner institutions.

» institución normativaregulatory organisation .

Example: Information scientists, those who develop professional regulatory organizations, should promote debate on such topics.

» institución organizadoraorganising body .

Example: It is central to this policy that there is only one organising body which will have responsibility for the logistical and financial aspects of the meeting.

» institución para el estudio y la conservación del patrimonio culturalheritage organisation .

Example: The report is intended as a navigation tool for boards and directors of heritage organisations and research centres.

» institución privadaprivate institution .

Example: Though these suggestions, taken separately or together, cannot guarantee that we will successfully ford the current crisis, they may help us avoid some of the rocks and shoals on which other private institutions have foundered.

» institución profesionalprofessional institution .

Example: When the institution of education rubs up against the professional institution, there are bound to be some tensions.

» institución públicapublic institutionpublic organisation .

Example: One obligation resting upon every public institution in a democracy is that of standing ready at all times to render an account of itself to the people.

Example: 158 public organisations with very diverse computer machinery formed a combine to develop an application which would make the database available on the organisations' different computer systems. = 158 instituciones públicas con equipos informáticos muy diversos crearon un grupo para desarrollar una aplicación que hiciera que la base de datos estuviese disponible en sus diferentes sistemas informáticos.

» institución reconocidaaccredit school [Institución cuyos estudios han sido examinados y reconocidos como válidos por un organismo profesional] .

Example: While there are some exceptions, the entry position usually requires five years of education beyond the secondary school with the fifth year culminating in graduation from an accredit school.

» institución relacionada con la informacióninformation organisationinformation institution .

Example: This will lead to the integration of the different categories of information organizations which have been created to manage different formats and media.

Example: The author describes briefly some of the information institutions involved in gathering and disseminating agricultural information in Romania.

» institución religiosareligious body .

Example: Certain categories of heading are not included; these include persons, family names, corporate bodies, structures such as castles, ships, religious bodies, mythological characters, etc.

» institución responsablegoverning agencyhost institution .

Example: The authors suggest that there should be a bonding between and among governing agencies and local schools.

Example: The vast majority of depository libraries are grossly understaffed and receive inadequate resources from their host institutions to carry out their responsibilities.

» institución socialsocial agency .

Example: Interpretation and re-interpretation take place not in isolation, but in the context of overlapping social agencies.

» institución voluntariavolunteer agency .

Example: The data base is aimed at the needs of volunteer agencies and community workers.

» por todas las instituciones oficialesgovernment-wide .

Example: It may be reasonable to commission a government-wide effort to define best practices for Web publishing = Puede que sea razonable solicitar que se haga un esfuerzo por todo el gobierno para definir las pautas a seguir para la publicación en la web.

» promovido por la instituciónorganisation-led  .

Example: Medical professionals are convinced that the provision of information for doctors should be 'organization- and culture-led, rather than information-led'.

» revista editada por la propia instituciónhouse journal .

Example: This article looks at the publishing of house journals, or company-sponsored periodicals, from one particular point of view; the production of house journals by a publisher for a number of different companies.

» ser (toda) una instituciónbe a(n) (real) institution .

Example: He was radio DJ for several decades -- he's a real institution in England, everybody, and I mean everybody, knows his name.

Institución synonyms

foundation in spanish: Fundación, pronunciation: faʊndeɪʃən part of speech: noun establishment in spanish: establecimiento, pronunciation: ɪstæblɪʃmənt part of speech: noun creation in spanish: creación, pronunciation: krieɪʃən part of speech: noun initiation in spanish: iniciación, pronunciation: ɪnɪʃieɪʃən part of speech: noun origination in spanish: origen, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒəneɪʃən part of speech: noun instauration in spanish: instauración, pronunciation: ɪnstɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun founding in spanish: establecimiento, pronunciation: faʊndɪŋ part of speech: noun
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