Instinto in english


pronunciation: ɪnstɪŋkt part of speech: noun
In gestures

instinto = instinct ; nose ; hunch ; gut feeling ; gut instinct ; feelings in + Posesivo + bones. 

Example: A librarian who is well-acquainted with the library's clientely will have a sharp instinct for preserving needed materials.Example: It was not idealism but plain fear, plus a peasant's nose for security, which led to Vladimir's decision to blow the gaff.Example: Choice of manual or automated solution to a search problem depends mainly on the questions' complexity, but also on the librarian's hunch.Example: There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.Example: There is some fascinating research that has confirmed that 'hunches,' 'gut instincts,' 'gut feelings' are real and should be paid attention to.Example: But the people's justice is hasty, mean-spirited and based on vague feelings in the bones and we need the cold hand of the law to save us from ourselves.


» confiar en el instintofly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pants .

Example: One of the persistent arguments about Mr. Gorbachev is whether he ever had a clear strategic vision, or was flying by the seat of his pants.

» confiar en + Posesivo + instintostrust + Posesivo + (own) instincts .

Example: Perhaps Giovanni should have trusted his instincts when he laid eyes on Rappaccini as the scientist tended to his perverse garden.

» dejarse guiar por el instintofly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pantsfollow + Posesivo + nosefollow + Posesivo + instincts .

Example: One of the persistent arguments about Mr. Gorbachev is whether he ever had a clear strategic vision, or was flying by the seat of his pants.

Example: Cruising the streets of Strasbourg on foot we followed our noses and found ourselves bumping into awesome buildings left, right and centre.

Example: But the struggle to leave conventionality behind and to follow her instincts was not an easy one for Edna.

» dejarse llevar por el instintofly by + the seat of + Posesivo + pantsfollow + Posesivo + instinctsfollow + Posesivo + nosefollow + Posesivo + (own) inclination(s)follow + Posesivo + (own) inclination(s) .

Example: One of the persistent arguments about Mr. Gorbachev is whether he ever had a clear strategic vision, or was flying by the seat of his pants.

Example: But the struggle to leave conventionality behind and to follow her instincts was not an easy one for Edna.

Example: Cruising the streets of Strasbourg on foot we followed our noses and found ourselves bumping into awesome buildings left, right and centre.

Example: She had a strong will, independent views, some contempt for the world, and followed her own inclinations without servitude to the opinion of others.

Example: She had a strong will, independent views, some contempt for the world, and followed her own inclinations without servitude to the opinion of others.

» desarrollar el instinto paradevelop + a nose for .

Example: Of course, once children get used to using the library, they develop a nose for sorting out what appeals to them.

» desarrollar instintos suicidasbecome + suicidal .

Example: Young adults taking high-dose antidepressants have double the risk of becoming suicidal.

» desatar + Posesivo + instintos animalesunleash + Posesivo + wild side .

Example: If you want me to unleash my wild side, you'll have to push all of the right buttons.

» despertar los instintos más bajosappeal to + Posesivo + baser instincts .

Example: Something is prurient if it focuses attention on sex not in an artistic way or to teach something, but purely to appeal to your baser instincts.

» fiarse de + Posesivo + instintostrust + Posesivo + (own) instincts .

Example: Perhaps Giovanni should have trusted his instincts when he laid eyes on Rappaccini as the scientist tended to his perverse garden.

» guiarse por el instintofollow + Posesivo + nosefollow + Posesivo + instinctsfollow + Posesivo + (own) inclination(s) .

Example: Cruising the streets of Strasbourg on foot we followed our noses and found ourselves bumping into awesome buildings left, right and centre.

Example: But the struggle to leave conventionality behind and to follow her instincts was not an easy one for Edna.

Example: She had a strong will, independent views, some contempt for the world, and followed her own inclinations without servitude to the opinion of others.

» incitar los instintos más bajosappeal to + Posesivo + baser instincts .

Example: Something is prurient if it focuses attention on sex not in an artistic way or to teach something, but purely to appeal to your baser instincts.

» instinto agresivokiller instinct .

Example: In libraries individuals who develop new programmes or services might possess the 3 entrepreneurial qualities: vision; self-motivation; and killer instinct.

» instinto animalanimal instinct .

Example: The Orient in the novel represents the realm of untouched nature, a realm ruled by animal instinct.

» instinto asesinokiller instinct .

Example: In libraries individuals who develop new programmes or services might possess the 3 entrepreneurial qualities: vision; self-motivation; and killer instinct.

» instinto de conservacióninstinct of self-preservationsurvival information .

Example: Her instinct of self-preservation was so strongly developed that he could without difficulty select the tone, the gesture, and the look that he felt would best serve his purpose.

Example: The white, middle-class-oriented public library still very much neglects the survival information needs of the disadvantaged.

» instinto de supervivenciainstinct of self-preservationsurvival instinct .

Example: Her instinct of self-preservation was so strongly developed that he could without difficulty select the tone, the gesture, and the look that he felt would best serve his purpose.

Example: They should be encouraged to be aware that any fears they may have are based on very real survival instincts and that they should be guided by those instincts.

» instinto maternalmaternal instinct .

Example: Refugee women frequently are successful advocates due to such traits as intuition, courage, perseverance, and maternal instinct.

» instinto predadorkiller instinct .

Example: In libraries individuals who develop new programmes or services might possess the 3 entrepreneurial qualities: vision; self-motivation; and killer instinct.

» instinto protectorprotective instinct .

Example: For many people, extra-large dogs seem to be the only choice with their generally calm nature and usually protective instincts.

» instinto sexualsexual urge .

Example: This is the first herbal all-natural anaphrodisiac that assists individuals to temporarily suppress distracting sexual urges.

» instintos más bajosbaser instincts .

Example: It was essentially just a grisly and sensational murder story that pandered, in a deviously respectable way, to the reader's baser instincts.

» por instintoinstinctivelyby instinct .

Example: The author discusses the virtual reality techniques developed to allow a human being to control a simulator instantly and instinctively, using body movements.

Example: Most everything that they do is done by force of habit rather than by instinct (as animals do) or by conscious decision or by whim.

» seguir + Posesivo + instintofollow + Posesivo + instinctsfollow + Posesivo + nosefollow + Posesivo + (own) inclination(s) .

Example: But the struggle to leave conventionality behind and to follow her instincts was not an easy one for Edna.

Example: Cruising the streets of Strasbourg on foot we followed our noses and found ourselves bumping into awesome buildings left, right and centre.

Example: She had a strong will, independent views, some contempt for the world, and followed her own inclinations without servitude to the opinion of others.

Instinto synonyms

imbued in spanish: imbuido, pronunciation: ɪmbjud part of speech: verb inherent aptitude in spanish: aptitud inherente, pronunciation: ɪnhɪrəntæptətud part of speech: noun
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